Super Bowl Sunday Forum

FILED UNDER: Open Forum,
Steven L. Taylor
About Steven L. Taylor
Steven L. Taylor is a Professor of Political Science and a College of Arts and Sciences Dean. His main areas of expertise include parties, elections, and the institutional design of democracies. His most recent book is the co-authored A Different Democracy: American Government in a 31-Country Perspective. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Texas and his BA from the University of California, Irvine. He has been blogging since 2003 (originally at the now defunct Poliblog). Follow Steven on Twitter


  1. Gustopher says:

    A new forum? But I just posted stuff in the old forum! Now it will be ignored… well that’s what I get for nursing a scotch and tapping away on an iPad at 1am. Should have gone to bed.

    ETA: And a working Edit button, that I swiped by accident? Crazy.

  2. OzarkHillbilly says:

    Liz Cheney, the third-highest-ranking Republican leader in the House, was censured by the Wyoming Republican party on Saturday for voting to impeach Donald Trump for his role in the 6 January riot at the US Capitol.

    The overwhelming censure vote was the latest blowback for Cheney for joining nine Republican representatives and all Democrats in the US House in the 13 January impeachment vote.

    On Saturday only eight of the 74-member state GOP’s central committee stood to oppose censure in a vote that did not proceed to a formal count. The censure document accused Cheney of voting to impeach even though the US House didn’t offer Trump “formal hearing or due process”.

    “We need to honor President Trump. All President Trump did was call for a peaceful assembly and protest for a fair and audited election,” said Darin Smith, a Cheyenne attorney who lost to Cheney in the Republican US House primary in 2016. “The Republican party needs to put her on notice.”

    Today’s GQP in a nutshell.

  3. OzarkHillbilly says:

    A grandfather has become the oldest person to row 3,000 miles solo across the Atlantic Ocean, raising more than £640,000 for dementia research.

    Frank Rothwell, 70, from Oldham, set off from La Gomera in the Canary Islands on 12 December and crossed the finish line in Antigua in the Caribbean on Saturday – reuniting with Judith, his wife of 50 years, in good time for Valentine’s Day.

    He said crossing the finish line was a “completely euphoric moment” as he raised more than £648,000 for Alzheimer’s Research UK in tribute to his brother-in-law Roger, who died with Alzheimer’s aged 62 during his journey.

  4. OzarkHillbilly says:

    Charles Pierce:

    Well, cut off my legs and call me “Shorty.” Actually, you don’t have to cut off my legs to do that, but I believe in maintaining the internal integrity of the cliche.

    Hello, suckers. From The New York Times:

    The picture that emerges in the new Federal Election Commission reports is of Mr. Trump mounting a furious public relations effort to spread the lie and keep generating money from it, rather than making a sustained legal push to try to support his conspiracy theories. His campaign’s single biggest expense in December was a nearly $5 million media buy paid to the firm that bought his television advertisements. His second-largest payment, $4.4 million, was for online advertising. And the Republican National Committee pocketed millions of dollars in donations — collecting 25 cents for every dollar Mr. Trump raised online — in the final weeks of the year as it spent relatively little on legal costs.

    You mean to tell me that the whole promulgation of the rigged-election lie, which in turn was the primary spark that set off an armed insurrection, was little more than another pile of Trump steaks, another lagoon of Trump vodka, another course from the catalogue of Trump University? Unpossible!

  5. Kathy says:

    Inspirational quote/dialogue of the day:

    The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.

    Carl Sagan in “Pale Blue Dot.”

    Bonus: Photo of The Pale Blue Dot

  6. CSK says:

    Apparently Officer Sicknick suffered no blunt force trauma, so he wasn’t clubbed by a fire extinguisher.

  7. Mikey says:

    Sidney Blumenthal has a long-ish piece in today’s Guardian.

    The martyrdom of Mike Pence

    It concludes thusly, and I don’t feel posting the conclusion spoils the piece because we all knew how this would end. Everything Trump touches dies.

    Pence is reportedly isolated, in a borrowed cabin in Indiana, having arranged to be a “visiting fellow” at the Heritage Foundation.

    No evangelical leader has stepped forward to defend his honor. No Republican leader has vouched for his virtue, obligations and higher loyalty. Abandoned and alone, the object of hatred, the target of threats. Pence had taught his flock to worship its lord and cast out heretics. He delivered everything to Trump, and Trump delivered Pence to the mob as a scapegoat. Pence had shown them the way to follow Trump as a true servant. And they did.

