Trump’s Wife and Child Won’t Live in White House

President-Elect Donald Trump has signaled that his current wife and youngest child will continue to reside in their de-luxe apartment in the sky rather than move to the White House.

President-Elect Donald Trump has signaled that his current wife and youngest child will continue to reside in their de-luxe apartment in the sky rather than move to the White House.

The New York Post:

Future First Lady Melania Trump and son Barron will not be moving to the White House after Donald Trump’s inauguration in January, The Post has learned.

The president-elect’s 46-year-old wife and their 10-year-old son are staying put at the family’s glitzy Trump Tower penthouse so that Barron can continue attending his Upper West Side private school, sources told The Post.

“Melania is extremely close to Barron, and they have become closer during the campaign,” said a source close to Trump’s transition team. “The campaign has been difficult for Barron, and she is really hoping to keep disruption to a minimum.”

Another source said Melania Trump will travel to the White House as needed, but that her primary focus is on Barron.

“Melania is very supportive of her husband and is fully on board of doing everything that’s needed as first lady,” said the second source familiar with the Trump transition.

That source said also that there is a possibility that Melania and Barron may move to the White House at the end of the school year, but no plans are in place.

“She is really devoted to Barron,” said a source close to the family, adding that Melania has not relied on nannies to raise the child and is frequently seen picking the fourth-grader up from his prep school, where tuition is north of $40,000.

The decision to remain in their Midtown home will increase the security presence around Trump Tower — an effort that will involve both Secret Service and the NYPD, an expert familiar with high-level security told The Post.

“That building is going to become the White House of New York,” said Jim Reese, a former Delta Force commander and president of TigerSwan, a global security company based in North Carolina.

This means that, not only will the taxpayers now have to foot the bill for massive security at Trump Tower but that the most congested part of the most congested city in the United States will continue to be subjected to additional slowdowns, solely for the convenience of the Trump family.

“The Secret Service is going to have to keep that whole area cordoned off so that some wacko can’t get close and detonate a car bomb.”

Strict security measures around Trump Tower will remain in place, with two of the five lanes on Fifth Avenue between West 56th and 57th streets closed because of barriers, said officials at a joint NYPD, Secret Service and City Hall news conference Friday.

Following the presidential election, the area around Trump Tower has turned into a traffic nightmare, with West 56th Street closed to traffic between Fifth and Madison avenues, and shoppers having to go through a security cordon and subject to bag checks.

Barron and Melania will each have an unknown number of Secret Service agents assigned to them in addition to a driver and armored vehicle to take Barron to school, Reese said. An advance team of agents will swoop down on the school each morning to make sure it’s safe, he added.

This is, to make a point that has been made many times about many things since Trump’s election, not normal.

Also, is it just me or is this quite bizarre?

“Melania is extremely close to Barron, and they have become closer during the campaign,” said a source close to Trump’s transition team.

Melania is, I’m led to understand, Barron’s mother. That she is “extremely close” to him would seem not newsworthy.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Carlos says:

    When the story was that DT would spend some time at the Tower, lots of folks pointed to places like Kennebunkport, Bush-43’s Crawford Ranch, and the Clinton’s NY estate, asking “what’s the difference?” There’s a very, VERY clear difference in trying to secure entry points for a private ranch/estate, and a freaking BUILDING. Forget the expense just for a second, the point here is that the security of a building that holds lots of tenants is very different than a ranch. Anyone who thinks that security and the security threat won’t change because the Trumps have always had some security is missing the difference between protecting (and having to protect) a rich family vs. protecting the First Family. This is ludicrous.

  2. JKB says:

    “…solely for the convenience of the Trump family.”

    I think you mean “First family”? I don’t remember these complaints when the Clintons and Obamas decided to sojourn to NYC and that wasn’t even their home.

    In any case, Trump Tower, as the home of the Trump is going to be getting extra security at least for the duration. It might be more newsworthy than the ranch at Crawford, and more disruptive since it is in a dense urban area, it is the same.

    And while the international situation with Islamic terrorists does increase the risk, the continual incitement of violence and promotion of the elected president as a usurper by the DemProgs also increases the threat necessitating more disruptive security measures.

  3. Gustopher says:

    Melania is, I’m led to understand, Barron’s mother. That she is “extremely close” to him would seem not newsworthy.

    I can only assume that this is some kind of euphemism for something deeply disturbing that we really don’t want to know about. Has she resumed breastfeeding the child? Or does she simply spend eight hours a day combing his hair while singing Slovenian folk songs?

  4. Gustopher says:


    “…solely for the convenience of the Trump family.”

    I think you mean “First family”?

    You Trumpeters demand fealty and respect for your hero that hasn’t been earned. Trump is merely the President-elect, which means that his family is not the first family. We have a First family, they are the Obamas, and it remains that way for several months.

    “Future First Family” might be a reasonable construction, but it certainly isn’t required, and given that the convenience is to the family in their private lives, actually somewhat misleading.

