Obama to “Desecrate” 9/11 With Volunteerism

I usually ignore the dozens of political spam emails that cross my inbox every day, but one caught my eye today with the headline “Obama Plans To Desecrate 9-11”, I couldn’t help but wonder what that closet Muslim/Kenyan/Filopino/Indonesian/Communist/Nazi/Son of Malcolm X was up to today. Clicking through got me to this article, in which I’ve learned that this “desecration” apparently has to do with Obama declaring September 11 and “national day of service.” Here’s a press release:

The President gave a broad and passionate speech on the power of volunteers to transform lives and tackle deep-rooted social problems. Recalling the heroism of the first responders and the outpouring of compassion Americans displayed after the terror attacks, the President urged American to rekindle that spirit of neighbor helping neighbor that was so strong after 9/11.

“Volunteerism is strong in the country. But the truth of the matter is, the farther we’ve gotten away from 9/11, that memory has begun to fade,” the President said. “And my call to people is, there’s always a need. You should be volunteering not because of 9/11, but you should be volunteering because our country needs you on a regular basis. And so today I call upon our fellow citizens to devote 4,000 hours over your lifetime in service to your country. You’ll become a better person for it, and our society will be more healthy as a result of it.”

Oh, wait– my mistake. That was a press release from President Bush from last year.

Look, anyone who follows politics for any length of times knows that there are tons of meaningless, silly “Days of Service” occasions. Last year’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was a “Day of Service.” Inauguration Day was a “Day of Servcice.” There have been random days of the week declared a “Day of Service.” They’re part and parcel of our modern pomp and circumstance. By and large, Americans ignore them, and I think this attitude on the part of my countrymen is a wise one.

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Alex Knapp
About Alex Knapp
Alex Knapp is Associate Editor at Forbes for science and games. He was a longtime blogger elsewhere before joining the OTB team in June 2005 and contributed some 700 posts through January 2013. Follow him on Twitter @TheAlexKnapp.


  1. Wayne says:

    Bush or Obama, I don’t care. 911 shouldn’t be day for recruitment.

  2. brainy435 says:

    “‘They think it needs to be taken back from the right,’ said the source. ‘They’re taking that day and they’re breaking it because it gives Republicans an advantage. To them, that day is a fearful day.'”

    So to the unhinged Bush recalling a feeling of unity in the wake of 9/11 is EXACTLY the same as intentionally trying to alter the meaning of the day for political purposes. Unreal.

    If it’s a silly, meaningless day, why pick that specific day? Even if it’s not nefarious it’s incredibly tone-deaf.

  3. An Interested Party says:

    So to the unhinged Bush recalling a feeling of unity in the wake of 9/11 is EXACTLY the same as intentionally trying to alter the meaning of the day for political purposes. Unreal.

    About as unreal as how Bush used 9/11 for political purposes…

  4. tom p says:

    Bush or Obama, I don’t care. 911 shouldn’t be day for recruitment.


    Wayne, not to pick an easy target (OK ok, you are as big as the broad side of a barn) but in the months (and years) following 9/11, did you complain about the above organizations using “9/11” for recruitment purposes? Did you rail against the Bush Admin for using 9/11 for selling the war on Iraq? (which any sentient, listening human being knew better than)

    I don’t know… but my money is on… NOT!

  5. G.A.Phillips says:

    Ya, come on out, do your part, and bring the kids, lol….


  6. Furhead says:

    Newsflash: people use events to push their agenda. Details at 11.

    /better volunteerism than war, but still …