Senator Joe Lieberman, 1942-2024

The 2000 Democratic Vice Presidential nominee turned maverick is gone at 82.

Barbara Walters, 1929-2022

The trailblazing television interviewer is gone at 93.

Dems in Midterms: You’re Saying There’s a Chance?

A 2020 blowout has long been presumed. But maybe it won’t happen.

All Lies Are Not Created Equal

President Biden told a little fib.

We Don’t Need Witnesses

What difference at this point does it make?

Jim Lehrer, 1934-2020

A legendary newsman has passed.

Labor Secretary Alex Acosta Resigns Over Sweetheart Plea Deal With Jeffrey Epstein

After a firestorm of criticism for his handling of a decade-old plea deal with Jeffrey Epstein, Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta has resigned.

Trump Exceedingly Unlikely to be Removed from Office, No Matter What

A leading conservative makes a truly bizarre defense of the President.

Federal Government Enters Third Partial Shutdown Of 2018

The government entered its third shutdown of the year with little sign of an immediate resolution.

New York Judge Allows Charity Fraud Case Against Trump Foundation To Proceed

A state trial court Judge in New York rejected efforts by the Donald Trump to halt a lawsuit alleging charity fraud in connection with the operation of The Trump Foundation.

Kirsten Gillibrand Says She Won’t Run For President In 2020

New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand says she has no intention of running for President in 2020.

No Mr. President, There Isn’t Going To Be A “Red Wave” In November

President Trump claims that November will see a “red wave” rather than the “blue wave” that most analysts are expecting. There’s no evidence to support his hypothesis.

Mike Pence Used To Think Presidential Morality Mattered

There was a time when Mike Pence believed that a President’s personality morality and trustworthiness mattered. He clearly doesn’t believe that anymore.

President Trump’s Unreality Show

Either the President of the United States is a knowing liar or he is very easily duped. Neither is a comforting thought.

Donald Trump And The Mainstreaming Of Racism

Donald Trump may or may not be racist himself, but he has most certainly exploited and helped widen racial divisions ever since bursting on the political scene in 2015.

How Conservatives Learned To Discard Their Morality And Love Donald Trump

In the age of Trump, morality is optional for conservatives.

New York Appeals Court Denies Trump Request To Stay Defamation Lawsuit

Trump suffered another court loss yesterday that opens him up to some potentially embarrassing questions.

Mueller Reportedly Concludes He Cannot Indict Trump While He’s President

Robert Mueller has reportedly concluded that he cannot indict a sitting President. This is not a vindication of Trump, and merely upholds a conclusion that the Justice Department reached four decades ago.

Stormy Daniels Sues Donald Trump For Defamation

Stormy Daniels is suing the President for defamation after he accused her of lying about a threat made to her seven years ago.

Mueller Has Donald Trump In An Impossible Situation, And A Potential Perjury Trap

When it comes to a potential interview with Robert Mueller, President Trump faces risks no matter what form that interview takes.

If Trump Is Innocent, Why Is He Acting Like He’s Guilty?

It’s a valid question, but one should also be careful about drawing conclusions based on how a person in Trump’s position acts.

Trump Job Approval Improves Slightly, But It’s Still Historically Low

President Trump’s job approval numbers remain historically low.

New York Judge Says Defamation Suit Against Trump Can Go Forward

A state trial court Judge in New York has ruled that a defamation lawsuit filed in Manhattan against President Trump can go forward.

Democratic Senator Says Bill Clinton Should Have Resigned Over Lewinsky Affair

New York Senator Kristen Gillibrand says Bill Clinton should have resigned over his affair with Monica Lewinsky. Raising the question of just how stringently we should apply the standards of today to the events of the past.

White House Under Siege As Russia Revelations Continue

Six months of revelations about ties to Russia is taking its toll on White House staffers.

Trump Asked Intelligence Officials To Push Back Against F.B.I. Russia Investigation

Yet another report that the President of the United States sought to undermine an ongoing F.B.I. investigation.

Senior White House Official Is ‘Person Of Interest’ In Russia Investigation

The Russia investigation seems to be getting closer to the Oval Office.

Jeff Sessions Failed To Disclose Contacts With Russian Officials

Attorney General Jeff Sessions apparently misled Senators when asked about his contact with Russian officials.

Janet Reno, First Female Attorney General, Dies At 78

Janet Reno, who served as Attorney General for nearly all of the Bill Clinton Administration, has died at 78.

Trump Caught on Tape Being Trump, Shocking Trump Supporters

An 11-year-old tape of the Republican nominee making misogynistic comments should surprise no one.

Bill Clinton Set To Play Bigger Role In His Wife’s Campaign In The New Year

Former President Clinton is set to hit the campaign trail for his wife in the New Year, and that could make things quite entertaining.

Hillary Misrepresents Citizen’s United, Says She’ll Demand Promises To Overturn From Nominees

Hillary Clinton told supporters she’d require Supreme Court nominees to pledge to overturn Citizens United, a decision she completely misrepresented.

Hillary Clinton May Be Her Own Worst Enemy

Hillary Clinton’s political and personal baggage is likely to be a bigger problem for her than whomever her Republican opponent ends up being.

Todd Akin Has No Regrets About His Comments About ‘Legitimate Rape’

Just in time for the midterms, Todd Akin is back to remind voters of the GOP’s problems with female voters.

Hillary Clinton Keeps Committing The Same Gaffe About Her Wealth

Hillary Clinton does not come across well when she tries to play the empathy card.

Is George H.W. Bush America’s Greatest Living President?

In retrospect, and in comparison with other recent Presidents, George Herbert Walker Bush’s four years in office were pretty darn good.

If Benghazi Doesn’t Damage Hillary Clinton Politically, What Would?

Is there anything that could stop the Clinton juggernaut?

HaHa Clinton-Dix Tired of Monica Lewinski Jokes

Worst part about being named HaHa Clinton-Dix? ‘The whole President Clinton thing with Monica Lewinsky’

Obsessing Over Bill Clinton And Sex Would Be A Dumb 2016 Campaign Strategy For Republicans

Going after Hillary Clinton by attacking her husband won’t work.

Rand Paul: Bill Clinton’s Lewinsky Affair Relevant To 2016 Election

Rand Paul seems to think a 15 year old scandal is relevant to the 2016 Presidential race.

Poll: Obamacare Woes Lead To Doubts About Obama’s Leadership

More bad poll numbers for the President and his party.

The “Obama Scandals” Could Backfire On Republicans

The GOP’s latest investigatory crusade could end up backfiring on them.

Odds Of A Democratic House Takeover Low

The odds for a party switch in the House of Representatives remain quite low.

Has Social Media Taken The Sting Out Of Political Scandal?

Does the public still care about the personal transgressions of politicians? The evidence seems to suggest they don’t.

Petraeus Hindsight Bias

As is often the case with sex scandals, pretty much everything ever written about General David Petraeus takes on an ironic double meaning in hindsight.

Would Obama’s Re-Election End Polarization And Gridlock In Washington?

The President and his supporters say that Congressional Republicans will temper their rhetoric in a second Obama term. Don’t count on it.

Bill Clinton Makes The Case For Barack Obama

Last night, Bill Clinton hit one out of the park for the President Of The United States.

Because Bill Clinton Is Popular, And George W. Bush Is Not

One of these men is going to his party’s convention, the other is not. The reason why is rather obvious.