The Ongoing Erosion of SCOTUS

The Alitos and the upside-down flag.

It’s Good to Be Clarence Thomas

The questionable ethics of living a lavish lifestyle based on high office.

Dobbs Leaker Still Unidentified

The Supreme Court’s internal investigation was inconclusive.

End of the Week Tab Clearing

More stories than there is time to blog.

More on Ginni Thomas and the 2020 Election

She advocated that AZ overturn its election.

Ginni Thomas: Boomer with Internet?

Does it matter whether she’s a rube or a mastermind?

A Key Aspect of the Ginni Thomas Story

Beyond who her spouse is, the texts to Meadows reveal a deeply concerning situation.

Christian Nationalism and American Democracy

A Manichean struggle between good and evil.

Ginni Thomas the Insurrectionist

A Supreme Court Justice’s wife urged the White House and Congressional Republicans to steal the 2020 election.

Clarence Thomas’ Continuing Conflict

Caesar’s wife must be above suspicion. Alas.

Groundswell: Conservatives’ Lame Answer to JournoList

Conservatives are doing what the criticized JournoList for doing—even though JournoList didn’t.

Clarence Thomas has amended 13 years’ worth of disclosure reports. | AP Photo Clarence Thomas has amended 13 years’ worth of disclosure reports. | AP Photo

Clarence Thomas Failed to Report Wife’s Income

Clarence Thomas has amended 13 years’ worth of disclosure reports.

When Ginni Thomas Calls

Andy Borowitz suggests “Three Things to Do When Clarence Thomas’s Wife Calls You.”

Unease On The Right Over “Ground Zero Mosque” Rhetoric

Some Republicans are start to wonder if it’s such a good idea for their party to be so closely associated with the heated rhetoric surrounding the future of this former Burlington Coat Factory.