Santorum To Write Column For Far-Right World Net Daily

Former Presidential candidate Rick Santorum will be writing a weekly column for a website that has been the center of the birther movement:

Former Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum has taken a job as a columnist for World Net Daily, a conservative website best known for articles advancing “birther” conspiracy theories about President Obama.

The former Pennsylvania senator will write a weekly column appearing on Mondays. Other writers for the site include actor Chuck Norris and fellow 2012 Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain.

The site made waves last year when founder Joseph Farah told NBC News he was unconvinced by the president’s long-form birth certificate. Farah told the network he paid for private detectives to travel to Hawaii in an effort to discredit the president’s claims of having been born in the United States, and conferred with real estate mogul Donald Trump on the issue.

Santorum’s first column urges the Senate to vote down the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Santorum, whose daughter, Bella, suffers from Trisomy 18, a rare genetic disorder, argues the treaty “will do nothing to enhance the status of people with disabilities in the United States.”

Well, at least he’ll be able to keep in touch with his base.

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Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.


  1. Tsar Nicholas says:

    Has there been a more precipitous fall for a major politico which didn’t involve a bimbo eruption or some other type of major scandal? Off the top of my head I can’t think of any.

    Less than 15 years ago this guy was an obvious, no brainer short-lister for the presidency. Now he’s been reduced to writing for a wingnut Internet operation that makes MSNBC look like a paradigm of journalistic integrity and relevance. Unreal. If Santorum was a stock he’d be delisted.

  2. mantis says:

    Santorum’s first column urges the Senate to vote down the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Santorum, whose daughter, Bella, suffers from Trisomy 18, a rare genetic disorder, argues the treaty “will do nothing to enhance the status of people with disabilities in the United States.”

    I thought that was a bit mild for WMD, and I was right! Santorum starts off complaining that the treaty will do nothing for disabled children in the US, since it is modeled on our existing laws anyway, arguing basically that if disabled kids wanted rights, they should have had the good sense to be born Jesus-loving Americans. But he goes much further than that.

    He goes on to argue that the treaty forces parents to give up all rights to make decisions for their children and then he just goes whole hog and claims that signing the treaty would cede US sovereignty to the UN. Typical WND insanity designed to get their gullible, angry, gun-toting teabagger-birther audience all worked up. He’ll fit in nicely there.

  3. CSK says:

    Perhaps in his next column he can expand on one of his priorities: the claim that birth control is “not okay for Christians.”

    I read that fully a third of those who voted for him in the southern states did so in the belief that he was a fundamentalist Protestant.

  4. rudderpedals says:

    @Tsar Nicholas:

    Has there been a more precipitous fall for a major politico which didn’t involve a bimbo eruption or some other type of major scandal?

    Yes. Mitt Romney.

  5. swbarnes2 says:

    Well, at least he’ll be able to keep in touch with his base.

    Sigh. If you vote for Republicans, that’s not his base, that’s your base.

  6. legion says:


    If you vote for Republicans, that’s not his base, that’s your base.

    A thousand times this.

    I wasn’t this sweeping in my political opinions 5 or 10 years ago, but the Republican party has become so venal and one-dimensional as an organization, there’s really no excuse for voting for _any_ GOP candidate at any level (beyond _maybe_ your local statehouse district) unless you’re completely happy encouraging all the most insane an extremist positions they push all across the country – no contraception, no sex ed, no bible-contradicting science ed, no equality for gays (or any other minority), no equal pay or treatment for women, no workers’ rights, no unions, no corporate regulations, no taxes for people making over $250k, no societal support of benefits for middle- or lower-class folks, etc, etc, etc.

    If you vote Republican, you support their platforms. All of them.

  7. legion says:

    @rudderpedals: Aw, snap!