    “Hang Mike Pence!”

  8. Kylopod says:

    I’ve repeatedly predicted here that after Trump leaves office, there will be people claiming he’s still secretly president. As I said in November:

    And after he leaves, I’m sure some of the Q people will be saying he’s still somehow in control.


    Some Q people believe Trump is still in power and has been secretly executing the Deep State for the last 10 days in front of the White House.

  9. Mister Bluster says:

    Take it to the bank!
    Chicago Bears 46-New England Patriots 10
    Let’s jump in the Wabac machine and travel to another planet.

  10. CSK says:

    Other Qs believe that Trump will be inaugurated on March 4 of this year.

  11. charon says:


    You mean to tell me that the whole promulgation of the rigged-election lie, which in turn was the primary spark that set off an armed insurrection, was little more than another pile of Trump steaks, another lagoon of Trump vodka, another course from the catalogue of Trump University? Unpossible!

    My emphasis.

    Trump has multiple motivations and typically tries for a trifecta:

    1) Adulation and prestige because of the NPD, the narcissism

    2) Violence as a spectator, especially if he stirred it up as a sadist with ASPD (Antisocial Personality Disorder, i.e. sociopathy).

    3) Personal enrichment as you pointed out.

    I.e., ¿Porqué no los tres?

    Bear in mind he is also delusional with cognitive impairment.

  12. Owen says:

    After reading yesterday’s discussions on race and ethnicity, it was only appropriate that Turner Movie Classics would carry “Blazing Saddles” (1974) last night.

    As an avid amateur ethnographer I have always interpreted Mel Brook’s portrayal of the Yiddish speaking Sioux as validation of teachings from the Church of Latter Day Saints.

  13. Mister Bluster says: was only appropriate that Turner Movie Classics would carry “Blazing Saddles” (1974) last night

    Can’t forget The Producers (1967) which was first of a Mel Brooks double bill.
    I don’t get to see a lot of TV other than games at Wild Wings and Chili’s.
    I appreciate that TCM does not edit for language as far as I could tell.
    There are some things about the good old days that were actually good.

  14. Liberal Capitalist says:

    This article really bummed me out.

    It’s totally correct and has put things in great historical perspective, but it is still hugely saddening to see it stated so well.

    The Unraveling of America: Anthropologist Wade Davis on how COVID-19 signals the end of the American era

  15. Loviatar says:

    My primary reason for reading OTB is the cancel culture practiced by James Joyner and Steven Taylor; their filtering of conservative thought by excluding the racist, misogynistic, homophobic members who currently make up the loudest part of their base.

    Yet yesterday we had a whole post and comment section where James Joyner and commenters decried the fact that a 65 year old man (at the time in 2019) lost his job because he decided it was appropriate of over a 2 week span to repeatedly use the word ni&&er around high school students (67, 17, 18 years old).

    James, commenters, please tell me, when is it ever appropriate for an adult to repeatedly use the word ni&&er around children? Who by the way, are not their children.

  16. Kylopod says:


    As an avid amateur ethnographer I have always interpreted Mel Brook’s portrayal of the Yiddish speaking Sioux as validation of teachings from the Church of Latter Day Saints.

    There’s a long tradition of Jewish performers using Yiddish as a stand-in for any foreign language (or at least those lesser-known to a Western audience). The Three Stooges used to do this, especially Larry (who I’ve long suspected grew up in a Yiddish-speaking home), as in this scene.

    Sacha Baron Cohen does something similar, using Hebrew for his foreign characters such as Borat, and the Qaddafi clone from The Dictator.

  17. Kylopod says:


    Other Qs believe that Trump will be inaugurated on March 4 of this year.

    This is so like Armageddon cults.

  18. Owen says:

    @Liberal Capitalist: Much like Mark Twain’s quote on how “reports of his death have been exaggerated”, this article makes a few stretches.

    To focus on one I am familiar with, let’s look at the claim that “China has not been at war since the 1970s”. Although on different scales than U.S. military operations, China has been far from peacable.

    I lived in Taiwan in the early 80s, and I can assure you that based on most definitions, a state of war existed between the Mainland and Taiwan during my time there, and continues to varying degrees to this day in-spite, or probably because of increased economic ties between the two. There have also been numerous border disputes between China and all of its neighbors over the last 50 years, although in fairness many would not be definable as “wars”.

