A Photo for Friday


Tuesday Tabs

Because I really do have too many open.

French Elections Leave  Quel Désordre

The far right won the first round. The far left won the second. It’s a mess.

French Elections

The basics.

Biden Fails to Assuage Performance Fears

The big interview did little to ease doubts that he’s up to another four years.

Is Joe Biden Fit to Serve?

The Replace Biden bandwagon continues rolling. Evidence is mounting that he needs to get on it.

A Comparative Note

Hunter Biden v. DJT Trials Edition.

Macron Calls Snap Election

His party got destroyed in EU elections, so he’s doubling down.

Trump Convicted

Stunning news.

In Honor of Confederate Heritage Month in Mississippi

If only we knew why Mississippi chose to join the Confederacy…

Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War

Ukraine Losing and Growing Demoralized

While the West dithers, Russia is doubling down.

Iran’s Intent and Israel’s Next Move

Two related questions.

Biden Joins the Israel Outrage Bandwagon

The Netanyahu government has few friends.

Biden Delivers ‘Fiery’ Campaign Speech

The state of the union is apparently fiery.

Treating COVID Like the Flu

New CDC guidelines acknowledge the political realities.

The Non-Emergent Democratic Majority?

The realignment of America’s political parties wasn’t quite what was hoped.

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Heavier Vehicles Need Stronger Guardrails

Our infrastructure was not designed for what most Americans drive today.

Tuesday Tabs

The tabs, they are a clearing.

Immigration Roiling Politics Globally

Those seeking to escape the global south are facing resistance from DC to London to Paris.

US Alone In Support For Israel War Effort

World opinion and American opinion diverge significantly.

Geert Wilders ‘Wins’ Dutch Elections

The trend toward hard-right parties continues.

world languages thank you world languages thank you

Stop Trying to Make French Happen

Paris is fighting a losing battle over the prominence of their language.

Israelis Divided on Ground Offensive

A poll on Israeli support.

Friday Tabs

And this doesn’t even clear them all!

Squaring the Circle on the Israel-Gaza War

Outsiders seem to want the impossible.

Israel-Hamas War Update

The killing goes on.

Where Does Europe End?

An idea, not a continent.

Ukraine Taking The War to Russia

The tables have turned.

Far Right Politics Spreading Across the West

The trend shows no sign of abating.

A Different Democracy, Indeed

A trip through comparative democratic reform.

France’s Crackdown on Religious Garb Expands

The abaya is now banned as well.

Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War

Ukraine May Fall Short

Yet more leaked intelligence gives a gloomy forecast.

America’s Forgotten Empire

Our Pacific territories are giving more than they’re getting.

Europe Becoming Poorer?

The Eurozone is falling further behind the United States.

NATO to Bolster Ukraine Aid

Membership is stalled by more support is coming.

Anarchy in France

The rioting never seems to stop.

Bringing Ukraine Into NATO

The Biden Administration is pushing for a half measure.

Trump’s Been Indicted. What Now?

We’re in uncharted waters.

Putin’s Failed Gambit

He’s turned Russia from a G-8 member to an international pariah.

China Calling in its Loans to Poor Countries

Debt-trap diplomacy has finally come home to roost.

Presidential Press Conference Play-Acting

The process is much more stage managed than advertised.

The Retirement Age

France shines new light on an old problem.

Americans Don’t Live as Long as We Should

We’re falling further behind for many reasons.

Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War

NATO Sending Mixed Signals to Ukraine and Russia

Alliance leaders have significantly different priorities regarding the conflict.

Most of the World Doesn’t Care About Ukraine

Many in the Global South see the war very differently than we in the West.

Ukraine: Too Much Is Not Enough

The appetite for more resources approaches infinity.

U. S. Sending Abrams Tanks After All

An object lesson on the challenges of alliance politics.

In Revolutions, The Worst Often Rise To The Top

The Robespierres in the House of Representatives are driving American politics in a predictably horrible direction.

Pelé, 1940-2022

The soccer legend has passed at 82.