BlogAds Survey Results

Henry Copeland has made the data from the survey available online. The self-selected sample responding to what is acknowledged to be a small subset of the blogosphere is decidedly different than a random sample of the U.S. population–which isn’t all that surprising, really.

Some interesting results:

Blog readers are media-mavens: 21% subscribe to the New Yorker magazine, 15% to the Economist, 15% to Newsweek and 14% to the Atlantic Monthly.

They are also far more male — 79%! — than I expected, versus 56% of’s readers.


Likewise, blog readers are united in their apathy about traditional news sources: 82% of blog readers say that television is worthless or only somewhat useful as a source of news and opinion. 55% percent say the same about print newspapers. 54% say the same about print magazines.

Meanwhile, 86% say that blogs are either useful or extremely useful as sources of news or opinion. 80% say they read blogs for news they can’t find elsewhere. 78% read because the perspective is better. 66% value the faster news. 61% say that blogs are more honest. Divided on so much else, blog readers appear united in their dissatisfaction with conventional media and their rabid love of blogs.

What conclusion do I draw from this week’s effort to articulate the demographics of blog readers… as women or men, lawyers or programmers, Californians or Floridians, Republicans or Democrats?

I conclude that blog readers are, themselves, a distinct and important new demographic cohort: blog readers.

Much more at the link, including statistical charts and such.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor and Department Head of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.