Corzine vs. Forrester for N.J. Governor

Millionaire Republican businessman Doug Forrester will face off against millionaire Democratic businessman Jon Corzine for governor of New Jersey, after both won their party primaries last night. The millionaire is heavily favored.

It’s Corzine vs. Forrester for N.J. gov (New York Daily News-AP)

Millionaire businessman Doug Forrester won New Jersey’s Republican gubernatorial primary last night over former Jersey City Mayor Bret Schundler. Forrester will now face another millionaire, Democratic Sen. Jon Corzine, in the state’s first race for governor since Jim McGreevey resigned in a gay-sex scandal.


Forrester and Schundler entered the primary off recent losses in statewide elections. Schundler was beaten by McGreevey by 14 percentage points in the 2001 governor’s race. Forrester spent $7 million of his own money in 2002 trying to win a Senate seat, but Frank Lautenberg came out of retirement and beat him by 10 points.

Corzine’s name recognition and wealth – he spent a record $63 million of his own fortune to get elected to the Senate in 2000 – will make the former Goldman Sachs chairman the favorite in November in this Democratic-leaning state.

I don’t follow New Jersey politics particularly closely but Corzine will be difficult to beat. Forrester would have easily won the Senate seat in 2002 against the scandal-ridden Robert Torricelli but a judge inexplicably allowed Lautenberg to step in at the last minute in violation of state election law despite absentee balloting already being underway.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.