NYC Increases Subway Security After Threat

CNN Breaking News:

New York Police Commissioner says information received indicated subway system may be target of a terror attack “in coming days.”

NYC Increases Subway Security After Threat (AP)

Authorities stepped up mass transit security Thursday after receiving a credible threat that the city’s subway system could be the target of a terrorist attack in coming days. Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said at a news conference the threat is the most specific they had received to date.

A law enforcement official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the threat is “specific to place, time and method” and involves a bombing.

“We have done and will continue to do everything we can to protect this city,” Bloomberg said. “We will spare no resource, we will spare no expense. We have increased our police presence on our subways.”

One hopes this is just a false alarm.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. If it doesn’t happen, is it a false alarm or a thwarted attack? It’s nearly impossible for us to know.

  2. anjin-san says:

    Funny how every time Bush is in political hot water we suddenly get an elevated terror threat…

  3. LJD says:

    So sure this is a conspiracy? Why not fly out to NYC and ride trains all day for a week or so. Maybe we’ll get lucky

  4. ICallMasICM says:

    Funny how the one note DU losers roll out the same comment no matter what happens. Also funny how NYC admin announced the threat before Feds. But none of that makes any difference to the oh so predictable detractors.