President Bush Holding Prime Time News Conference Tonight

Bush to Hold Prime Time News Conference Thursday (Reuters)

President Bush will hold a prime time press conference on Thursday night, his first in over a year, to offer more details about his plans to overhaul Social Security, the White House announced. The 8:30 p.m. EDT East Room press conference comes at a time when Bush is facing some of the lowest job approval ratings of his presidency.

Recent polls show he has been losing support for adding private retirement accounts to the Social Security system — his top domestic priority — and that the public is increasingly concerned about the direction of the economy and soaring gas prices.
Bush could also face tough questions on Iraq after the top American general acknowledged this week that the insurgency remains undiminished in its capabilities in the past year despite landmark elections and U.S.-led efforts to crush the rebels.

“This is an important period in the national debate over strengthening Social Security,” White House spokesman Scott McClellan said in announcing the press conference. “The president will talk in more specific ways about his ideas for advancing a bipartisan solution.”

These things seldom accomplish much but critics have been hammering him for not holding enough of them. Not that this will stop them. Duncan “Atrios” Black comments,

Submit before my will! Suckle at the presidential teat, oh Gannon! oh Bumiller! Bow before my presidential charm! Dare not question me! For I AM BUSH! And I WILL PRE-EMPT THE O.C., winning me fans nationwide! Fans of Will & Grace will be forced to WATCH ME! For I am the PREZNIT!


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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. You remind me why I almost never read Eschaton.

    You further remind me that I remain amazed that Atrios is, in fact, a fairly prominent Ph.D. in economics.


  2. Jofus says:

    This is the first night of the May sweeps.

    I doubt the networks will pre-empt prime time at the start of a critical ratings sweeps for this press conference.

    If you want to see it on TV, you’ll probably have to watch it on one of the cable news channels.