Trump Got More Donations Than Biden After Conviction

A whopping $50 million donation from a single nepo baby put him over the top.

Trump’s New York Trial Nearing End

Closing arguments start today and a verdict and possible sentencing could come this week.

Trump’s Mounting Legal Bills

He owes over half a billion so far. That creates significant conflicts of interest.

Sandra Day O’Connor, 1930-2023

The first woman to serve on the Supreme Court is gone at 93.

Kyrsten Sinema Mixes Pleasure and Business

Running for office or just running?

The Theory of the Case Against Trump

Legal analysts are skeptical.

Trump Indicted (Updated)

And so it begins?

George Santos’ Questionable Campaign Accounting

Could it be that he was untruthful?

Speaking of Trump and Russia…

You know, Russia, Russia, Russia.

Democrats Funding MAGA Primary Candidates

Hardball politics or dirty pool?

Watergate at 50

Half a century have passed since a botched burglary changed history.

Banning ‘Insurrectionists’ Redux

Lawyers in North Carolina are trying to get a Congressman off the ballot.

Cruz Challenges Campaign Finance Law

Is a contribution after an election different from one during an election?

SCOTUS Strikes Down Disclosure Law

Another 6-3 decision along ideological lines.

Negotiating the For the People Act?

Kinda, sorta, maybe, but probably not really.

Contractor Illegally Funneled $150K to Susan Collins’ Re-election Fund

An over-eager supporter or something more sinister?

Republican Split with Big Business Greatly Exaggerated

Look at who’s lined up against H.R. 1.

Joe Manchin’s Weird Filibuster Defense

It doesn’t work like the movies, Senator.

Hypocrisy, Thy Name is McConnell

Another entry in the “stunning, but not surprising” category of political observations.

HR1: Good, but Not Enough

And what GOP opposition says about the party.

The Lincoln Project Grift

Its founders are laughing all the way to the bank.


The Trump Presidency has been a long con.

The Corruption of Justice

The AG is Trump’s lawyer, not ours.

Bloomberg’s Campaign Costing Taxpayers?

A law professor makes a bad argument in favor of a pet policy.

Money Could Decide Super Tuesday

Competing in fourteen states plus overseas territories in one day is expensive.

Why Democrats Have to Play By Different Rules

The Republicans are playing a different game.

No, Citizens United Didn’t Ruin Our Democracy

Money has increasingly dominated American politics but the court case had little to do with it.

An Offer to Trade Yovanovitch for Dirt

More on Rudy’s actions in Ukraine

Elizabeth Warren Isn’t Talking As Much About ‘Medicare For All’

“Medicare For All” is the centerpiece of Elizabeth Warren’s campaign for President, but she’s not talking about it as much as she used to.

Judiciary Committee Hints It Could Move To Impeach Trump Again On Additional Grounds

In a new court filing, House Democrats hint they might move to impeach the President again if the evidence warrants such action.

House Judiciary Committee To Unveil Articles Of Impeachment

After a hearing that largely recapped the past month of hearings on Capitol Hill, the House Judiciary Committee is set to unveil Articles of Impeachment today.

Duncan Hunter Jr. To Resign Early Next Year

California Congressman Duncan Hunter Jr. will remain in office for the rest of 2019 notwithstanding his guilty plea.

Republicans Afraid To Speak Out Against Trump Are As Bad The Trump Cultists

Those Republicans who recognize how bad President Trump is for he nation but are afraid to speak out against him are as bad as the true believers of Cult45.

House Judiciary Committee Opens Impeachment Hearings

The impeachment inquiry moves to the House judiciary Committee this morning.

Duncan Hunter To Plead Guilty To Embezzlement

Later today, California Congressman Duncan Hunter, Jr. will plead guilty to charges of embezzling up to $250,000 from his campaign’s bank account.

Montana Governor Steve Bullock Drops Out Of Presidential Race

And another one gone, another one gone, another one bites the dust.

Giuliani Sought Contracts With Ukrainian Government

The vultures keep circling above the head of “America’s Mayor.”

Congress Begins Public Impeachment Hearings

In a few short hours, the House Intelligence Committee begins the public phase of its impeachment inquiry.

Lawyer Argues Trump Could Kill A Guy And Be Immune From Investigation Or Prosection

What started out as a joke on the campaign trail has turned into a serious legal argument being made to a Federal Judge by an attorney for the President.

The Problem with Trump: The Ukraine Call

The third part of a long, but connected, set of thoughts.

Rudy Giuliani Under Criminal Investigation

Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani is under criminal investigation by the same office he once headed as U.S. Attorney.

Two Giuliani Associates Arrested While Heading Out Of The Country

Two associates of President Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani were arrested on their way out of the country, and the question is what connection Giuliani may have to the reasons behind their arrest.

Trump Loses Lawsuit To Block Subpoena For His Tax Returns

A Federal Judge rejected the President’s effort to block a New York City prosecutor from obtaining copies of his tax returns.

House Democrats Eye Narrowly Focused Impeachment Of Trump

House Democrats are reportedly looking at an impeachment process narrowly focused on the President’s efforts to obtain a quid pro quo from the President of Ukraine.

White House Transcript Confirms Trump Asked Ukraine President To Investigate Biden

The White House has released a summary of the July 25th phone call between President Trump and the President of Ukraine. It doesn’t help President Trump or his defenders.

Congress To Investigate Payoffs To Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels

House Democrats are set to investigate the payoffs made to Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels in advance of the 2016 election.

Americans Find Trump’s Rhetoric Racist, But He Doesn’t Care

Even a Fox News poll finds that the American public finds the President’s recent rhetoric to be racist. There’s a different picture when you look at his supporters, though.

Democrats Way Behind in Fundraising Again

The DNC has $9.3 million to the RNC’s $44 million.

House Blocks Impeachment Resolution Directed At President Trump

House Democrats rejected an effort by a member of the progressive wing of the party to force an impeachment inquiry against the President.