Jeri Ryan and the Rise of Barack Obama

Jeri Ryan Photo Helped Obama Christian Schneider of the The Wisconsin Policy Research Institute has an amusing post, entitled “The Woman Who Changed the World,” about the role actress Jeri Ryan played in launching Barack Obama’s national political career.

Certainly, Obama deserves all the credit for the way he has excited Democratic crowds around the country – leading to his rout of Hillary Clinton in Iowa. And he may have beaten Jack Ryan on his own. But it’s fascinating to think that the salacious testimony of a woman scorned could one day fundamentally alter the path of the world in which we live. Without it, Barack Obama could still be sitting in the Illinois statehouse, planning his next political move.

You might call her the original Obama Girl.

via Memeorandum

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Paul says:

    It might be interesting if it were true, but Obama was going to win that race anyway.

  2. mw says:

    “It might be interesting if it were true, but Obama was going to win that race anyway…” paul

    My God man! JJ takes advantage of a perfectly good excuse to put a large photo of “7of9” on the front page of his blog, and you are going to quibble???

    This is brilliant. Now that this link is established, I think every post on Barack Obama should link to Christian’s post and feature a photo of Jeri Ryan. It’ll make this election year quite a bit more pleasant.

  3. floyd says:

    Paul is right all political outcomes in Illinois are forgone conclusions!

  4. sam says:

    I know where Seven is concerned, my resistance would be nonexistent, forget futile.

  5. Tlaloc says:

    My God man! JJ takes advantage of a perfectly good excuse to put a large photo of “7of9” on the front page of his blog…

    You know I thought the same thing, and then I thought “hummmana hummana hummana…”

    Thought processes went downhill from there. She’s seriously gorgeous. Although I think i slightly prefer Portia De Rossi when it comes to tall blondes. In the general category of beautiful women, Grace Park (boomer from BSG) is like a stungun to my brain.

  6. Jeffrey W. Baker says:

    The whole Ryan saga is so pathetic. If you already have Jeri Ryan in the sack, why do you have to screw that up by being an over-the-top pervert? Isn’t banging Jeri Ryan just about all you can ask for? Sometimes it seems like every Republican politician has some kind of deviant sex life lurking behind them.