Non-Partisan Browser

Mickey Kaus:

Josh Marshall charges I “misquote and misunderstand” him. But he doesn’t say how I misquote him. That’s because I don’t misquote him. I cut and pasted his paragraph without changes! Internet Explorer, as James Baker might say, is neither Democratic nor Republican. …

And another reason to stick with IE: Good enough for Kausfiles, good enough for OTB.

Although I do wonder about this:

He shouldn’t go around saying people “misquote” him when they’ve simply hit Control-C, Control-V.

What’s wrong with the little copy and paste icons? Or right clicking? Keystrokes are so DOS 3.0.

Of course, what do I know–I also insist on permalinks for blog entries.

Hat tip: Glenn Reynolds

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. melvin toast says:

    You’re so wintel! Unix and mac people use keystrokes all the
    time. It’s for people who can remember what they had for
    breakfast rather than automatons who need pictures to remind
    them how to do something.

    It’s faster too…

  2. Zygote says:

    Ah the irony.
    I’m a Mac user now, but back in the dark ages, when I too toiled in the shadow of the dark fortress that is Microsoft Windows, I used the same remark to criticize Mac users.
    I was convinced if I couldn’t drop to a command line and edit my config.sys, autoexec.bat then it was a wuss OS. Mac was all about pointing and clicking.
    Somehow I equated better with stupid people.
    Like Joyner’s take on Firefox, I understand his frustration with having to give up anything to switch programs. I happen to like Fox over IE but I don’t use the same things he does.
    The problem with most open source software, the operating systems included, is that too often they force people to choose to give up something for the promise of something being ostensibly better. More often than not, that’s a promise that remains unfulfilled.

  3. Teri Lester says:

    Keystrokes are more efficient than mousing – you move your fingers very slightly instead of moving your whole hand over to the mouse and back to the keyboard.

    Now, if you have to use the mouse to select, and then you use the right-click menu to copy and paste, that’s not too bad. But selecting, then moving the mouse over to cute little icons – slow, slow, slow !

  4. Leo says:

    I was using cut and paste keystrokes about 4 months ago… the comment of the person I was showing how to do it… “Gee, you’re old!”


    It’s still faster.