Karl Zinsmeister Named Domestic Policy Adviser

Conservative journalist Karl Zinsmeister has been named White House Domestic Policy Advisor.

In the latest White House personnel changes, the editor of a conservative magazine will replace Claude Allen, the domestic policy adviser who left in February amid a shoplifting investigation. The White House announced the appointment Wednesday of Karl Zinsmeister, who has been editor-in-chief of The American Enterprise magazine for 12 years. “Karl has broad policy experience and a keen insight into many of the issues that face America’s families and entrepreneurs, including race, poverty, welfare, and education,” President Bush said in a statement. “He is an innovative thinker and an accomplished executive. He will lead my domestic policy team with energy and a fresh perspective.” (AP)

I think Bush is just trying to irritate Kevin Drum.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor and Department Head of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Ugh says:

    will replace Claude Allen, the domestic policy adviser who left in February amid a shoplifting investigation

    Sorry, just had to repeat that.

  2. anjin-san says:

    Deck chairs on the Titanic…

  3. Ugh says:

    Deck chairs on the Hindenberg.

  4. Christopher says:

    Gee guys, did Allen have 90 grand in his freezer? Did he have his cock in an interns mouth?

  5. anjin-san says:

    Christopher just because Clinton has done things with women that you have only dreamed about… Oh well I guess I can see why you are bitter.

    Did Clinton start a war over phantom WMD, kill 2400 plus American service men & women and countless innocent Iraqis and waste hundreds of billions of dollars in the process?