Ralph Puckett Gets Medal of Honor 70 Years Too Late

The 94-year-old legend is finally getting his due.

Colonel Ralph Puckett, a revered figure in the Ranger Regiment, is now one of the most highly-decorated soldiers in American history. Naturally, he wonders what all the fuss is about.

WaPo (“He mentored decades of Army Rangers. At 94, he’ll receive the Medal of Honor.“):

Shivering in freezing temperatures, about 50 U.S. soldiers braced for the worst. Hundreds of Chinese soldiers were about to launch a series of bloody attacks on the hill the Americans had just taken under fire, and no reinforcements were within a mile.

The clash that then-1st Lt. Ralph Puckett and his soldiers experienced that night on “Hill 205” came at the outset of the Battle of the Chongchon River, a pivotal moment in which senior U.S. commanders were surprised by China’s full-scale entry into the Korean War.

Thousands of U.S. soldiers died in following days as they withdrew hundreds of miles back into South Korea in what the Army now describes as the longest retreat in U.S. military history.

Puckett, who commanded the Eighth Army Ranger Company, was wounded by a hand grenade in the first attack on the hill on Nov. 25, 1950, but stayed in command. American and South Korean soldiers absorbed five more chaotic, armed assaults through the night before Puckett ordered his soldiers to withdraw the following morning as the Chinese threatened to overrun them.

“I had been wounded three times by then, and I was lying there in my foxhole unable to do anything,” Puckett would later recall for an oral history project. “I could see three Chinese about 15 yards away from me, and they were bayoneting or shooting some of my wounded Rangers who were in the foxholes.”

More than 70 years later, Puckett, 94, will receive the Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest award for valor in combat, for his actions. President Biden called Puckett at home in Columbus, Ga., on Friday to inform him of his decision to approve the award, said John Lock, a retired Army officer who began petitioning the Army for reconsideration of Puckett’s actions in 2003.

The Army credits Puckett with leading his soldiers across an open field to take the hill under intense fire, braving enemy fire repeatedly to check on his soldiers after he was wounded the first time, and directing “danger close” artillery strikes near his own position to ward off advancing Chinese soldiers.

Puckett has said he told his soldiers to leave him behind after he was incapacitated, but two privates first class, Billy G. Walls and David L. Pollock, carried him to safety.

Puckett would go on to earn the Distinguished Service Cross, the nation’s second-highest award for valor in combat, for his actions in the battle. The recognition came near the outset of a 22-year career that also included a second Distinguished Service Cross and two Silver Stars for valor in Vietnam. Puckett was awarded five Purple Hearts for injuries suffered in combat and two Bronze Star Medals with the V device for valor.

With an upgrade to the Medal of Honor, Puckett will be one of the most highly decorated service members for valor in U.S. military history, Lock said.

Among those who assisted in Puckett’s case were the late Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who contacted the Army on Puckett’s behalf a few months before dying of cancer in 2018, and retired Gens. Joseph Votel and Stanley McChrystal, who know Puckett through their mutual service as Rangers, according to documents that Lock provided to The Washington Post.

WAVY.com (“Seven decades after extraordinary valor in Korea, Georgian Ralph Puckett to receive Medal of Honor“) adds:

Puckett received a phone call after 5 pm. from President Joe Biden informing him of the honor. A ceremony has not yet been scheduled.

In anticipation of him receiving this recognition, WRBL News 3 sat down with Puckett in his home in late February. He knew it was coming because Congress had approved a time waiver for the award. The law was tucked away in a military spending bill that passed earlier this year. 

“Most soldiers will know I didn’t do that by myself,” Puckett told News 3. “And I say that I hardly did it at all.” 

Puckett, a legendary U.S. Army Ranger within the U.S. Special Operations community, was a 23-year-old second lieutenant in Korea. Fresh out of the U.S. Military Academy, the Tifton, Ga., native volunteered for an extremely dangerous mission behind enemy lines that seemed impossible at the time. He had to form and train a company of non-infantry soldiers into a fighting unit that would soon be confronted by the Chinese Army on November 25 and 26, 1950.

