Nancy Pelosi Blames George W. Bush For 2010 Election Losses

No, she really did:

“We still would have lost the election because we had 9.5% unemployment. Let’s take it where that came from. The policies of George W. Bush and the Republican support for his initiatives, tax cuts are for the wealth, recklessness by some,” Minority Leader Pelosi told CNN.

Because, of course, the Democrats in Congress bear no responsibility for the actions they took between January 2009 and November 2010.

H/T: Jeff Dunetz

FILED UNDER: 2010 Election, Congress, US Politics, , , , ,
Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.


  1. Axel Edgren says:

    “Because, of course, the Democrats in Congress bear no responsibility for the actions they took between January 2009 and November 2010.”

    These actions created the recession, the unemployment, the housing crisis and the still unleashed financial movers and shakers, how?

    Face it, still in 2010 the democrats were unable to undo the damage the republicans had caused during their time in power. This is their only fault.

    That, and not spending more money in the stimulus. If they had done that the time sink that was ACA would have been less of a problem.

  2. mantis says:


    Do you disagree that the economy was the main driver in the outcome of the 2010 election?

    Do you disagree that the policies of the previous administration were greatly responsible for many of the problems in our economy?

    If you don’t disagree with the above, do you think there is some magic wand that Congress can wield that fixes the economy quickly? Do you know where they’re hiding it?

  3. Dave Schuler says:

    Ah, yes. Nancy Pelosi is the Marechal Foch of American politics: “My centre is giving way, my left is in retreat; situation excellent. I shall attack.”

  4. Drew says:

    “Because, of course, the Democrats in Congress bear no responsibility for the actions they took between January 2009 and November 2010.”

    Uh, er, they took over after the 2006 elections.

    I’m praying that the mantis’s of the world keep their heads in the sand. Smooth election sailing coming…….

  5. Jay Tea says:

    One correction, Doug: The Democrats took Congress back in 2007, and Congress has far more to do with the economy than the president.


  6. Hello World! says:

    I’d be curious for specifics on spending increases that were strickly democraticlyimposed. For example, I can show you a youtube video of John Boehner begging republics to vote for Tarp or doom would break out. Oddly, the American people made money on Trap and it looks like they will on GM too. Healthcare Reform is projected to save on the budget… other than the things I’ve mentioned above – what did the dems specifically do?

    Now, I’m not excusing them for waisting money on these stupid wars, either – but that is a bipartisan effort.

  7. Zelsdorf Ragshaft III says:

    Mantis, I see you and your opinions have drawn notice from others beside myself. Keep it up. Your ignorance of facts is likely to make you famous in a way you had not intended.
    Pelosi is a brain dead hag who will only damage what was once a party honest Americans could belong to. That is no longer true. The far, far left is now in charge of the democratic party and their aim is to end our form of government.

  8. Jack says:

    Gee, the economy acts instantaneously to any changes in government policy…

    Just like the Titanic (with rudders far too small for her size) reacted instantaneously to orders to turn from that iceberg.

    Nice to know it’s all the Democrat’s fault for policies that were pursued for 8 years before the last 2.