Sometimes, Lawyers Just Really Suck

Especially when they take the joys out of childhood:

It’s one of the simple, most wonderful pleasures of life: zooming down a snow-covered hill just fast enough for a touch of fear to quicken your pulse. Maybe it’s a solo run. Maybe you’re clinging to a loved one as you tear down the hill tandem. Surely, sledding is one of those things that makes it worth toughing it out and living in New Jersey when sunnier climes often beckon.
Unfortunately, it’s getting tougher and tougher to find a place to do it. For the past two years on Ledger Live, we’ve taken viewers suggestions and hit the road in search of New Jersey’s best sledding hills. But more and more, we found, the hills that have thrilled generations of sledders are now closed.

Lawsuits filed by injured sledders, it seems, have struck fear in the hearts of municipal and county government officials, prompting them to simply ban sledding at some of the state’s erstwhile sledding meccas


On behalf of the legal profession, I apologize.

FILED UNDER: Open Forum,
Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.


  1. sam says:

    Far, far be it from me to absolve you guys, but in mitigation, these asshats have to bear some of the blame:

    Lawsuits filed by injured sledders

  2. jpe says:

    The lawyers suck, but so do the injured sledders. Reminds me of the Onion story “Fun Toy Banned Because Of Three Stupid Dead Kids.”

  3. Franklin says:

    What’s actually stupid is the sledders who fall off their sleds and just lay there in the middle of the hill instead of getting the f**k out of the way. THEY are the ones who should be sued.

  4. john personna says:

    California parks (state and federal) have been closed after our rains, due to “damage.”

    It’s kind of nonsensical that hikers can’t hike with road washouts (or mountain bikers, bike) but I guess they close things because they can. It makes “management” easier without “users.”