Facebook ‘Like’ Issues?

Some of you have presumably noticed the addition of social media buttons, notably the Facebook “Like” button and a Twitter “retweet” button, to the posts some time back.

Over the last couple of days, however, I’ve started having trouble with the “Like” button on random posts. On most posts, it works as it’s supposed to: The number in the box goes up and a checkmark appears indicating that I’ve already “liked” the post. On some posts, however, such as “The Genius of Mitch McConnell,” it’s auto-unliking immediately after the click, with the counter staying at zero (displayed with Like still there rather than a number).

Is this happening for any of you? Any clues as to why?

UPDATE: Oliver Willis, via Twitter, notes that he’s had similar issues. Which would seem to rule out an issue with OTB’s site layout, ads, or the like.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. James,

    I’ve noticed the same thing arising on random posts as well. At first I thought maybe it was somehow related to the Firefox 5.0 upgrade but I was able to replicate the problem in Chome and IE so that’s not it.

    As for why, I’m not sure what to suggest. It may be a problem on FB’s end in accepting “Likes” occasionally for some reason.

  2. michael reynolds says:

    Facebook hates Mitch McConnell.

  3. Balqis De Cesare says:

    just some issue they have when is a bad day
    Another annoying thing is not to be able to post links in comments sometimes
    They disappear in few seconds same as the like problem, but for that the solution is to press the space bar