Glenn Beck Against Google Use?

Beck is now concerned about Google.

Via NBC Bay Area:  Glenn Beck Urges Google Boycott

Conservative punditGlenn Beck said he will no longer use Google or its products because of perceived ties to government agencies and its involvement in the uprising inEgypt, he said on his Fox television program Wednesday.

“I’m really not sure that I want my search engine involved in government overthrows, good or bad,”Beck said on his Fox show. “There is a strange thing going on with this search engine and our government. And we all have to choose who we do business with.”

Shockingly, Beck believes that “hardcord leftists” are involved, including that great bugaboo, (and, of course, George Soros).

Video at the link.

Every time I think that Beck has gone as far as he might in terms of his conspiracy theories he proves me wrong.

This presentation is typical Beck:  vague and ominous with just enough bits of information tossed in to sound like maybe he knows what he is talking about.

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Steven L. Taylor
About Steven L. Taylor
Steven L. Taylor is a Professor of Political Science and a College of Arts and Sciences Dean. His main areas of expertise include parties, elections, and the institutional design of democracies. His most recent book is the co-authored A Different Democracy: American Government in a 31-Country Perspective. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Texas and his BA from the University of California, Irvine. He has been blogging since 2003 (originally at the now defunct Poliblog). Follow Steven on Twitter


  1. Ben Wolf says:

    I guess he’s decided the best way to respond to the collapse of his ratings is to double down. The man is a one-trick pony. This conclusively demonstrates he has nothing else in the quiver.

  2. James Joyner says:

    There’s just something not quite right about that boy.

  3. Alex Knapp says:

    There’s a much simpler explanation. Rupert Murdoch is an outspoken opponent of Google. Rupert Murdoch signs Glenn Beck’s checks.

  4. tom p says:

    “There’s just something not quite right about that boy.”

    I don’t know… You check his bank account? I’ll bet that’s “all right.”

  5. anjin-san says:

    > There’s just something not quite right about that boy.

    Yea. And he is an intellectual torch bearer of your party.

    Actually, I doubt that there is anything wrong with Beck. He is simply a very successful snake oil salesman.

  6. matt b says:

    I look forward to his giving up on cell phones, broadcast and print media, and langauge in general as each has been entangled in various nefarious overthrow plots.

    I’m pretty sure gold has financed some revolutions as well.

  7. I look forward to his giving up on cell phones, broadcast and print media, and langauge in general as each has been entangled in various nefarious overthrow plots.


  8. I agree Matt. Apparently I am going to live out the rest of my days as a hermit and only worry about the conspiracies the rats are plotting against me in my cave.

  9. michael reynolds says:

    Rupert Murdoch and Glen Beck vs. Obama and Google.

    The partisan split made simple: Old and Crazy vs. Young and Smart.

  10. Matt B says:

    @Talmadge East — Actually, that doesn’t work either. After the last post, God spoke to me. It’s so clear…

    The crypto-issue, which I hope Beck will lead us in overcoming (in order to prevent the possibility of Marxists/Islamofacists/FEMA/Acorn/Zombie Herbert Hoover domination is):

    Cellular division

    Don’t you see it – DIVISION! That’s a move against real unity and the profound power of the individual cell. Plus it causes apoptosis – DEGENERACY – in the genetic sequencing – CORRUPTING those core values encoded in the FOUNDING FATHERS’s DNA.

    That’s why they wanted to sequence the genome (which I’m sure Soros & Google & the Muslim Botherhood’s front organization aka “Tides” — Tides? Red tide?! (But what controls the tides? The Moon… and the half moon is a symbol of Islam! PROOF! …but I digress) …

    Soros, Google and the Tides Foundation wanted to sequence the genome so, when the FEMA guy come to our door masquerading as a Census taker and hands us that government pen/contact micro hypodemic needle (please don’t click the govmnt bick, brothers and sisters), you’ll be infected with nano-Google-Spider-Bots (the secret Google Bomb) that will rewrite your American DNA to SLNA – Sharia Law Nucleic Acid’s – transforming you into a godless calaphite!

    Good Americans, our only chance to fight this is to stop cell division now before it divides our country and the world!

    We must return to our core blastulal (fetal) state! But remember to go back to the womb armed as R.v.Wade and it’s mandate of federally subsidized mandatory abortions was clearly a plan to kill off the true Beckian’s when they attempt this born-again-return to the sublime unity.

    Ok… stopping free association now…. Can I have my talkshow/book deal now?

  11. MarkedMan says:

    I think Beck has jumped the shark and we are only fooled by his momentum. Oh, he’ll have a hard core that never gives up on him (think what’s-his-name from the John Birch Society, or Father Coughlin) and he might have a few more upticks, but I think he is mostly played out. I used to think he was mostly an act and would change his behavior when his ratings dropped, but that doesn’t look to be happening.

  12. Have A Nice G.A. says:

    ***This presentation is typical Beck: vague and ominous with just enough bits of information tossed in to sound like maybe he knows what he is talking about.
    ***lol…….you must be a regular viewer like me.

    To tell you the truth I wish he would partner with Wallbuilders and some more of the real history historians and start his or their own history channel. I think it would have much more of a positive effect then him trying to cram all the crap that the usual suspects try to get away with and propagandize, in an hour long show.

    I think he is half crazy, but then how would not be after studying the the working plans of liberals every day.

    What he put into his show is also easier to understand when you have a clue about it allready.

    I watched the show. The message I got was that some of the connections to Google by the usual suspects made him uneasy for the fact of it’s feelers touching everything and everyone.

    It was also a way to get his massive research army to dig into it.

    With deepest regards and in admition that these are merely my opinions G.A. Friends to everyone Phillips:)

    P.S.Harry You think Obama is smarter the Beck, lol…..

  13. KevinM says:

    Beck is the bastard love child of Rush Limbaugh and Phil Hendrie. He used to be the drive-time shock-jock here in Houston, but obviously he has found a more lucrative calling. I’m waiting for him to start talking about the floridation of the water supply…

  14. sam says:

    “To tell you the truth I wish he would partner with Wallbuilders and some more of the real history historians and start his or their own history channel. ”

    MadTV is already a going concern.

  15. Brummagem Joe says:

    “There’s just something not quite right about that boy.”

    He’s one of yours Jim!!!

    Have A Nice G.A. says:
    Thursday, February 17, 2011 at 17:13
    “I think he is half crazy, but then how would not be after studying the the working plans of liberals every day.”

    Ah…that’s the explanation…liberals have driven Beck crazy…is this the explanation in your case…or is it genetic?

  16. Have A Nice G.A. says:

    ***Ah…that’s the explanation…liberals have driven Beck crazy…is this the explanation in your case…or is it genetic?***

    lol, nope and nope, I used to be one…..A liberal, and it still has me all messed up….

  17. anjin-san says:

    Apparently Google, Osama Bin Laden & Vladimir Lenin are all in cahoots to take over Wisconsin…

  18. SteveCan says:

    Well this post sure brought out a cast of whackjobs … Wow!