    Finally, there is the big differentiator. Unlike in the U.S. where the Armed Services swear allegiance to the Constitution, the Peoples Liberation Army is an arm of the Chinese Communist Party, not the nation of China specifically. The PLAs extensive use in imposing internal “harmony” is arguably warfare against the rest of the nation.

  19. Owen says:

    @Kylopod: It’s my understanding that is the case for Larry and all three Howard boys. I believe Curly Joe (Joe Derita) was a good Catholic boy from Philly.

  20. Kylopod says:


    It’s my understanding that is the case for Larry and all three Howard boys. I believe Curly Joe (Joe Derita) was a good Catholic boy from Philly.

    All three Howard (nee Horowitz) boys and Larry, and Joe Besser (the first Curly Joe) were Jewish–but that doesn’t automatically mean they were all equally conversant in Yiddish. Larry seemed to use the language a lot more than the others.

  21. CSK says:

    As you no doubt know, presidents prior to FDR were inaugurated on March 4. But the reason for this “belief” is that according to QAnoners, there haven’t been any real U.S. presidents since 1871. So Donald Trump, when inaugurated on March 4, will become the 19th president of the U.S.

  22. Kylopod says:

    @CSK: Wait–so they’re saying Trump has not been a real president up to now, and will take office for the first time in March? And why 1871? Is this some kind of neo-Confederate denial of the legitimacy of Reconstruction?

  23. CSK says:

    No, I think they’re saying that Trump will resume his position as the 19th president.

    As for 1871, the QAnoners are saying that the United States stopped being the United States during that year and became a corporation. It makes no sense, so I can’t explain it.

  24. Gustopher says:


    Some Q people believe Trump is still in power and has been secretly executing the Deep State for the last 10 days in front of the White House.

    You have to be making that up. No one can believe that.

    How does one secretly execute people in front of the White House?

    Have the media and the public failed to notice these secret public executions? It’s not like the White House is in some obscure location, it’s a major tourist destination, and even though tourism is way down and you can’t get inside, people still go up the the gates to look.

    Wouldn’t Joe Biden notice the dead bodies on his front lawn? I think I would notice dead bodies on my front lawn.

    Did the Bidens, traitors to the core, get tricked into moving into a fake White House, and old senile Joe keeps getting lost because the floor plan is wrong or something?

    Ok, it’s a bit fun to think about what would have to happen so this was possible.

    David Copperfield once made the Statue of Liberty disappear (was he a Republican? I really want him to be a Republican given that detail), so I guess we can hide the visuals with mirrors or something. Ok, I just read up on that and he put up a giant sheet, then moved the stage block the view and dropped the sheet — moving the front gates isn’t going to happen. But let’s assume there are a few spots on the front yard where sight lines are blocked.

    There’s the issue of sound. People are going to have to be gagged, and then executed silently. That’s doable. Either a firing squad with silencers, Jewish space lasers, or just slit their throats or hang them or a guillotine.

    Ok, totally plausible. Everyone in the Biden administration has to be in on it, if they ever visit the White House, but I’m pretty sure that Pete Buttigieg was a crisis actor anyway.

  25. Owen says:

    @Kylopod: I am making an assumption about Bensonhurst natives based on my experience with folks who were born much later than any of the Three Stooges, but based on that experience I am willing to go out on a limb and state the Howard boys were proficient in Yiddish.

    There have also been anecdotes that Larry had difficulty remembering lines (well before his stroke in later life), Yiddish quips may have been a way for him to get through that, Oy gevalt!

  26. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @Gustopher: You have to be making that up. No one can believe that.

    Oh ye of little faith, ask and you shall receive: Diehard QAnon followers think Trump is secretly still president and carrying out executions at White House

    Some of the most zealous followers of QAnon conspiracy theories now believe that Donald Trump is still president and is carrying out executions at the White House.

    Believers in the unhinged theory that Mr Trump is Q — a leader sent to save America from a Satanic cabal of cannibals involved in a child abuse ring — were left stunned in January after he departed the White House.

    Following the inauguration of Joe Biden as president, many followers have admitted to having been caught up in the fanaticism of the conspiracy, and have spoken of how they now feel they were deceived.

    However, some refuse to let go and continue to grasp at wild new theories.

    Ben Collins of NBC News highlighted one currently circulating amongst Facebook’s QAnon community members — that Mr Trump never actually left office, is secretly still president, and is carrying out public hangings of his “Deep State” enemies in front of the White House.