Lock has pressed the Army for 18 years to upgrade the Distinguished Service Cross Puckett was awarded for his actions that night. Lock is a Ranger qualified former assistant professor at West Point who came across this story while researching Ranger history.

“The story of the Battle of Hill 205 was written in blood by Lt. Puckett and his Rangers,” [Retired Lt. Col. JD] Lock said. “The least I could do was transcribe in writing that story of personal sacrifice to secure for them, through Col. Puckett, the recognition they had earned that night. The Rangers of the Eighth Army Ranger Company will no longer be a forgotten part of the ‘Forgotten War.'”

Hill 205 was foreign ground in a hostile land. 

“It’s just another hill. 205 means its 205 meters above sea level,” Puckett said. “… It’s 205. It could have been 210 or something else. It just means the height of the hill. I knew it was defended by a Chinese force. That’s all I knew.” 

But it was a place where Puckett’s military actions and valor became legendary. 

Here is a piece of Lock’s account of what Puckett and his Rangers did: 

“As the Rangers commenced the daylight attack of Hill 205, the enemy directed mortar, machinegun, and small arms fire against the advancing force. 

“To obtain supporting fire, Lt. Puckett mounted the closest tank exposing himself to the deadly enemy fire.  

“Leaping from the tank, he yelled, ‘Let’s go!’ and began to lead his Rangers in the attack.  Almost immediately, enemy machinegun fire threatened the success of the attack by pinning down one platoon.  

“Leaving the safety of his position with full knowledge of the danger, Lt. Puckett intentionally ran across an open area three times to draw enemy fire thereby allowing his Rangers to locate and destroy the enemy machinegun and enabling the company to seize Hill 205. 

Later that night, the enemy counter-attacked in the near zero weather. 

During the next four hours the 57-man company, inspired and motivated by the extraordinary leadership and courageous example exhibited by Lieutenant Puckett, repulsed five human wave attacks by a 500-man battalion assaulting behind intense mortar barrages. …  

“Although wounded in the thigh by a grenade fragment during the first assault, Lt. Puckett refused evacuation. During the course of battle, Lt. Puckett once again intentionally exposed himself three more times to an enemy sniper before the sniper was killed. … 

“Two mortar rounds detonated in Lt. Puckett’s foxhole inflicting severe wounds to his feet, buttocks, and left arm. 

“Though the wounds to his right foot were so severe doctors considered amputation for several months, Lt. Puckett maintained the presence of mind to report that his command was being overrun by the enemy. 

“Grievously wounded and unable to move on his own, Lt. Puckett ordered his men to leave him behind. Later two of his Rangers fought their way to his position killing three enemy who were only 10 yards from where LT Puckett lay defenseless. … 

“Although Lt. Puckett ordered his Rangers to leave him behind, they refused. Later as the enemy fired at the rescuers LT Puckett again ordered his men to leave him to ensure their safety.” 

You know what comes next, of course.

Puckett doesn’t believe he did anything extraordinary. 

“It was an honor for me to be with the Rangers and have an opportunity to train with and fight with them,” Puckett said. “I was surprised that I was selected to be awarded the Medal. But I certainly felt that my Rangers deserved recognition and that kind of award for what they have done.” 

And that comment comes as no surprise to Lock. 

“Col. Puckett will be the first to tell you this medal, this recognition that he never sought for himself — and literally requested on multiple occasions that I ‘cease work’ — is not his alone,” Lock said. “As with any team, there is no one individual who can do it all, by himself.  By his own admission, Col. Puckett is just a token representative of those great Americans of the Eighth Army Ranger Company he was honored and privileged as a function of command to lead that fateful night.” 

And, while that’s of course not quite right, it ain’t wrong, either.

One of those men is Ranger Merle Simpson, who fought alongside Puckett on Hill 205. There were about 50 men there and just four are still alive. 

None of them would have gotten out of North Korea alive had it not been for Puckett’s leadership and decisions that day, Simpson told News 3. 

“There is no doubt in my mind that he deserves that,” said the 92-year-old Simpson, a sergeant at the time, who now lives in Indiana. “It has been 70 years since then.  But he is deserving if anybody was.” 

The memory of that battle and wave after wave of Chinese soldiers attacking is still vivid for Simpson. 

