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Podcast Recommendation

“The Rise of ‘Middle-Finger Politics’”

Is 2016 a 50-50 Proposition?

Pundits and political scientists agree that, if the 2016 presidential election were today, we’d have a much better idea who would win.

Undecided Voters Aren’t Stupid and Have Opinions

John Sides argues that, contrary to popular conception, undecided voters are neither morons nor non-partisan.

Economic Crisis: What Could Government Have Done Better?

With the advantage of hindsight, it’s clear that more creative strategies were needed. But they probably couldn’t have been passed.

Timing is Everything

It’s not a given that we’ll have a massive recovery during the next presidential term but it’s a pretty decent bet. And the party in power will get too much credit for it if it happens.

It’s Money That Matters

While political junkies dissect every vote and utterance, most Americans vote based on their gut sense of how the economy is doing.