Hillary Clinton Cries Tears of Unfathomable Sadness

Hillary Clinton Cries Tears of Unfathomable SadnessHillary Clinton got all choked up describing the travails of her daily struggle to a well-wisher today.

“My question is very personal, how do you do it?” asked Marianne Pernold Young, a freelance photographer from Portsmouth, New Hampshire. She mentioned Clinton’s hair and appearance always looking perfectly coifed. “How do you, how do you keep upbeat and so wonderful?”

Clinton began responding, jokingly. First talking about her hair: “You know, I think, well luckily, on special days I do have help. If you see me every day and if you look on some of the websites and listen to some of the commentators they always find me on the day I didn’t have help. It’s not easy.”

But then, Clinton began getting emotional: “It’s not easy, and I couldn’t do it if I didn’t passionately believe it was the right thing to do. You know, I have so many opportunities from this country just don’t want to see us fall backwards,” she said.

Her voice breaking and tears in her eyes, she said, “You know, this is very personal for me. It’s not just political it’s not just public. I see what’s happening, and we have to reverse it.”

Watch the video HERE.

“Some people think elections are a game, lot’s of who’s up or who’s down, [but] it’s about our country , it’s about our kids’ futures, and it’s really about all of us together,” she said.

“You know, some of us put ourselves out there and do this against some pretty difficult odds, and we do it, each one of us because we care about our country but some of us are right and some of us are wrong, some of us are ready and some of us are not, some of us know what we will do on day one and some of us haven’t thought that through enough,” she said in a veiled reference to her Democratic rival Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill.

Jim Geraghty has the best line on this I’ve seen so far: “Sniff… sniff… Do you smell that? It’s a distinct scent, kind of a Muskie smell, er, I mean, musky…”

It’s a funny line.

My guess, though, is that, if this has any impact at all, it will be to humanize Clinton. Her chief flaw, according to critics, is that she’s too programmed, after all. And her approval ratings skyrocketed during the Monica Lewinsky mess.

Indeed, there’s already anecdotal evidence. Amy Chozick, blogging for WSJ, reports that Pernold, the questioner, was satisfied with the answer.

“She really loves us and wants us to succeed in the world,” she said. “I think she’s real now, there’s a person there.”

Allison Hampton, a retired teacher who was leaning toward voting for Barack Obama, says she’ll now go with Clinton. “When she broke up at the end, that came from the heart,” Hampton said. “She’s genuine and extremely intelligent.”

Jeralyn Merritt wonders, “Will the media now blast her as weak instead of shrill?” Almost certainly not.

Noam Scheiber says he has a newfound respect for Clinton:

Watching the public beating she’s taken over the last several days, I kept thinking I’d have a hard time not bawling in public if I were her. I’m not being snide here–I’m honestly impressed and amazed that she’s managed to stay so poised, but it’s also heartening to know that she’s a human who takes these things personally, because running for president should be very personal.

Heck, Bill Clinton managed to tear up on cue, almost always to his benefit.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Bithead says:

    “Sniff… sniff… Do you smell that? It’s a distinct scent, kind of a Muskie smell, er, I mean, musky…”

    It’s the Aqua Velva.

  2. yetanotherjohn says:

    I think this is more likely to help than hurt her. Yes it is a double standard that would be applied in res Muskie, but it is real.

    Now I suspect that it is also calculated on her part. It is a better version of the “boys are piling on the poor little girl”.

    On the other hand if this turns NH around producing a double digit win for the Hill in NH, I shudder to imagine what the rest of the campaign will look like.

    p.s. I think I am pretty safe that whatever happens, Hillary isn’t going to take NH by double digits.

  3. “She really loves us and wants us to succeed in the world,” she said. “I think she’s real now, there’s a person there.”

    This is how we pick our leaders? Good God.

  4. Grewgills says:

    This is how we pick our leaders? Good God.

    Is it any worse than “I’d rather have a beer with him”?
    I guess what’s good for the gander is also good for the goose.

  5. I watched the video @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfRLEvQsv9A and I’m still doubting whether she faked the tears as part of her ‘warm personality tour’ or whether she was emotional because she is too fatigued. Which makes me think she will not be ready on Day One to be our president in the White House.

  6. F.Igwealor says:

    If her cry was not a fake, then my conclusion would be that she doesn’t have the stomach to be Commander-in-Chief. It’s just ordinary campaign and she couldn’t endure a little down-trend; I wonder what she’ll do if confronted with a crisis or terrorist attack.

    No wonder she doesn’t want to talk to any of our enemies in her first year in office. She needed more time to be seasoned to be commander-in-chief.

    She’ll cry before Chavez, Castro, etc., if confronted with a difficult situation or when they said a mean thing to her like Chavez insulted GWB at the UN.

    Hillary is a wonderful New York Senator and should hurry back to her senatorial job.