“When they overran us, I had sent my squad back to get ammo,” he said. “I had five foxholes that I covered. They never made it back. They got cut off. So, they were overrunning us and Puckett called in the artillery on us – on all of us. And it’s what saved us. … We’d have got wiped out.” 

After being seriously wounded, Puckett’s men would not leave him for dead on the hill. 

“Puckett was wounded so bad he wanted them to leave him,” Simpson said. “And Billy Walls said, ‘No way, I’ll carry you.’ So, he carried him for few yards and he finally said, ‘You’re just too heavy.’ They started dragging him.” 

Men that had been under Puckett’s leadership for less than two months made a decision to defy their commander’s order and get him off the hill. Why? 

“The boys thought so much of him, they wouldn’t leave him,” Simpson said. 

This is the very definition of esprit de corps. These men were just kids, really. Tired. Terrified. In some cases, badly wounded. And yet they sucked it up and kept putting their lives on the line to save either other. It’s what every combat unit strives for but it’s an extraordinary thing, indeed, when it actually happens.

Puckett volunteered for the company command and had six weeks to train his soldiers to be Rangers after the unit moved from Japan into Korea. It is a standard still used today by the U.S. Army Ranger School, headquartered at Fort Benning, to train and evaluate elite Infantry leaders. 

He remembers his first thought when a colonel told him not only was he in the Ranger company, but he was going to be the commander. 

“And I said, ‘Dear, God. Don’t let me get a bunch of good guys killed.'” 

A champion boxer at West Point, he knew he was in a different kind of fight. 

“I knew I was in way over my head,” he said. “I had no experience in a troop unit. I had been in schools and everything. I knew it was a great risk for the Army to put that faith in me.” 

There were risks for everyone involved. 

“I knew it was a great risk for my soldiers who were going to be Rangers,” he said. ” …They were not Infantrymen. Good soldiers, but not Infantrymen. We could not take any Infantrymen into our company because the Divisions were so short of Infantrymen. So, I had to take service troops.” 

From the perspective of our current, professional force, this is simply insane. Infantry training is really difficult and even most soldiers just aren’t cut out for it. And most infantrymen aren’t cut out to be Rangers. Yet this shiny-faced new lieutenant was tasked with turning service support troops—vital to the mission but only tangentially soldiers—into Rangers and then lead them into action. It boggles the mind.

And, of course, he turned out to be a regular Dick Winters.

And he demanded excellence in the abbreviated training, Simpson said. 

“If you made a mistake, you had to do 50 pushups,” Simpson said. “But he would get down and do them with you. And the next guy who made the mistake, 50 pushups. He would get down with him. There’s no telling how many pushups he did in a day. But he was fair to his people. And everybody respected him.” 

That example is at the core of Puckett’s leadership style. 

“The fundamental principle that I have come up with is ‘BE THERE!'” Puckett said, putting extra emphasis on the last two words. “When the going gets tough, whether it’s cold weather, raining weather, somebody is shooting at you, hot, going without food, whatever it is, ‘BE THERE!’ 

“The company commander has to be there with the soldiers. He doesn’t have to do much. Doesn’t have to say much. Just has to be there. I am with you. BE THERE. That is the most important leadership principle I know.” 

Every officer cadet knows that. It’s the very essence of servant-leadership. But knowing it and living it are very different things.

The account of Puckett’s actions deep behind enemy lines in North Korea, is just a reflection of the man many people at Fort Benning and in Columbus have come to know since he and his wife of 68 years, Jeannie, retired here more than three decades ago. 

“None of this citation surprises any of us that know him today,” said retired Col. Greg Camp of Columbus. “It wasn’t a moment of courage. It wasn’t something he did in the heat of the battle. It’s who he is.” 

Jean Martin, a Columbus native and high school senior at the time, met Puckett at Fort Benning, where he was hospitalized and recovering from his war injuries. They were married two years to the day after the Battle of Hill 205. 

“You know you don’t live with somebody 68 years and not know who they are,” she told News 3. “This man has more integrity. He doesn’t have a middle name. And we argue about that. It ought to be Ralph Integrity Puckett. He doesn’t waiver on that. He’s very honest, direct with people.” 

