Unsurprisingly, Obama Re-Elect Will Accept SuperPAC Aid

The Obama Campaign is being criticized for agreeing to play the SuperPAC game like everyone else does.

Catholic Bishops Claim Laws Allowing Gay Adoption Violate Religious Liberty

If you’re going to take public money, “religious liberty” is not an excuse to fail to comply with the law.

Newt Gingrich Flunks History

Newt Gingrich gets his Civil War history very wrong.

Should Justice Kagan Recuse Herself From Health Care Reform Case?

Questions have been raised about whether it is proper for Elena Kagan to hear the Affordable Care Act lawsuit.

Don’t Judge The Libyan People For Killing Gaddafi

Should we be outraged over the manner in which Muammar Gaddafi died? I’m not losing any sleep over it.

Star Of “Sister Wives” To Challenge Constitutionality Of Utah’s Anti-Polygamy Law

The star of a controversial reality show about polygamy is suing to have Utah’s law that makes his living arrangement illegal struck down.

Ten Congressmen Sue President Obama Over Libya Mission, War Powers Act

Dennis Kucinich and nine other Members of Congress are suing the President. They won’t get very far.

Mercenaries Redux