US Says Israel Likely Committed War Crimes

A Congressionally-mandated report finds “reasonable” evidence but acknowledges limitations.

Anti-Gay Extremism in Nigeria

Where religious zealotry can lead. (So, yes, a digression into American politics).

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A Golden Age for Medicine

Decades of innovation may be coming to fruition.

Corporations and Pride Month

Damned if they do and damned if they don’t. Sometimes both.

QEII and the Empire

How much blame did the 70-year constitutional monarch share?

A Blast from the Past: CDC Funding

Looking back to a story from 2018.

Brexit Could Be The End Of The United Kingdom

Brexit seems like it’s inevitable at this point, and that could set in motion a series of events that would mean the end of the United Kingdom.

ISIS A Big Winner After Trump’s Retreat

ISIS is quickly taking advantage of the abrupt American withdrawal from northern Syria.

Jussie Smollett Charged With Faking “Hate Crime”

Actor Jussie Smollett is charged with staging an attack initially called a “hate crime.”

Kofi Annan, Former U.N. Secretary-General, Dies At 80

Kofi Annan, who served as Secretary-General of the United Nations at the dawn of the “War On Terror,” has died at the age of 80.

Army Refutes AP ‘Army Discharging Immigrant Recruits’ Story

The situation isn’t as awful as portrayed by the AP—but it’s still pretty bad.

Thanks To Vaccination, Polio Could Be Eradicated Worldwide Within A Year

An aggressive worldwide vaccination program has brought us to the point where we may soon be able to declare the eradication of Polio. That is a great thing and another argument against the anti-vaxxers.

Ebola Making A Reappearance In Africa

Ebola is making a reappearance in Central Africa.. Will the world be better prepared this time?

Boko Haram Returns Kidnapped Girls, Warns Against Sending Back to School

The Nigerian terrorist group has released an unknown number of the 110 girls kidnapped from a boarding school last month.

Most of West Africa Now Qualifies for Combat Pay

Service members deployed to Algeria, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Libya, Mali, Niger, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Tunisia, and Uganda qualify.

Has 2016 Really Been An Unusually Bad Year For Celebrity Deaths?

It seems as though 2016 has taken many more celebrities lives than past years.

New Ebola Vaccine Is 100% Effective

Big news in the war against a horrible virus.

Emails Revive Issues Regarding Clinton Foundation And Clinton Led State Department

Allegations of influence peddling by Clinton Foundation donors are being rehashed thanks to the release of a new batch of emails.

Morley Safer, Legendary 60 Minutes Correspondent, Dies At 84

A journalistic legend has passed away just days after his retirement was officially announced.

United States Putting ‘Advisers’ On The Front Lines In Nigeria’s War Against Boko Haram

The U.S. is poised to send troops to the front lines of yet another war we have no reason to be involved in.

War Against ISIS Poised To Expand Into Libya?

Get ready for an expansion of the war against ISIS into Libya, because it’s probably not far away.

Up To 170 Taken Hostage In Hotel In Capital Of Mali

An apparent ongoing terrorist attack in Central Africa.

No, Americans Should Not Feel Guilty For Showing Solidarity With France

In the wake of the attacks in Paris, some people have argued that American solidarity with France, in contrast to seeming disregard for tragedy elsewhere, is something we should feel bad about. That argument is ridiculous.

Obama To Slow Withdrawal Of American Forces From Afghanistan

America’s longest war continues.

An ‘Ambitious’ Yet Pointless State Of The Union, And An Utterly Pointless Response

The State Of The Union Address was more of the same, and the same will be true of Washington going forward.

Russia’s Economic Problems Just Getting More Grim By The Day

For a year that started out with regaining long-lost territory in Ukraine, 2014 is not ending so well for Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

Worldwide Ebola Cases Top 16,000 With 7,000 Dead, But There Is Some Good News

The numbers on the Ebola outbreak are bad, but they aren’t as bad as had been feared.

Oil Prices Have Been Falling For Months, And That’s Likely To Have Wide Repercussions

Quietly, oil prices have been falling for months now. That’s potentially a very big deal.

Good News On The Ebola Front In The U.S., But The Real Battle Is In Africa

America’s “Patient Zero” doesn’t appear to have spread Ebola very far, but continued vigilance is called for. And, we need to focus on the part of the world where there really is an Ebola Crisis.

Forecast For Ebola In West Africa Worsens

Sobering news from the World Health Organization.

Banning Air Travel Is The Wrong Response To The Ebola Outbreak

Closing down international air travel won’t stop Ebola from becoming a bigger public health threat.

CDC Confirms First Ebola Case In The United States

For the first time, someone has been diagnosed with Ebola in the United States.

Scientists: AIDS Could Be Brought Under Control By 2030

Health experts are saying we could basically eliminate AIDS, or at least bring it under control, in fifteen years if we do the right things.

Does The World Really Think Less Of The U.S. Due To Obama’s Foreign Policy?

There’s little evidence for the conservative contention that the President has damaged America’s position in the world.

Obama’s Cloudy Foreign Policy Vision

Once again, President Obama’s attempt to communicate a foreign policy vision falls short.

Nigeria Delaying Search For Missing Schoolgirls

The search for more than 200 missing Nigerian schoolgirls is not going well, and part of the blame lies with the Nigerian government.