He’s so much the model of what an officer and a Ranger is supposed to be that he has, for decades, served as the literal symbol.

Retired Gen. Stanley McChrystal told News 3 that Puckett has lived his life for other people. Puckett has been the Honorary Colonel of the 75th Ranger Regiment and has spent thousands of hours in retirement at the regimental headquarters and in the field with this generation of Rangers. 

“If we measure Ralph Puckett’s accomplishments and we only include the Medal of Honor, we are almost missing the point,” McChrystal said. “Ralph Puckett’s awards are thousands of young Rangers, many of whom were still fairly young, that he’s touched by his example and his actions. That’s the real monument to him.” 

Believe it or not, it gets better. Puckett was born in the Deep South (Georgia) in 1926, graduated West Point in 1949, and retired from the Army as a legendary colonel in 1971. He eventually retired altogether and settled down back home in Georgia. He’s 94 years old. He could certainly be forgiven for being somewhat set in his ways. But . . . nope.

When it comes to the Army, Puckett has always been ahead of the times. In 2015, he weighed in as three women were in Ranger School, on the way to becoming the first females to earn the coveted tab. He publicly said if they met the standards, they would be Rangers. It helped quell some of the backlash in the Ranger community.

When Capt. Kristen Griest, one of the first two women to pass the course, became the first female Infantry officer, Puckett presented her with the symbolic Infantry chord.

“The fact that he was supportive of that, just meant so much to me,” Griest said. “I can’t think of anybody who bears the standard of the Infantry or Rangers more than Col. Puckett.”

Puckett has a knack for weighing in when his influence and opinion mattered most, McChrystal said.

“It is the power of example and of values,” McChrystal said. “I remember there was equivalent chirping about the Ranger tab, then there was other controversy about the color of the beret. And every case, Ralph Puckett could sort of quietly and confidently say, ‘Don’t lose track of what’s important here.’ It is what Rangers really are. It’s not what we wear. It’s not whether a female can or can’t be a Ranger. If a Ranger embodies the values and standards, we hold dear, they are a Ranger.”

And, of course, he’s never lost track of any of that.

Now, he wears the Medal of Honor. And with it, Puckett becomes one of the most decorated soldiers in the history of the United States Army.

In addition to the Medal of Honor for his actions in Korea. Puckett has also received the Distinguished Service Cross, the nation’s second highest award for valor; two Silver Stars, the nation’s third highest decoration for valor; two Bronze Stars with ‘V’ for valor, all for combat in Vietnam; as well as five Purple Hearts for wounds suffered in combat.

“First of all, I am going to try and measure up to that,” Puckett said. “I can’t do it. I’m not that good. There are a lot of soldiers who are just as good and a lot who are a lot better than I ever was. A lot of soldiers who go unrecognized who have done stuff better than anything I have done.”

We’re almost certainly too stingy with the Medal of Honor. Puckett, certainly, deserved that recognition decades ago. But awarding it to him elevates the award rather than the reverse.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. MarkedMan says:

    It got a little dusty in here as I was reading that…

  2. JohnMcC says:

    That’s the kind of life that the preadolescent me yearned to live. Then I got a very small helping of it and it was so amazingly frightening that I just recoil to this day at the thought. It is an amazing and wonderful thing that men like that exist and humbling that I am not one of them. No medal is honor enough.

  3. OzarkHillbilly says:

    Well deserved.

  4. Sleeping Dog says:

    Better late than never.

    Congratulations Col. Puckett.

  5. Michael Reynolds says:

    Great story, very well-told James.

  6. CSK says:

    Like all people of true valor, very modest and self-effacing.

  7. rachel says:

    Thousands of U.S. soldiers died in following days as they withdrew hundreds of miles back into South Korea in what the Army now describes as the longest retreat in U.S. military history.

    My father-in-law was in that. He was here in Korea from 1950 to 1953. I wish he’d been able to come and see what it’s like now before he passed.

  8. Ken_L says:

    I can only assume he’s a goddam liberal, otherwise Trump would have made the award the centerpiece of a state of the union speech.