Al Qaeda Video: Sea of Blood in Denmark, Norway, France

A new al Qaeda video calls for turning Denmark, Norway, and France into a “sea of blood” in retalation for publishing cartoons of Mohammed.

A VIDEO by an al-Qaeda member posted on the Internet overnight calls on Muslims to attack Denmark, Norway and France for publishing cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed. “Muslims avenge your Prophet …. We deeply desire that the small state of Denmark, Norway and France … are struck hard and destroyed,” said Libyan Mohammed Hassan, who escaped from US custody at Bagram airbase in Afghanistan last July. “Destroy their buildings, make their ground shake and transform them into a sea of blood,” said Hassan, dressed in military fatigues and a black turban, and holding an assault rifle.

Hassan, also known as Sheikh Abu Yahia al-Libi, was one of four Arab terror suspects who broke out of the high-security detention facility at Bagram, the main US military base in Afghanistan.

It was unclear when the 35-minute video, produced by al-Sahab, a media organisation close to Al-Qaeda, was recorded.


Lovely. This strikes me as late in the day to capitalize on the anger over the cartoons, which seems to have subsided weeks ago. One hopes this is just perceived as the rantings of a madman.


Danish Muslim Cartoons - Click to enlarge

See these cartoons in full size here.

Related posts below the fold.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Perma says:

    After the use of the 7-7 ‘terrorists by the British, there was alot of Plame fallout in Italy and, especially France. It’s really not fair to single out France again. They only burned the cars, but at least those did what they were going to do.

  2. McGehee says:

    After the use of the 7-7 �terrorists by the British, there was alot of Plame fallout…


  3. Dave Schuler says:

    Yes, McGehee, I’m further disturbed by the implication in that comment that murderous attacks on anybody are motivated by a sense of fairness.

  4. McGehee says:

    Dave, I’m impressed you were able to parse any sense out of that comment.