Schwarzenegger: Terminate Special Election

Arnold Schwarzenegger got clobbered in Tuesday’s special election but at least he’s still got his sense of humor:

[I]f I would do another Terminator movie, I would have Terminator travel back in time to tell Arnold not to have a special election. … I should have also listened to my wife, who said to me ‘Don’t do this.’ But anyway, the bottom line is we did it, the bottom line is that we didn’t win. See how I’m making this glass half-full? We didn’t win. We lost. The bottom line is that we’ve just got to go and now, look at the reality of this (and) shift gears, because in the end, remember I came up here for one reason, and this is to serve the people of California.”


via Tom Bevan

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. ken says:

    James, you are mistaking hubris for humor.

    Watch Arnold long enough and you will notice that everthing is about him. Instead of giving credit to the people of California who worked hard to defeat his initiatives, instead of giving credit to the nurses, teachers, police, and firemen who stood their ground and refused to be rolled over by Arnold, he tries to spin this as if he is the one serving the people of California.

  2. RA says:

    Arnold didn’t loose the election. The people of California lost it. That giant sucking sound is California jobs heading for red states and rightly so.

    Californians shouldn’t worry though, all those uneducated, unskilled illegal aliens will help stabalize the budget. LOL

  3. Elmo says:

    Hey Ken. Is it possible to know someone that you don’t know? I don’t know Arnold. But he is the first Republican candidate, that I ever voted for (talk about a moment of truth).

    I trust Arnold, I trust his motives. I trust him as a person. I see the same humor James does. Not knocking my fellow Californians who disagreed with the Governor’s iniatives. But superficially, one could suggest that identity politics came into play. And well big interests, big business, and big dollars had their reflections to fawn over as well.