Biden’s Catastrophic Debate Performance

A second Trump presidency got much more likely last night.

Assange Pleas Guilty and Will Be Freed

The only let him go so long out of kindness I suppose.

Abbott Pardons Man Who Killed BLM Protestor

A gross miscarriage of justice.

UN Radically Lowers Gaza Casualty Estimate (Or Maybe Not)

The release of a second set of figures has created a lot of hyperbole.

President Joe Biden, Oval Office, 4 April 2024 President Joe Biden, Oval Office, 4 April 2024

Biden Holding Up Israel Arms Shipments

Is Rafah the breaking point?

President Joe Biden talks to reporters as he departs an event with attendees from the U.S. Conference of Mayors Winter Meeting, Friday, January 20, 2023, in the East Room of the White House. President Joe Biden talks to reporters as he departs an event with attendees from the U.S. Conference of Mayors Winter Meeting, Friday, January 20, 2023, in the East Room of the White House.

Stupid Index Tricks

The United States has less press freedom than 54 countries. Or does it?

Biden Has Lowest Approval in History, Should Still Win

A famed political forecaster doesn’t believe the polls.

Argentina Applies for NATO Partnership

The Western sphere widens.

Will Biden’s Israel Policy Matter in November?

Many Democrats are worried about the fallout.

Israel Used AI Machine ‘Lavender’ To Target Hamas

But humans made all the decisions that matter.

Islamic State Attacks Moscow Concert Venue

Putin ignored warnings from US intelligence.

Afghanistan Blame Game

Congressional Republicans are reminding voters of a dark hour in the Biden presidency.

Appeals Court Ruling Threatens 100+ Capitol Rioter Sentences

The “interference with the administration of justice” enhancement was wrongly applied.

US Warned Iran Ahead of ISIL Attack

The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy.

Heads of UN Agencies Call for Israeli Ceasefire

The laws of armed conflict aren’t designed for this war.

Israelis Divided on Ground Offensive

A poll on Israeli support.

Ezra Klein on Israel and Hamas

The best statement on the complexity of the Israel-Hamas conflict that I have heard/read.

President Joe Biden disembarks Air Force One, Tuesday, March 28, 2023, at Raleigh-Durham International Airport in Morrisville, North Carolina. President Joe Biden disembarks Air Force One, Tuesday, March 28, 2023, at Raleigh-Durham International Airport in Morrisville, North Carolina.

President Biden to Visit Israel

A high-stakes move.

Israel, Hamas, and the Laws of War

It’s . . . complicated.

One Foreign Policy Crisis at a Time, Please

Our limited attention spans.

Senate Confirms Army, Marine Chiefs

Congress is doing something, at least.

9/11 at 22

Generations of young Americans weren’t alive or have no real memory of the event.

Public Confidence in Military Lowest in Decades

There has been a steady decline the last five years.

Bowe Bergdahl’s Conviction Overturned

The trial judge had a conflict of interest.

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The All-Volunteer Force at 50

Is America’s military capable of fighting the next war?

Russia’s Short-Lived Insurrection

Well, that de-escalated quickly.

Trump’s Town Hall

CNN gave the former Liar in Chief a huuuge platform.

Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. delivers remarks during a transition ceremony at Joint Base Andrews, Md., Aug. 14, 2020. (U.S. Air Force/Eric Dietrich) Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. delivers remarks during a transition ceremony at Joint Base Andrews, Md., Aug. 14, 2020. (U.S. Air Force/Eric Dietrich)

CQ Brown Next Joint Chiefs Chairman

As widely expected, Air Force Chief of Staff Charles “CQ” Brown will become the nation’s top military officer.

Biden to Reshape Joint Chiefs

He’s likely to make heads explode.

War Criminal Employed by Congressional Republicans

Donald Trump is apparently not the only one with a fetish for war criminals.

Republicans Divided on Foreign Policy

As memory of the Cold War fades, so does support for American primacy.

Pentagon Opposes Helping Prosecute Russian War Crimes

A wrongheaded if longstanding position.

Risk, Reward, and Statecraft

President Biden’s dangerous gambit seems to have succeeded.

Japan’s Shift to Robust Military Ally

A more dangerous world is changing the relationship.

Matt Yglesias’ Return to His Roots

The one-time Juiceboxer is still annoying the mainstream media.

Brits Deporting Migrants to Rwanda

A legal but unsavory solution to a problem.

US Intelligence Fomenting Overseas Protests?

A 34-year CIA officer’s thoughts.

AP Fires Reporter For Reporting

James LaPorta is being scapegoated for poor editorial process.

Ash Carter, 1954-2022

A brilliant national security leader is gone too soon.

Retired Flag Officers Cashing In As Foreign Agents

An unsavory practice that’s mostly legal.

The Depth of US Support to Ukraine

The collaboration has been even more robust than advertised.

Tales from the Campaign Trail

Candidate quality can matter.

The U.S. Role in Ukraine’s Success

It’s much bigger than it appears.

Mikhail Gorbachev, 1931-2022

The last Soviet leader is gone at 91.

American Civil War II is Unlikely but Not Impossible

A repeat of 1860 can’t happen. But something even worse could.

Trump Tipping Point?

As more details emerge about the documents he stole, defenders are falling away.

U.S. Kills Ayman al-Zawahiri, al Qaeda Founder and Leader

A precision drone strike on a balcony in Kabul took out a longtime nemesis.

Biden Continuing Trump Foreign Policy?

Normalcy is not a bad thing.

President Joe Biden delivers remarks at a Medal of Valor ceremony, Monday, May 16, 2022, in the East Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz) President Joe Biden delivers remarks at a Medal of Valor ceremony, Monday, May 16, 2022, in the East Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

The News is Bad for Biden

The nature of American political reporting distorts our perception of reality.

Biden and bin Salman

An embarrassing photo demonstrates the perils of leading the free world.