Low Turnout in Coons-O’Donnell Race

WSJ reports:

Most polls have predicted that the closely watched Delaware Senate race between Democrat Chris Coons and Republican tea-party favorite Christine O’Donnell was going to be anything but close. One poll last week had Mr. Coons up by 10 points, while all the others gave him a far more comfortable margin.

But Democrats in Delaware remain skittish.

In a noon email alert to supporters, Coons campaign manager Christy Gleason said close monitoring of voter turnout in the state’s 41 representative districts showed “lower turnout in New Castle and Kent counties than we’re comfortable with.”

It’s shocking that, after weeks of hearing that the race would be a blowout, people aren’t lining up in chilly weather to vote.   Or, perhaps not.

I suppose it’s conceivable that a 12ish percent margin could be made up because the people who support the crazy candidate are crazy enough to think she can win, whereas those who support the bland but sane candidate decide not to show up.  But it’s more likely that turnout will be depressed more-or-less evenly among the two factions.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Steven W. says:

    The democrat campaigns send out these e-mails every election – it’s their last gasp GOTV and usually helps quite a bit when Hannity & Morris start getting excited about it on air too UGGH!

  2. Tim says:

    Apropos of nothing, what’s sane about being a Marxist?

  3. Zelsdorf Ragshaft III says:

    Thanks Tim. James, you favor a bearded Marxist? I am amazed you have taken the Democratic spin on O’Donnell as gospel. Guess you never bothered to listent to her. But then why would you listen to someone who was labeled as crazy by a f ing communist?

  4. daveinboca says:

    Looks like the Demonrats are starting their screaming about voter intimidation. Hilarious when you remember the New Black Panthers’ little scene back in ’08. The Demonrats are the only ones to intimidate voters—the Tea Partiers are too old and decrepit, according to the moronic MSM, to threaten anyone…!

    I’d love to see Christine beat this self-professed Marxist like a drum…