    The alleged “evidence” for this theory is a doctored image that merges together photos of the security fencing around the executive mansion, what appears to be stands built for the inauguration parade, and an image that shows public executions in Kuwait in 2013.

    The post refers to “10 Days of Darkness” thought by believers to indicate the executions have been ongoing for ten days.

    Comments under the post are a mixture of confusion, disbelief, and bloodlust.

    “Love it, love it, love it!!!” writes one person.

    “Saw the gallows picture last week… but 3 hung in daylight! Wow,” says another.

    “I hope these are NOT test dummies hanging there,” says a third.

    Never underestimate the power of stupid.

  27. CSK says:

    You’red missing a crucial element here: Joe Biden is really Trump. Trump had Biden’s face transplanted onto his.

    No, I’m not joking. QAnon has proposed this.

  28. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @CSK: Stealing from the Game of Thrones to feed their fantasies. Figures.

  29. CSK says:

    QAnoners seem to be heavily invested in face-removal fantasies. They claim there’s a video of Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin removing the faces of children and wearing them as masks while drinking the children’s blood, or eating them.

  30. Kylopod says:

    @OzarkHillbilly: Why Game of Thrones? There are earlier works with that idea (e.g. Face/Off).

  31. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @Kylopod: Because GoT is the most recent and therefor the only one I can specifically remember?

  32. CSK says:

    The interesting thing is that, as far as I know, Q himself/herself/itself hasn’t been heard from since December. So his/her/its remaining followers have been pretty much left to their own devices.

  33. charon says:
  34. charon says:

    From my link above:

    More than a decade ago, the Department of Homeland Security knew that the ability of far-right groups to organize online was “potentially making extremist individuals and groups more dangerous and the consequences of their violence more severe.” This was the finding of a 2009 paper by Daryl Johnson, an analyst at DHS at the time. Johnson anatomized the threat posed by right-wing extremist violence, and concluded that “white supremacist lone wolves pose the most significant domestic terrorist threat because of their low profile and autonomy—separate from any formalized group—which hampers warning efforts.” Another key strain of extremist organizing on the right, Johnson found, was rooted in the racist responses to the election of the first Black president. When the paper was leaked, a slew of political leaders on the right claimed the Obama administration was singling them out, and, in the ensuing media uproar, DHS repudiated Johnson’s paper. In 2010, Johnson says DHS disbanded his team. “This is what happens,” Johnson told Time after the January Capitol riots, “when you neglect a threat and let it grow year after year, plot after plot, attack after attack.”

    The unchecked growth of far-right conspiracy-mongering online also meant that, in terms of messaging, the movement was poised to enter prime time. Many of today’s lead organizers are doing their networking and recruiting out in the light of day, with the assistance of a wide array of celebrity enablers, from Alex Jones and Roseanne Barr to former President Trump himself. Ardent fans of The Turner Diaries don’t need to wait for the gun shows that the Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh frequented to find one another. But about one month before that 1995 bombing, Stormfront became one of the first white nationalist forums to launch its own website. When the man who headed to El Paso in 2019 to shoot and kill 23 people and injure two dozen others wanted to release his white supremacist manifesto timed to the attack, he made a post on the message board 8chan—a platform where Q left his “drops” for followers to decipher—19 minutes before the first 911 call. And while online visibility might forewarn surveilling authorities about Q-related insurrectionist plans, it has not stopped the violence, as the January rioting at the Capitol made all too clear. An FBI intelligence bulletin from the agency’s Phoenix field office considered “conspiracy theory–driven domestic extremists” a domestic terror threat as early as May 2019, and referenced QAnon. Days after the January 6 riot, Avril Haines, President Biden’s director of national intelligence, announced plans to work with DHS and the FBI to assess the threat QAnon may pose.

  35. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    @Gustopher: The Deep Staters are executed in the dark of night and their bodies are spirited away before dawn. The only reason Biden knows is because he’s been getting VHS tapes of the executions with his daily briefing–ala Riverdale from last season (mysteriously left on his door step, I would add).

  36. charon says:
  37. CSK says:

    I got a “first of 3 free articles” notification, so I was able to read the whole piece.

  38. Mister Bluster says:

    @CSK:..“first of 3 free articles” notification

    My notice read “last free article”.
    I have no idea what the first two were or when I read them.

