Site News: Rollyo Search

We’ve been making some tweaks to the site and have a couple bigger moves about ready for unveiling once the technical details are taken care of.

Some of you may have noticed that the Blogroll, Major Topics, and monthly Archives have been consolidated on the right sidebar. I’m not quite happy with the look yet but the idea is to help reduce clutter on the sidebar (the ads, while nice for me, make it hard for readers to find stuff) and to speed page loads.

Another tweak: I have just replaced my search bars with a custom version by Dave Pell at Rollyo. In addition to the regular search of the OTB archives–which will work just as they always have–you will be able to search for things on two custom search engines, or “rolls,” that I created, “National Security Policy Analysis” and National Security News and Views,” plus a general Web search via Yahoo.

I was limited to 25 sites for the custom search, which is why two rolls. The first consists of several public policy journals, think tanks, and opinion magazines. The second is a handful of top drawer American newspapers, military news outlets, and international affairs blogs. I’ll likely tweak these as time goes on and/or create additional engines.

The other interesting thing about Rollyo is that it allows people to save others’ rolls for their own use. Those who use Firefox can even add my rolls–or anyone else’s, including your own–to the taskbar.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.