Limbaugh Issues ‘Operation Chaos’ Pause

For a variety of reasons, I haven’t heard more than a few snippets of Rush Limbaugh’s show in years. I haven’t figured out yet whether his “Operation Chaos,” where he’s urging the Dittoheads to register as Democrats and vote for Hillary Clinton, is a serious bit of agitprop or camp. Regardless, he’s weighed the latest developments in the Obama-Wright debacle and issued a new set of marching orders: An operational pause.

My gut reaction, after the audio sound bites, was to issue new orders, because I saw, you know, AP/Ipsos poll has Hillary up over McCain by nine points, 50-41. My gut reaction here, after hearing Obama, was to issue orders changing directives, i.e., vote Obama in remaining primaries. But I’m holding back. That’s why I’m calling an operational pause. Because I want to see what the Drive-Bys are going to do and I want to see how the superdelegates are affected by this. You can’t vote in North Carolina and Indiana ’til Tuesday anyway, so there’s really no pause. It’s not as though the election is tomorrow. I just wanted you to know your commanding officers are eagerly, diligently, and effectively planning the next strategy here, based on this speech and the reaction to it.

Aside from moral qualms about interfering in another party’s primary, I’ve believed from the beginning that these sort of things are foolish precisely because there’s no way to know months ahead of time how these things will play out. I continue to believe that Obama will be the more dangerous opponent in the Fall because Clinton is such an unpleasant personality and starts with near-fatal negative ratings. But who knows, really? It’s better to just let these things play out and worry about getting your own team ready to play.

In the shorter term, though, Jim Geraghty‘s quip that, “Oddly, potential support from Rush’s listeners may be the best news Obama has gotten in the past 72 hours,” is likely right.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Bithead says:

    Frankly, I’m loving this stuff.

    There is a reason that the foulmouthed, weak minded crowd over at Err America doesn’t try this, they couldn’t alter the course of an election if they tried. Trust me, they’d have tried if they thought they could do it. Matter of fact, they tried, the Democrats did,a nd were the first to do it. How many Democrats and those even farther left, did we see champining a write-in campaign for McCain, to keep the more conservative candidates out of the race? Limbaugh was simply a bigger success at their won game, which is part of the beauty of this thing.

    Bottom line is, they simply don’t have the listenership. Well, perhaps that’s not fair. Limbaugh after all isn’t altering the course of an election, he’s altering the course of a primary, which is a substantially different item.

    It’s interesting, though, that so many that were waving the flag over open primaries, are now suddenly mute on the subject. I will guarantee you that as a result of operation Chaos, there will be a great number of calls over the next four years for closing those primaries in the various states, and much in the way of legislation moving in that direction. Laws, and ideas, are only valid in the eyes of the Democrat, when they help the Democrat party, apparently.

  2. duckspeaker says:

    It’s sort of odd/ironic that you could take “Limbaugh” out of your headline and replace it with “Al-Sadr,” and have the headline still make sense, albeit in a different context.

  3. “Getting your own team ready to play,” in your analogy, becomes problematic when your “quarterback” — Citizen McCain — spends so much time in the other team’s huddle.

  4. Michael says:

    It’s better to just let these things play out and worry about getting your own team ready to play.

    Or, to put it another way, it’s better if your opponent wins fairly, than if yours wins unfairly.

    I would have preferred a Gore presidency to the Bush one, but I never claimed that Gore should be president because, based on the rules of the game, he lost.

  5. Michael says:

    How many Democrats and those even farther left, did we see champining a write-in campaign for McCain, to keep the more conservative candidates out of the race?

    I only remember some of them wanting to do that for Romney, not McCain, and as I recall it failed miserably because Democratic voters overwhelmingly rejected the idea.

  6. Steve Plunk says:

    It’s just not good form to meddle in this way. If it’s win at all costs then maybe it’s not worth winning. I would rather conservatives retain their honor and lose than win in such a manner.

  7. DC Loser says:

    Frankly I think this is all about nothing. Rush is back in form from his old days (I used to listen regularly many years ago), playing up the pompous blowhard for his audience. Read the language he uses carefully, all that talk about being the commanding officer issuing orders to the troops schtick. Rush is an entertainer, nothing more or less.

  8. Bithead says:

    I would have preferred a Gore presidency to the Bush one, but I never claimed that Gore should be president because, based on the rules of the game, he lost

    Too bad those of your frame of mind dind’t constitute the majority of the Democrat party. Still don’t, if I read the DU correctly.

  9. William d'Inger says:

    It seems to me the fault lies with the Democratic Party rules. I think Rush is doing them a favor to point out their weaknesses. Besides, if you take it seriously, I’d like to discuss my new adjustable rate morgage package I have designed just for you.

  10. Max Edison says:

    The idea of anybody voting at the behest of radio funnyman Rush Limbaugh is a joke, and I suspect he’s in on it. Dirty Tricks is a time-honored Republican tactic, practiced by Richard Nixon, but this sounds like Rush is on the goofballs again, and in a near-constant state of ooby-gooby.

  11. Jimmy Z says:

    This piece reads like a piece written at the beginning of Operation Chaos. It is clear that the author isn’t aware of the massive impact of OC. Rush’s plan, to cause more havoc in the democrats’ process, is working famously.

    No one would strategize at all if we needed a crystal ball to know how it would play out. OC is doing exactly what it was designed to do. I’m delight to be a part.

  12. Michael says:

    OC is doing exactly what it was designed to do. I’m delight to be a part.

    So it’s true then, ignorance really is bliss.