Lindsey Lohan Crashes Car Avoiding Paparazzi

Teen actress Lindsay Lohan received minor injuries in her second car crash trying to avoid paparazzi photographers in recent months.

Lohan Taken to Hospital After Car Crash (AP)

Lindsay Lohan and two other people were taken to a hospital Tuesday after the actress’ black Mercedes-Benz convertible collided with a van in West Hollywood, authorities said. Witnesses said Lohan was trying to avoid paparazzi photographers when the crash occurred. Lohan and a female passenger in her car suffered minor injuries, said Los Angeles County sheriff’s Sgt. Diane Hecht. The driver of the van, which was knocked into a parked vehicle, suffered moderate injuries, Hecht said. The identities of Lohan’s passenger and the male driver of the van were not immediately released.

The accident, was witnessed by a number of people, including a reporter for the syndicated television show “The Insider.” “Insider” reporter Victoria Recano told The Associated Press she saw Lohan and a passenger run into an antique store immediately after the collision. Javier Ramirez, who works at the store, said he recognized Lohan. “She was very upset,” Ramirez told the AP. “She kept saying, ‘Oh my God, oh my God, I can’t believe it.'” Ramirez said Lohan and her passenger left after a few minutes and although both were shaken up, neither appeared badly hurt.

Television news footage showed a badly damaged black Mercedes outside the store with both its driver- and passenger-side air bags inflated. The sheriff’s department said the driver of the van appeared to be turning in front of Lohan’s car when the vehicles collided. There was no evidence alcohol was involved in the crash, Hecht said in a news release.

Witnesses said dozens of paparazzi photographers had been following Lohan through the area before the crash. At one point, according to Lori Satzberg, 43, several photographers tried to take pictures of Lohan as she shopped at a clothing store. The photographers then followed her outside to her car. “She got into her black Mercedes across the street and they literally were like sitting on her car, trying to take pictures of her, she was like yelling at them to get off,” Satzberg said.

Driving around like a maniac to avoid them, though, is like very stupid.

Anyone over 25 will immediately think of Diana Spencer in situations like this. Of course, Lohan has probably never heard of Princess Di or, indeed, England.

Related: Lindsay Lohan Uninjured in Car Crash

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Ugh says:

    Of course, Lohan has probably never heard of Princess Di or, indeed, England.


  2. Anderson says:

    Damn. What does it take for her to get an injunction against these people?

    Probably a dead Lohan is what it’ll take. Then we’ll get “Lindsey’s Law” or somesuch.

    If it wouldn’t be legal for these people to hound her without cameras in hand, then they shouldn’t be allowed to do so, cameras or not.

  3. LJD says:

    Right Anderson, blame everyone except the one who caused the crash- brilliant!

    While I don’t give any credit at all to these leeches, she has other options…

    For one, a limo driver, with tinted windows… She can’t possibly expect to just go out shopping in her own car, like an everyday citizen… the price of fame.

    Let’s remember we’re also talking about an 18-year old behind the wheel here.

  4. Anderson says:

    LJD, the linked story didn’t assign fault for the accident. Maybe you have a copy of the police report you’d like to share with us?

    There were about 30 photographers outside covering the store; the poor girl just was shopping and they were just like hounding her,” said Lori Satzberg, 43.

    “She got into her black Mercedes across the street and they literally were like sitting on her car, trying to take pictures of her, she was like yelling at them to get off,” said Satzberg, who was shopping with her 13-year-old daughter.

    Tell me exactly how people who behave like these guys aren’t at least contributing to any accident that results.

    As for the tinted limo, doesn’t that just shout louder “hey! pix!”?

    And we are indeed talking about an 18-year-old, which makes the matter all the more sad. If she were my daughter, I’d be worried sick.

  5. LJD says:

    “Lindsey Lohan Crashes Car Avoiding Paparazzi”

    “Lindsay Lohan received minor injuries in her second car crash trying to avoid paparazzi photographers in recent months”

    “Witnesses said Lohan was trying to avoid paparazzi photographers when the crash occurred”

    ’nuff said?

    I’m surprised you didn’t think it was President Bush’s fault.

  6. Borlos says:

    Anyone over 25 will immediately think of Diana Spencer in situations like this. Of course, Lohan has probably never heard of Princess Di or, indeed, England.

    This is a false analogy to make here. Everyone knows that Prince Charles had Di killed and the whole thing was major set-up so he could hook up with that homewrecker Camila Barnes (or whatever her name is).

  7. Anderson says:

    ‘nuff said?

    Goodness, no. But then, I am a lawyer.

    I’m surprised you didn’t think it was President Bush’s fault.

    Hey, we haven’t ruled him out yet! Where was he at the time of the accident?

    (If only Bush’s time were spent panting after Lindsey Lohan … the world, and the Supreme Court, would be a safer place.)

  8. Sneem says:

    Let’s see. Lindsey Lohan crashes a car. Lindsey Lohan does anything. Could I care less? The hours spent discussing anything Lindsey Lohan does are subtracted from your time spent on earth.

  9. Anderson says:

    Lindsay Lohan crashes her car outside my house. Lindsay Lohan struggles to my door, dazed and confused. Lindsay Lohan asks if she could take a nice, hot shower to refresh herself …

    —Right, right, a total waste of time. Alas.

  10. Anderson says:

    … Lindsey Lohan says, “Oh, Anderson, any way you spell my name is okay by me” …

  11. LJD says:

    More proof: ANderson lives in fantasy land…

  12. Anderson says:

    Guilty as charged, LJD.

  13. Shanzeh says:

    I never really got to see how lindsey looks in the hospital is there any web that show picitures of her in the hospital? PLEASE tell me if are!