Katherine Harris’ Revenge

That Katherine Harris is on the odd side is hardly news. Still, according to reporting by WaPo’s Libby Copeland, Harris appears to be coming unglued.

Katherine Harris, who is trying to become a U.S. senator, says she is writing a tell-all about the many people who have wronged her. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to: the Republican leaders who didn’t want her to run, the press that has covered her troubled campaign, and the many staffers who have quit her employ, whom she accuses of colluding with her opponent.

She is vague about what, precisely, makes her a victim, but she says she has it all documented. “I’ve been writing it all year,” she says in that kittenish voice. She often smiles and cocks her head as if she’s letting you in on a secret. “It’s going to be a great book.”

If it is, it may be one of very few things that go well for the two-term Republican congresswoman. Once beloved by the Republican leadership for her role in overseeing the 2000 recount that delivered the presidency to George Bush, Harris was snubbed by those old friends before the primary. Republican chieftains, considering her too polarizing to win a statewide race, tried to recruit others, and Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) said publicly that she could not win. Fundraising has been poor. She has come under scrutiny for her role in a bribery scandal. She has caught flak for a series of bizarre statements, including a comment in August: “If you’re not electing Christians, then in essence you are going to legislate sin.”

The Democrat she is challenging, Sen. Bill Nelson, was once considered highly vulnerable. Nowadays, according to recent polls, Harris is down by 26 or 35 points, approaching political rigor mortis. “The only way Bill Nelson could lose this,” says Darryl Paulson, a political scientist (and Republican) at the University of South Florida, “is if he got himself in a drug-induced stupor and ran naked down the main street of his home town.”

“They can make the polls say whatever they want,” Harris says. She says pollsters sometimes call her house and then hang up ” ’cause we’re not answering them the way they like.”

Harris appears to be nuttier than the proverbial fruitcake. And then some. Or, as Steven Taylor puts it, “borderline unhinged.” Indeed, I’d say she crossed the border several miles back.

And Jeb Bush sure looks silly for saying she couldn’t win, doesn’t he?

FILED UNDER: 2006 Election, Congress, The Presidency, , , , , ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. This reminds me a bit of John Kerry’s blaming everyone but himself for losing. Of course Kerry continues to be an elected democratic senator from a decidedly democratic state and Harris will continue to not be a republican senator from a state leaning republican.

  2. Dave Schuler says:

    Perhaps a Wodehousian “far from hinged” would be a good description.

  3. madmatt says:

    thats nixon level paranoia right there…I am surprised she isn’t more embraced by your amoral leadership….if protecting pedophiles is ok, why not promoting the unstable?

  4. Triumph says:

    Harris appears to be nuttier than the proverbial fruitcake.

    This is irrelevant. As Bush said yesterday, if her Democratic opponent wins, the terrorists will win. Any criticism of Harris is tantamount to supporting the terrorists.

  5. davod says:

    I would say that Harris has some grounds for being a bit cranky at the Republican party.

  6. mommadona says:

    FINALLY….a real “Kitty Kelly” moment.

    We will FINALLY hear the details of the boffing of the Bush by the Kat.

    meeeee ow.

  7. civilbehavior says:

    Katherine Harris appears “nuttier than a fruticake”?

    And what was she in 2001 when she handed the election to GW Bush? Was she nutty then? Convenient? A schill? a compassionate conservative?

    Foolish Americans…..

  8. John Burgess says:

    The really, really sad part is that, compared to Bill Nelson, she’s the sane one!

    I’m going to need a mighty clothespin come election day….