Obama Starving Congress

Taegan Goddard passes on word that,

Members of Congress from both parties are grumbling about the “tiny little portions” of food served at White House functions. While some speculate the lack of food could be due to money constraints, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) was overheard saying it might be about President Obama’s love of exercise and keeping fit.

Or perhaps it has to do with Obama’s new assistant White House chef, Sam Kass, and his insistence on sustainable local food which serves to promote “a healthy lifestyle that focuses on the quality and flavor of food to encourage good eating habits.”

Or maybe Obama eats several small meals during the day rather than three big meals.

Or maybe he just doesn’t like Congress all that much.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Bithead says:

    Wagu beef is sustainable and local?

  2. Giving new meaning to “starve the beast”!

  3. JKB says:

    No wonder the Obama and staff are exhausted. You have to have a hearty meal to face the problems of a nation, especially one in need of TLC.

    Reporters/bloggers should start staking out the convenience stores around the Whitehouse to see who stops by on the way home from the Whitehouse functions.

  4. Billy says:

    Or maybe he just doesn’t like Congress all that much.


  5. Eneils Bailey says:

    Oh, for heaven’s sake.
    I don’t agree with him on anything. But let the big dog eat. I don’t care what he eats and what kind of gastric distress he suffers, I am only concerned with his policies and ideas.
    I don’t care if he wakes up every morning, strolls down to the Oval Office, bends over and farts and blows every window onto th White House lawn.

    I am more concerned about his ideology, which has caused numerous Americans a great deal of gastric distress.

  6. Alternate Headline:

    Congress Demands More Cheese with Its Whine

  7. Drew says:

    A fabulous cartoon during the Carter years: “And now, let me introduce Secy Califano, to explain his views on sex, and how it will affect you…”

  8. odograph says:

    Don’t you feed congress at a trough?

  9. Eneils Bailey says:

    A fabulous cartoon during the Carter years: “And now, let me introduce Secy Califano, to explain his views on sex, and how it will affect you…”

    Yeah, and it was prophetic, I got screwed, straight up the ass…for taxes and public humiliation.

  10. davod says:

    “I am more concerned about his ideology, which has caused numerous Americans a great deal of gastric distress.”

    Giving Congress a prelude of what the man in the street will be able to afford when Change truly kicks in.

  11. Starve a scold, feed a Riever.