Jackson Won’t Share Bed With Kids Again

Something good has come of the Michael Jackson trial, at least: A promise from Jackson’s attorney that his famous client will no longer sleep with young boys.

Jackson Won’t Share Bed With Kids Again (AP)

Basking in the jurors’ decision to acquit his client of all counts, Michael Jackson’s lawyer said Tuesday the singer will no longer share his bed with young boys. “He’s not going to do that anymore,” attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr. told NBC’s “Today.” “He’s not going to make himself vulnerable to this anymore.”

Jackson was found not guilty Monday of child molestation, conspiracy and other counts. Jurors said the accusations of a young boy and his family were not credible — a total legal victory that triggered jubilation among the pop star’s fans and embarrassment for the district attorney’s office. But Mesereau said the singer was still recovering from the ordeal. “He’s going to take it one day at a time. It’s been a terrible, terrible process for him,” Mesereau said Tuesday.

A raucous welcome greeted Jackson as he returned to his Neverland Ranch on Monday afternoon. As a convoy of black SUVs carrying him and his entourage pulled through the gates, his sister La Toya rolled down a window, smiled widely and waved. The crowd responded with a euphoric cheer. “All of us here and millions around the world love and support you,” proclaimed a banner strung across a fence by the compound in Los Olivos that Jackson said he created to provide himself with the childhood he never enjoyed. “It’s victory,” said Tracee Raynaud, 39. “God is alive and well.”

Apparently, this is the same God worshipped by a visible minority of Roman Catholic priests.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Alex Knapp says:

    I find it interesting that everybody just assumes Jackson’s guilt. I saw the juror’s press conference, and every account I read of the trial indicates to me that they took their job very seriously. This wasn’t the O.J. trial–it’s not like they ignored physical evidence or anything like that. I started following the trial pretty convinced of Jackson’s guilt and when it was over had very serious doubts that he was guilty.

  2. James Joyner says:

    Alex: I didn’t follow the trial particularly closely after the first few days but am not sure that I’d have voted to convict. The witnesses were certainly sketchy.

    That said, there’s little doubt in my mind that he’s a weirdo who likes to fondle little boys. Even if his proclivities don’t rise to the level of criminality, I’d just assume have them discontinued.

  3. I’m just waiting for Lindsay Lohan to shoot a paparazzi and get away with it.

  4. herb says:

    The MJ jury has now joined a long list of judges across the country that let the child molestors loose to harm our kids.

    After watching the jury press conf, I could not believe that they totally ignored every prosicution witness and let this creep go.

    Oh well, what would one expect from a california jury that is proud of its child molestors.

  5. TJ says:

    … and how many murderers promise to never kill again?

    PS – yes, I know – he was found ‘not guilty’ so you don’t need to remind me :).

  6. Rodney Dill says:

    Which is a very different promise from promising he won’t molest any more.

  7. Jim Durbin says:

    Juror on this morning on Fox and Friends said the evidence said Jackson was not guily of these charges, but the ’94 case had some very convincing proof.

    Basically, he said Jackson was a child molester, but he didn’t molest the child he was accused of molesting.

    Not quite the same as being pronounced innocent.