    Of course if this was before last week or yesterday or maybe five minutes ago (take your pick) it’s a good bet I have totally forgotten.

  39. flat earth luddite says:

    Sigh. We definitely need a better grade of humans. This 1.2 version seems awfully buggy.

    11-year-old Francisco Vera was threatened after he called for better access to education during the pandemic.

    WHEE, Edit button worked. Interview posted by BBC News on 1/30/2021.

    As usual, my Google-fu is weak, and I can’t get the link to post. I’ll rely on the better angels at OTB (or Smurfs, as the case may be), to look this one up at BBC.

  40. CSK says:

    @Just nutha ignint cracker:
    No, no, no, no, no. It’s not really Biden in the White House. It’s Trump with Biden’s face.

    How many times to I have to say this? Sheesh.

  41. OzarkHillbilly says:
  42. flat earth luddite says:


    My primary reason for reading OTB is the cancel culture practiced by James Joyner and Steven Taylor; their filtering of conservative thought by excluding the racist, misogynistic, homophobic members who currently make up the loudest part of their base.

    Cancel culture? I had to go back and re-read yesterday’s posting (and responses) in their entirety. Haven’t really noticed “cancel culture” applied by either of them. Still don’t see it. Apparently YMMV.

    Personally, I like hearing from conservative perspectives that don’t assume I’m a bible-burning face eating anti-capitalist pedophile* because Liberal? Again, YMMV.

    Yes, they both have blind spots, as do we all. IMO, they lean towards a more conservative or civilized world view than I do. Again IMO they never deny or backpedal that.

    I find it enjoyable to read a conservative point of view that doesn’t scream at me that I’m a despicable idiot pedophile because I’m more liberal than they. They give me a forum to learn someone else’s opinions and viewpoints. I appreciate that.

    *although my daughter (then 12-13) once informed me that my proper name/job title was EvilDemonSpawnofSatan™. She was enraged when I laughed and awarded style points.

    Finally, should the subject of yesterday’s column have been fired? Probably not, (again IMO), because his colleagues, peers and students didn’t ask for that.

  43. flat earth luddite says:

    Grazzi, Signore.
    66 years old tomorrow. Officially 7 years past expiration date on the milk carton.

  44. Gustopher says:


    You’red missing a crucial element here: Joe Biden is really Trump. Trump had Biden’s face transplanted onto his.

    This I had heard of, and if it gets us a decent split of the crazy vote in 2022, I’m all for it. Unified crazies in control of a major political party is bad. But it’s got to be more than the face, unless Trump was wearing a fat suit for years. I’m betting it’s a mind swap ray.

    I just feel sorry for poor befuddled Joe Biden in Trump’s body who is going to be standing trial during his impeachment next week.

  45. CSK says:

    I know. The face-swap proponents haven’t yet. to my knowledge, accounted for the troublesome fact that Trump is still fat and Biden isn’t.

  46. Liberal Capitalist says:

    @Mister Bluster:

    My notice read “last free article”.
    I have no idea what the first two were or when I read them.

    Here is how you deal with that. Search for “CCleaner” online.

    It was formerly known as “Crap Cleaner”, because that is what it does.

    Be careful! Before running it, take a look at the cookies that it shows you. Decide which one you want to save (teh pages that you usually intentionally visit. The rest will be wiped out.

    What this will accomplish: Besides getting rid of a lot of unnecessary crap in Windows, one it removes the cookies of things behind paywalls, you get to visit again. Works for most but not all sites.

  47. Mister Bluster says:

    @Liberal Capitalist:..Cleaner
    Thanks for the tip. I have a Mac and have already found an item CCleaner for Mac that I will check out after Brady and Gronk teach Kansas City how to play football.

  48. Loviatar says:

    @flat earth luddite:

    You and I are mostly on the same page, obviously I have to be a little clearer in my writing.


    Cancel culture? I had to go back and re-read yesterday’s posting (and responses) in their entirety. Haven’t really noticed “cancel culture” applied by either of them. Still don’t see it. Apparently YMMV.

    Do you notice there’s none of the racist, misogynistic, homophobic comments on this site? You know the kind you’ll see on most conservative sites that allow comments. Why you may ask, James and Steven are very aggressive in moderating it out of the site. In other words, they “cancel” those who won’t abide by their site policies.


    Personally, I like hearing from conservative perspectives that don’t assume I’m a bible-burning face eating anti-capitalist pedophile* because Liberal? Again, YMMV.

