Israel Completes Evacuation of Settlements

Israel completed its evacuation of the settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, despite massive protests.

Israel Completes Evacuation of Settlers (AP)

Israel on Tuesday completed the evacuation of Jewish settlers from 25 settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, wrapping up Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s historic plan to “disengage” from the Palestinians.

The evacuation was completed in just a week, ending with the removal of settlers from two West Bank strongholds, Sanur and Homesh, said an army spokeswoman, Capt. Yael Hartman.

The ball is definitely in the Palestinians’ court at this point.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. reliapundit says:

    It will be a matter of days before the jihadoterrorists attempt a big attack in Israel.

    The disengagment did nothing about them – and neither has Abbas.

    The disengagement does increase the efficiency of the IDF.

    Therefore, I expect to see the IDF respond to the next attack with more force than has previously been used.

    The ONLY viable “next-step” is for Abbas to disarm the jihadoterrorists

    If he doesn’t, then Israel will remain – for all intents and puroses – at war, only now it will be war against a people they no longer have to legally “take care of” as during the “occupation.”

    Whuichb is another reason I think the respnse to tne next attack will be very VERY severe.

    That, and the fact that Sharon wants to make it very clear that he withdrw UNILATAREALLY and VOLUNTARILY, and nit becasue of the terrorism.

    I will NOT be surprised if after the retaliation, the left-wing MSM and the leftist UN and Old Europe condemn Israel for their severe retaliation — as if it was the retaliation and not the initial attack which was at the heart of the problem.

    The anti-Semitic chorus will merely change, a little: instead of GAZAGAZAGAZA; it will be THEWALLTHEWALLTHEWALL, and JERUSLAEMJERUSALEMJERUSALEM.

    Some things will never change.

  2. McGehee says:

    It will be a matter of days before the jihadoterrorists attempt a big attack in Israel.


    Therefore, I expect to see the IDF respond to the next attack with more force than has previously been used.

    I wouldn’t bet against that prediction.

  3. DC Loser says:

    Oh, how about this:

    I predicted Sharon is only abandoning those settlements he knows the IDF cannot defend, but will continue to expand the building of settlements in the West Bank. Has everyone forgotten about the wall they are building around Palestinian towns. The Israeli plan is to turn the West Bank into a series of isolated Bantustans.

  4. Sunni Sam says:

    Sharon has betrayed the Israeli people. God gave Palestine to the Jews and this dingbat is taking it away. This is a sad day for humanity when Jews can not live in their rightful land. Bush is a total coward for not stepping up to Sharon and failing to insure God’s will.

  5. The blame game is rather useless at this point. Ball in Palestinian’s court? Sure as heck is. Krauthammer had a great idea on how the Israelis should handle this as regards further terrorist attacks, about which I wrote last night.

    If the Palestinians can’t come to the negotiation table like adults, if they can’t reign in Hamas and others, then they should be treated as children and punished. That’s their choice.