Thaddeus McCotter for President?

Republicans tired of the current slate of presidential candidates can rest easy: Thaddeus McCotter may offer up his services.

Republicans tired of the current slate of presidential candidates can rest easy: Thaddeus McCotter may offer up his services.

Politico (“Thaddeus McCotter weighing White House bid“):

In an interview Monday with POLITICO, Michigan Rep. Thaddeus McCotter said he’s seriously considering a White House bid and will decide within the next two weeks.

McCotter argued that the current crop of GOP candidates simply isn’t making the case about how to confront what he described as the existential threats facing the country.

“I think the majority of the Republican electorate isn’t happy with the choices they’ve got and want to take a look at new people,” he said.

As it happens, a bald guy they’ve never heard of is precisely what the people are clamoring for right now.

via Taegan Goddard

FILED UNDER: 2012 Election, , ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Welcome back, Mr. McCotter?

    (It’s truly all that comes to mind here).

  2. Neil Hudelson says:

    I had to wiki him to find out who he was (besides just Rep. from Michigan). Pretty piss-poor name recognition considering I pay attention to politics about 100 times more than the average voter.

  3. He does kind of look like President Ford, doesn’t he?

    Which is fitting since he comes from the same state that gave us Gerry Ford

  4. Franklin says:

    Note: I’m from Michigan, follow politics, and have never heard of him.

  5. Norsegod says:

    Well, you can’t get much better than a guy who quotes Led Zeppelin on the Senate Floor. I don’t know if he could win or not, but he has a pretty good sense of humor, and he plays the guitar! He is very conservative, and I would love to see him go far in the race, but no one knows who he is… That may be a problem.