It’s Not Rage, It’s Resentment?

Rural Americans are misunderstood!

January 6 and the Collusion Trap

What is the right measure of success for the Committee investigating the Capitol riot?

NY Post Agitprop

Rudy Giuliani and a hack tabloid are trying to revive the Burisma story.

Media Salary Wackiness

The business of the news is business–and it’s a weird business.

Brett Kavanaugh on the Importance of Judicial Temperament

In a 2015 speech, he told law students that it’s vital for judges “To keep our emotions in check. To be calm amidst the storm.”

Trump’s Biggest Legal Headache Is Finding Lawyers Who Want To Represent Him

Normally attorneys would be jumping at the chance to represent the President of the United States. With Donald Trump, the lawyers are distancing themselves from him as fast as they can.

President Trump Attempts Self-Deprecating Humor at Gridiron Club

After skipping such events in his first thirteen months in office, the President tried his hand at stand-up last night to mixed reviews.

Groundswell: Conservatives’ Lame Answer to JournoList

Conservatives are doing what the criticized JournoList for doing—even though JournoList didn’t.

Secret McConnell Tape Records Politicians Being Politicial

Mother Jones’s recording of a secret McConnell campaign strategy meeting is much less than meets the eye.

Slow News Day

Hurricane Earl: Obama’s Katrina

David Corn tweets, “Can I write the Hurricane-Earl-Is-Obama’s-Hurricane-Katrina piece? Or do I have to wait for Earl to make landfall? What’s protocol?”

John Edwards Sex Tape