    As I said, that’s why I come to this site, I get the conservative message of the day, without the usual side-order of racism, sexism and homophobia.


    Finally, should the subject of yesterday’s column have been fired? Probably not, (again IMO), because his colleagues, peers and students didn’t ask for that.

    Then, please answer my question; when is it ever appropriate for an adult to repeatedly use the word ni&&er around children? Who by the way, are not their f’ing children.

  49. Flat Earth Luddite says:

    Thanks for your clarification. I misunderstood the thrust of your comment. Sounds like we’re at least in the same magazine, if not the exact same page.

    I missed the original brouhaha. My understanding was that he was repeating comment from a student asking if it was ok. If that’s what happened, it’s a teaching moment; if not, it certainly was not ok.

  50. Jay L Gischer says:

    @Loviatar: On the previous thread, I brought up the “use/mention” distinction. I am aware of a number of people who make that distinction, even with the word in question. Some of those people are, in fact, African-Americans, who don’t take offense at the mention of the word, as opposed to the use of it. It seems that you are not willing to make that distinction, though, as is your right.

    As to children, we are speaking of 16/17 year olds. They have heard all the bad words before. My impression was not that he was encouraging use of the word, quite the opposite. But that’s only an impression, as the piece was quite vague. Maybe that’s still a problem for you, but it also makes it different to me.

  51. Kathy says:

    @Mister Bluster:

    I find it hard to pay much attention when I don’t like the teams who are playing*. But from what I’ve seen, the KC defense seems to be playing for the Bucs.

    *true story: I did not see the infamous Atlanta vs New England Super Bowl. I tuned in at halftime to see Lady Gaga, and then I switched to something else. that was one game I wanted both teams to lose. Since that can’t happen, there was no point in watching.

  52. Loviatar says:

    @Flat Earth Luddite:

    You know what got to me reading yesterday’s post and comments; the blase attitude everyone had about this adult repeatedly using language like that around children.

  53. Mister Bluster says:

    @Kathy:..I wanted both teams to lose.

    Since I am a Cub fan those are my sentiments when the New York Mets play the Saint Louis Cardinals.
    As for Super Bowl LI. The Patriots lost the first 3 quarters and the Falcons lost their religion in the 4th quarter and OT.

  54. Owen says:

    @Mister Bluster: I have been using Onyx for years on my mother’s Mac (my wife and I PC) with no issues.

  55. Owen says:

    Being pragmatic, I cracked open the bottle of “Widow Jane” whiskey aged 10 years that my wife gave me for Christmas at the beginning of the 4th Quarter to celebrate the Bucs win.

    I would love to hear the dialogue between Brady and Mathieu during the last minute of the first half, Tom clearly got into Tyrann Mathieu’s head.

  56. Mister Bluster says:


    Thanks for the tip. I’ll check it out too.

  57. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    @CSK: I hadn’t heard that until today–and apparently didn’t read your comment until after I posted my speculation. My bad. 🙁

  58. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    @Mister Bluster: Wow! That was the most pathetic Super Bowl game I’ve seen in I can’t remember how long. (It also happens to be the only Super Bowl game I’ve watched all of in also I can’t remember how long, but if this game was typical, I haven’t been missing anything. [And the commercials were just as pathetic. 🙁 ]) Yeccchhhh!

  59. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    @Kathy: Today’s was the first halftime show I’ve ever watched (I was at a friend’s house for his birthday celebration). I think the last time I saw a Super Bowl, they were still going to the comment guys at the studio at halftime for highlights. I’ve never heard that performer before. He was okay.

  60. Mister Bluster says:

    @Just nutha ignint cracker:..pathetic Super Bowl game

    Definitely not the contest that I expected. I was rooting for Brady as he was the “old man” on the field. I don’t usually enjoy one sided games unless my team is the one pummeling the opponent.
    Like Super Bowl XX between Da Bears and the Patriots in 1985. Chicago crushed New England 46-10 to my delight. Didn’t pay much attention to the commercials and missed all of the half time show as there was a Law and Order Marathon running on another channel and I kept switching back and forth as the game got less competitive. Did catch my heroes Bevis and Butthead “she said crack” in passing. I have no idea what the ad was for. Recent 1/2 time shows of note that I remember are Madonna, Lady Gaga in an Egg and Bruno Mars with The Red Hot Chili Peppers.