Illegal Aliens Mostly Murderers and Drunk Drivers

WorldNetDaily’s Joseph Farah has done some hard-hitting statistical analysis and found that a substantial share of the murders and drunk driving fatalities in the United States each year are caused by illegal aliens.

While the military “quagmire” in Iraq was said to tip the scales of power in the U.S. midterm elections, most Americans have no idea more of their fellow citizens — men, women and children — were murdered this year by illegal aliens than the combined death toll of U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan since those military campaigns began.

Though no federal statistics are kept on murders or any other crimes committed by illegal aliens, a number of groups have produced estimates based on data collected from prisons, news reports and independent research. Twelve Americans are murdered every day by illegal aliens, according to statistics released by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. If those numbers are correct, it translates to 4,380 Americans murdered annually by illegal aliens. That’s 21,900 since Sept. 11, 2001.

Now, Ed Morrisey thinks this is more of WND “demonization of illegals.” He points out that the murder rate has been falling while illegal immigration has been escalating. But, Ed, just think how bad the murdering would be if legal residents weren’t getting older and committing fewer crimes? He also notes that 4,380 murders would constitute over a quarter of all murders in the FBI database, a rather disproportionate total from a group that is no more than 7 percent of the population even by the wildest estimates. But, as Dan Riehl points out, an anti-immigration group claims that 95% of all murders in Los Angeles are committed by these migrant scum. And a right-wing tabloid notes that virtually all criminals are illegal aliens.

When they’re taking a break from picking fruit and murdering people, they apparently get liquored up and hit the road.

While King reports 12 Americans are murdered daily by illegal aliens, he says 13 are killed by drunk illegal alien drivers — for another annual death toll of 4,745. That’s 23,725 since Sept. 11, 2001.

While no one — in or out of government — tracks all U.S. accidents caused by illegal aliens, the statistical and anecdotal evidence suggests many of last year’s 42,636 road deaths involved illegal aliens.

A report by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Study found 20 percent of fatal accidents involve at least one driver who lacks a valid license. In California, another study showed that those who have never held a valid license are about five times more likely to be involved in a fatal road accident than licensed drivers.

People without licenses are often involved in drunk driving incidents and illegal aliens often lack licenses. Q.E.D., yes? Sure, a couple of those people might be alcoholics who repeatedly get caught driving drunk and had their licenses suspended. But, since we don’t have any good statistics on this, isn’t it more likely that they are mostly crazy Mexicans drunk on tequila and driving around in fancy cars purchased with their obscene tomato picking lucre? Of course.

FILED UNDER: Borders and Immigration, , , , , , , , , ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. legion says:

    I think Farah is auditioning to be Tom Tancredo’s campaign manager for ’08. And King’s working for the VP slot on the ticket. These guys are all transparent bigots.

  2. Steven Plunk says:

    Sure Farah is kind of “out there” but rather than bad mouth him why not discredit him with facts. If we don’t have the facts then perhaps this is something that should be looked at more closely.

    In this part of southern Oregon there is a high percentage of DUI arrests that are Hispanics, much higher than the general population. Is that a result of discrimination? Perhaps. Is it because the less affluent get pulled over more often because they drive older cars? Perhaps. Could cultural differences lead to more drunk driving? Perhaps. I say get the facts and let them fall where they may.

    Off hand I would say his case is stronger than Al Gore’s case for man made global warming.

  3. legion says:

    Sure Farah is kind of “out there” but rather than bad mouth him why not discredit him with facts.

    Actually, I’d turn that statement around…

    Though no federal statistics are kept on murders or any other crimes committed by illegal aliens, a number of groups have produced estimates based on data collected from prisons, news reports and independent research. Twelve Americans are murdered every day by illegal aliens, according to statistics released by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa.

    Why don’t Farah and King produce some facts, rather than pulling numbers out of their butts, and _then_ we can discuss the issue rationally, rather than having anti-immigrant partisans throwing out random accusations to stir up outrage. The only data I see referenced is iffy at best. AAA says a fair number of people involved in fatal accidents don’t have valid licenses. Pretty tangential to illegal immigrants. Dr Schurman-Kauflin of the high-sounding Violent Crimes Institute says there’s 240k illegal immigrant sex offenders in the US. But if you look more closely, you’ll find the Dr Schurman-Kauflin _is_ the VCI. From an admittedly shallow search, I can’t find her data published anywhere except WND. That doesn’t provide a lot of confidence in either accuracy or impartiality. The remainder is a logically-shaky attempt to relate the number of illegals in prison to the number of crimes commitetd, with a huge amount of guesswork & assumptions.

    I say get the facts and let them fall where they may.

    I agree. But let these jokers find the facts, rather than stir up a bunch random bigotry; there’s just not enough meat here to justify guys like King and Tancredo spending tax money or passing laws on this, which is the clear intent of the article.

    Off hand I would say his case is stronger than Al Gore’s case for man made global warming.

    Well, if you tally up the number of actual experts, including Nobelists, on either side, I’d have to say Gore wins on points.

  4. Your title is inverting the conditional.

    Saying that most murderers and drunk drivers are illegal aliens is a big difference from saying that most illegal aliens are murderers and drunk drivers.

  5. James Joyner says:

    SD: There’s precious little evidence for either.

  6. >SD: There’s precious little evidence for

    Be that as it may, you’re still misrepresenting what they’re saying.