Manly Thoughts

If you haven’t been reading MANzine lately, here’s what you’ve missed:


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  • Fixing College Football (James Joyner) –   Most of the first weekend’s college football games are a joke that make a mockery of sportsmanship and competition.
  • Manliness in the Modern Age (Alex Knapp) – I’ve never understood why so many of my male peers have so much trouble with what it means to be a man.
  • NFL Preview 2009 (Jon Stonger) – After months in the football-less darkness of spring and summer, the NFL season is finally upon us.
  • 2009 Big XII Preview (Jon Stonger) – I don’t know what’s going to happen in the Big XII this year. That doesn’t stop me from writing about it.
  • Men, Women & Porn: A Love Story (Rick Moran) – The fastest growing segment of porn consumers are females — single, married, involved — and the younger the woman, the more likely they are to have their own porn collection stashed away at home.
  • iLove My iPhone (Steven Taylor) – A little phonevolution: from the standard cell to true iPhone love.


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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Most of your suggestions for improving college football are ridiculously unworkable. In particular, you seem to be forgetting that it’s COLLEGE football, not minor league professional football.

    Say that Ohio State gets “promoted” to the SEC. Wow, what an oppurtunity, they get to try and do their studies while flying to friggin florida every weekend to play in a conference they’re not anywhere near.

    You also forget that most of the conferences exist in multiple sports and in some cases include academic requirements for elligiblity. The Big Ten isn’t just going to start excepting random basketweaving schools because the NCAA says so.

  2. If you really want to get rid of the cupcake games, there’s one change that you didn’t even mention that should be made: require teams to play six home games and six away games. There real reason schools play those easy games is that they want the extra revenue you get from a seventh or eighth home games, which means they need to find schools willing to agree to 2-1 or all away series. Which isn’t going to be major schools.

    And as for Notre Dame, they really should be in the Big Ten, given both their proximity and how often they play Big Ten teams.

  3. anjin-san says:

    If we torture enough people, will it somehow make a man out of bithead?