Teen Murder Suspect Arrested by Indiana Police

Police have arrested 18-year-old David Ludwig, who is accused of killing the parents of his 14-year-old girlfriend.

Police capture teen murder suspect (AP)

Photo: David Ludwig and Kara Borden  Indiana State Police say they have captured the 18-year-old man wanted in a Pennsylvania double homicide and a teen girl with him is unharmed. Earlier, police said David Ludwig and Kara Beth Borden were spotted at a central Pennsylvania truck stop. A worker at the truck stop told The Associated Press the girl appeared to have been crying. Police say Ludwig killed 14-year-old Kara Beth Borden's parents early Sunday and fled with the girl. Indiana State Police say they have captured the man wanted in the Pennsylvania double homicide; a girl with him is unharmed. Earlier, police said David G. Ludwig and Kara Beth Borden were spotted at a central Pennsylvania truck stop. A worker at the truck stop told The Associated Press the girl appeared to have been crying.

Police said David G. Ludwig killed 14-year-old Kara Beth Borden’s parents, Michael F. and Cathryn Lee Borden, early Sunday after they and their daughter argued about her curfew. The shootings took place at the family’s home in Warwick Township, about 60 miles west of Philadelphia. Lititz Police Chief William Seace said Monday afternoon that Ludwig and Kara Beth, who is believed to be Ludwig’s girlfriend, had been “positively identified” at a truck stop in Lamar, about 90 miles from the Borden home.

Lovely. While it’s possible that Kara Beth Borden is an innocent victim who was kidnapped by the murderer of her parents, I suspect the real truth is otherwise.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Fersboo says:

    No comment about them both being home-schooled? CNN this morning was pushing that angle hard.

  2. Ian says:

    It’s funny how we hear about a public school shooting every week, or about 8th graders having oral sex in class yet that is no reflection on the public school system. Now we have a homeschooler who isn’t beating public schoolers in a spelling bee or setting a record on the SAT and we’ll have to listen to “intellectuals” explain how this was directly connected to a lack of socialization.

    Oy vey!

  3. James Joyner says:


    Hadn’t seen that; I watch hardly any TV news these days.

    While I personally cringe at home schooling, mostly out of professional prejudice, the evidence seems to be decidedly in favor of it. It’s likely mostly a selection issue–the type of parents willing to put in the work to home school their kids are likely to work hard at it–but the kids seem to grow up quite ready for college.

  4. M. Murcek says:

    With all the buzz about this, nobody’s pointed out the fact that this is nearly the exact same scenario as Charles Starkweather and Carole Fugate. Good thing this loser never got his spree any further along than he did…

  5. Steve Verdon says:

    No comment about them both being home-schooled? CNN this morning was pushing that angle hard.

    Post hoc ergo propter hoc. Learn it Fresboo. Sheesh.

  6. Fersboo says:

    Post hoc ergo propter hoc. Learn it Fresboo. Sheesh.

    Easy there Steve. I was commenting on CNN’s pushing the home-schooling angle, nothing more. I am not one to take a simple correlation and try to spin it into something more than it is.