Rapture is Bunk

The Rapture has no biblical foundation and was made up by a 15-year-old girl in 1830.

Donald Sensing, a retired Army officer and United Methodist minister since 1997, points out that the problem with all these predictions of the end of the world based on reading biblical tea leaves has, in addition to the obvious analytical issues, a more fundamental problem:

The “Rapture,” popularized in the bestselling “Left Behind” series, is a belief that when Christ returns the dead will rise from their graves to meet the Lord “in the air,” literally “among the clouds,” to be followed by the redeemed living who will sail into the sky, too.

This is, frankly, bunkum, since the Bible does not teach that nor is there apostolic witness to it. In fact, it was utterly, completely, 100-percent absent from all Christian teaching until 1830, when Margaret MacDonald, a Scottish lass of 15, made it up.

He points us to a longer essay on the topic by Romanian Orthodoxy priest Peter-Michael Preble.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. John Burgess says:

    Don’t be so quick to diss Rapture. With all those bodies hovering in the air, they may represent our last, best chance to avert global warming!

  2. Ben Wolf says:

    Doesn’t matter James. Millions will continue to believe because everyone wants super powers. Everyone wants to believe they are unquestionably superior, and flying into the stratosphere to meet Jeebus will prove their deranged self-love was right on, bitches.

  3. Michael Reynolds says:

    It would have had a very depressing effect on real estate in places like Orange County and none in San Francisco.

  4. Hey Norm says:

    It’s funny to see folks dismissing some superstitions while clinging to others like a life-saving ring tossed from the Titanic.
    And what does this de-bunking mean for the quitter from Wasilla, whose entire political philosophy is based on end-of-times and the rapture?

  5. Jay says:

    The Rapture Doctrine Is Getting Caught Up , in it’s own falsehoods once again.

    Through the ages false prophets in the spirit of antiChrist continually come up with these fatally whacked out timelines for they are deceivers and being deceived. Understanding will always fail using man’s reasoning and timeline MO namely ; Babylonian, Gregorian and Mayan calendering systems et al.

    Scripture is perfect and Yahuweh has revealed His presently eternal heavenly means of reckoning to us and no man can tamper with it. Through Uriel to Enoch, Michael and Daniel is revealed the knowledge of the flawless lunar/solar system of creation . Enoch’s testament and explanation in particular has been meticulously scrubbed and removed from the State sanctioned 501 (c)3 system and their official canon of writings as it is an indictment against them , the satanic counterfeits called Judeo-Christianity ( the concept in itself is an oxymoron * ) a.k.a. Talmudic Judaism which is Mystery Babylon.

    Christ said they are of their father the devil. When they speak a lie it is because it originates with their father the devil who was a murderer and lier from the beginning .

    This is something they obviously do not want the elect to find out ; that they are not the ‘chosen’ ones, but rather of the evil one . They will do all in their power and might to bury this truth and distort it at any cost .. as ” It is written..” and that “No man can serve two masters..”

    * either we are Christians now saved by faith , washed in the atoning blood of the Lamb or else we’ve rejected His perfect sacrifice and Law ( Torah teaching) and thereby doomed to certain destruction.

  6. Hey Norm says:

    Like I said…

  7. Neil Hudelson says:

    Enoch’s testament and explanation in particular has been meticulously scrubbed and removed from the State sanctioned 501 (c)3 system and their official canon of writings as it is an indictment against them , the satanic counterfeits called Judeo-Christianity ( the concept in itself is an oxymoron * ) a.k.a. Talmudic Judaism which is Mystery Babylon.

    Is now my new tag line at the end of my emails. It makes working in a nonprofit fun.

  8. Neil Hudelson says:

    er…AT a nonprofit.

  9. Eric Florack says:

    The problem, of course with predicing when and where the rapture will occur, is that Christ himself told us “for you shall know neither the day nor the hour. Funny how that keeps getting forgotten

  10. matt says:

    Eric Florack : Sadly a lot of things Christ said seems to be forgotten…

  11. Don says:

    No offense, but neither you nor Mensing have any clue what you’re talking about. I’m not religious in the slightest, I just found your argument fallacious at best.

    “…and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

    1 Thess 4

    There’s quite a bit of popular writing that predates the 1830 mark you quoted: Such as Emmanuel Lacunza in 1812 and Darby in 1827.