Caption Contest

Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM


(AFP/File/Jean-Loup Sense)

Winners will be announced Thursday PM

Winners to last Thursday’s Contest will now be announced Tuesday PM

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Rodney Dill
About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.


  1. DL says:

    Sheriff Joe designs new Gitmo housing.

    Ahab was always a maverick going his own way and never following the crowd.

  2. John Burgess says:

    Martin was too scary, even for Clown School.

  3. Elmo says:

    At first, January 21, 2009, the day after Obama’s inauguration …. seemed like any other day in America.

  4. Elmo says:

    Trailer for sale or rent
    Rooms to let…fifty cents.
    No phone, no pool, no pets
    I ain’t got no cigarettes
    Ah, but..two hours of pushin’ broom
    Buys an eight by twelve four-bit room
    I’m a man of means by no means
    King of the road.

  5. Bithead says:


    * The oblisk was long considered to be the cause of the prisoner’s evolutionary breakthrough.

    * Scientific Consensus : Used to tell how many prisoners you have.

    * “The prisoners are camping, said Tom, contentedly.

  6. Bithead says:

    * I will allow the prisoners to wear perfume, the warden consented. (OK, sick, I know, but when else am I going to get to use that line?)

    * Here in the ANSI prison camp, there is always an escape sequence in progress.

    * New meeting arrangements for Congress


  7. elliot says:

    (sniff) Ewwwwww

  8. Rachel Edith says:

    Depression was rampant among the stylish who think they look fat in stripes.

  9. markm says:

    *Ah JUEVE…chuda thunk $1.50/day food would smell so good??.

    *Ah JUEVE…$.05/day toilet paper really tinks!!.

    *”to cross the Rio Grande or not…THAT shoulda been the question”

  10. Gollum says:

    J*A*I*L, the series.

  11. Bithead says:

    * Cover picture of the new Prison novel by the famous writer Ben Framed: “Fable of Con’s Tents.”

  12. John425 says:

    Prisoner: “Last time I’ll ever enter one of those “Win a Frikkin’ Free Vacation” sweepstakes!”

  13. markm says:

    “Fable of Con’s Tents.”


  14. John425 says:

    Con: “The guy tunnelled out in Shawshank. How the hell do I tunnel out in the desert?”

  15. John425 says:

    Con: “Then he said, “Badges? We don’ need no steenkin’ badges” and here I am.”

  16. Wow, it’s just like AFP says, Joe Arpaio is just like Hitler and the Ku Klux Klan.

  17. What’s black and white and incarcerated all over?

  18. Brian K says:

    The Pajama Party Blues

  19. DaveD says:

    “This is not the Tony Rezko I knew.”

  20. Bithead says:

    * Joe Arpio’s jail camp was the scene, today, for reports of a jailbreak. Prisoner Jack Short, described as being a 35 year old male 3ft 4 in tall, balding, and claiming to be a psychic, escaped, today, without a trace. At last report, the small medium was still at large.

  21. Bithead says:

    * How dumb ya gotta be to get in here? I was caught counterfitting pennies.

    * It was here that Michael Jackson found that there really is somethng special about sharing your bed with someone

  22. Bithead says:

    *Eventually, plans for the party’s convention were changed from Denver, to the new location.

  23. Jack W says:

    Shock results of zebra/human cloning experiment revealed !!

  24. MikeM says:

    The extreme left’s proposed uniform for soldiers deployed to Iraq.

  25. elliot says:

    Lenny was in trouble, it was bean burrito day, and he was the last one going to the latreen.

  26. The chic of Cell Block B.

  27. Floyd says:

    After the 2008 election it was decided to solve the mid-east crisis by sending thousands of referees to Iraq.

  28. Elmo says:

    Earl never paid much attention to television commercials over the years. But when the Maricopa Maulers handed him a bottle of Listerine, and then turned their backs and walked away. Earl realized that maybe he just might have a problem.

  29. Hodink says:

    “I sure do miss Johnny Cash.”

  30. John425 says:

    Con: “Hey everybody-Listen up! He says he’s the candidate of hope and change.”

  31. “If You Do The Crime, Your Do The Grime.”

  32. “The Cloning Of The African Zebra Has Taken Many Strange Twists And Turns.”

  33. elliot says:

    Jeremy, always hated going past the latreens, it was in tents.

  34. Hodink says:

    Ace did his, “You talkin’ to me? Are you talkin’ to me?” impression twice daily at 3 and 5.

  35. It’s not too bad, but the tattoos here suck.