    I sympathize with her though, having all these 35 years experience and not having a chance to rule the kingdom for another 8 years, afterall it’s her turn. We owe the White House to Hill for sticking with Bill during the impeachment saga.

    Oh, “I have so many ideas for this country, I just don’t want to see us fall backwards,” she said

    Well, when the American people dogged into Hillary’s bag of ideas, all they found were:
    • Hillary Authorized GWB to invade Iraq;
    • Hillary has also given GWB a pass to invade Iran anytime Dick Cheney wishes;
    • She’s the inevitable candidate;
    • She copied John Edwards Health Care Plan;
    • She doesn’t know how to enforce her version of Edwards plan’s MANDATE to achieve universal coverage;
    • She doesn’t know whether illegal should be given driver’s license or not;
    • She doesn’t have a clue that very soon no money would be left in the Social Security Trust Fund;
    • She doesn’t trust herself capable of confronting our enemies in a negotiation;
    • She ask Bill to give us NAFTA;
    • She champions the cause of the lobbyists telling us that they are well meaning Americans.;
    • And she couldn’t answer a simple question but instead planted questions.

  7. DL says:

    Oh this stuff will just melt the terrorist’s hearts. They could negotiate away our sovereignity and freedom at the wailing wall.

  8. Tlaloc says:

    Apparently if you have a uterus you can’t win for losing in presidential politics. You’ll either be a shrill bitch or a gutless wonder according to far too many.

    We’ve come quite a ways, and yet have so far left to go…

  9. Paul says:

    Apparently if you have a uterus you can’t win for losing in presidential politics. You’ll either be a shrill bitch or a gutless wonder according to far too many.

    I think her destiny is to be the woman who cannot get there herself but who has paved the way for future women to follow. If the first lady in 2009 does what Hillary did in 1993, it will seem normal and people won’t hate her. And that first lady will have a major debt to Hillary Clinton.

  10. tgurl says:

    Oh, the tears were real. But they weren’t because “she cares about us”, they were because she’s losing something she “personally” wants more than anything else in the world, and she’s too tired to hide it. She’s crying tears of frustration and anger, because she thought she had this bagged and then along comes a better man. The tears don’t matter a whit when it comes to performing as president, but they do give us a pretty bald glimpse of what she is: a sore loser. Yes, Hillary Clinton has finally cried: because she’s not winning. Duh! How obvious is this, people?

  11. rodney dill says:

    Apparently if you have a uterus you can’t win for losing in presidential politics. You’ll either be a shrill bitch or a gutless wonder according to far too many.

    That may be true to some extent, but in this case the particular uterus involved is the problem. I wouldn’t vote for Hillary, but I would have had no problem voting for someone like Condi.

    Oh, the tears were real. But they weren’t because “she cares about us”, they were because she’s losing something she “personally” wants more than anything else in the world,

    I agree pretty much with what tgurl states, but I did notice even with the slight break in voice and change in pitch, Hillary hardly slowed down in speaking or making her point. Hardly a major meltdown or sign of being distraught.

  12. NoZe says:

    I knew this moment would come. GHW Bush blubbers like a schoolgirl when speaking about his sons Jeb and W., and he’s a great American. Hillary tears up at a campaign speech and she proves that women are too emotional to be president. Tell me again there’s no double standard?

  13. James Joyner says:

    GHW Bush blubbers like a schoolgirl when speaking about his sons Jeb and W., and he’s a great American. Hillary tears up at a campaign speech and she proves that women are too emotional to be president. Tell me again there’s no double standard?

    That’s a fair enough point, although Bush would have been crucified as a “wimp” had he done it as a presidential candidate. As an 80-something grampa, it’s endearing.

  14. Bill Otten says:

    Tlaloc whimpered: “Apparently if you have a uterus you can’t win for losing in presidential politics. You’ll either be a shrill bitch or a gutless wonder according to far too many.

    We’ve come quite a ways, and yet have so far left to go…”

    Has it finally been determined HRC has a uterus?

  15. Tlaloc says:

    It’s amazing how much the asinine over-reach of Hillary’s detrators has pushed me to defend her, considering I’m really not that fond of her politics, at all.

  16. rodney dill says:

    There’s no double standard apparent here NoZe. Hillary is almost whiny about having a rough time and being behind. Had she teared up about Chelsea being in the Peace Corp or serving in Iraq ( I don’t believe Chelsea’s done either ) or for some other reason to be proud of her daughter, you wouldn’t see people holding it against her. There’s a lot of things that have gone on in this country over the last few decades that would give any standing President or candidate cause to tear that couldn’t be held as sign of weakness. Having a rough time personally isn’t one of them.

    the Hillary worshippers need to get it through their heads, ‘It’s the candidate, stupid.’ The gender doesn’t matter.