    Referring to the future First family by their family name is not disrespectful. Stop looking for disrespect where it doesn’t exist — the disrespect for The Golden Manchild And His Filthy Brood will never be subtle.

  5. CSK says:

    Mrs. Trump could rent a private house on the outskirts of New York and live there while the boy’s in school. That would be far easier to secure. But apparently the Trumps don’t give a damn about those who live, work, eat, and shop in the Trump Tower and its environs.

  6. Gustopher says:

    This means that, not only will the taxpayers now have to foot the bill for massive security at Trump Tower but that the most congested part of the most congested city in the United States will continue to be subjected to additional slowdowns, solely for the convenience of the Trump family.

    We don’t treat our Presidents or their families as prisoners, so it honestly is reasonable to allow them to return to their traditional family home as they might want. And, this may be less disruptive to traffic than it would be if it was on and off.

    Presumably, Trump Tower will be mostly empty, as tenants aren’t going to want to deal with the hassle, so that will make securing the building a lot easier. Taxpayers should not have to foot the bill for the empty office space, but the expense for the security is reasonable.

    Also, it will make it much easier for people to protest the Trump administration — now they have two major cities to choose from! And, maybe we can get a mosque to rent out space in Trump Tower.

  7. wr says:

    @JKB: ” I don’t remember these complaints when the Clintons and Obamas decided to sojourn to NYC and that wasn’t even their home.”

    That’s odd. I distinctly remember that every time Obama visited LA, right wingers across the country screamed about how terribly awfully dictatorial it was that he could screw up traffic all over the city, and that he should just stay in Washington, or at least do all his business near the airport so as not to inconvenience a solitary soul.

    But magically the scumbags of the right will forget they ever said anything like this so they can be totally outraged when there is a lesser objection to far more egregious behavior by their boy.

  8. wr says:

    @Gustopher: “Presumably, Trump Tower will be mostly empty, as tenants aren’t going to want to deal with the hassle, so that will make securing the building a lot easier. ”

    Trump Tower is 58 stories tall and has 258 condos and apartments. People who paid an average of $5.5 million for their condos are probably not going to move out en masse — and if it’s so bad there, they won’t be able to sell for anything close to what they paid and will be stuck. It’s possible that the renters who pay anywhere from 5K to 30K a month for the privilege might leave once their leases are up, but that surely won’t empty out the building.

  9. If this is only to not interrupt the boy’s current school year, then it’s not too problematic. If it’s a permanent situation, it’s more problematic. Trump Tower is a 50+ story glass tower in the middle of Midtown Manhattan. It sits on 5th Avenue, one of the busiest streets in the city. Providing White House level security for such a location on a permanent basis would be both expensive and disruptive.

    Indeed, one suspects that the Secret Service is likely trying to persuade Trump to use a different location for his “second” White House. Either Mar-a-Lago in Florida or the New Jersey golf course where Trump is spending the weekend, which is about as in the middle of nowhere as you can get in New Jersey, would be preferable to any of Trump’s properties in New York.

  10. Liberal Capitalist says:


    @JKB: ” I don’t remember these complaints when the Clintons and Obamas decided to sojourn to NYC and that wasn’t even their home.”

    wr – Let’s not forget the infrequent Obama vacations and the cost estimates created by the right wing outrage machine. Even though W was the most vacation taking president ever.

    Now, if we take face value, we will have a commuting president at will go home on weekends… “He is considering splitting his time between the White house and his Manhattan residence, which would cost tax-payers tens of millions of dollars. But, it’s all worth it to help a billionaire go night-night in his big boy bed.”

    (thanks SNL!)

  11. wr says:

    @Liberal Capitalist: It seems that during his entire run, no one told Trump this was a full time position.

  12. grumpy realist says:

    I wonder if this is Trump’s way of punishing NYC, which didn’t vote for him.

  13. CSK says:

    @grumpy realist:

    I think he simply doesn’t give a damn who’s inconvenienced. But yes, it’s possible he’s enjoying his revenge on those who didn’t vote for him, including his own tenants and condo-owners. Vengeance is the great motivator of his life, starting from when Old New York Society recoiled from him in horror and disgust–for which I don’t blame them.

  14. dxq says:

    Indeed, one suspects that the Secret Service is likely trying to persuade Trump to use a different location for his “second” White House.

    If it goes on longer, I think this is probably one of those situations where the underlings decide to sandbag the boss until he does what they need. Like, little things for Melania and Barron start taking inconveniently long times because “Sorry Mr. Prez, Security Concerns!”. “Sorry Mr. Prez, Security Concerns!” “Sorry Mr. Prez, Security Concerns!” “Sorry Mr. Prez, Security Concerns!” “Okay fine! Melania get your ass to the other site so these jerks quit buggin me.”

  15. Jenos The Deplorable says:

    We’ve gotten spoiled in regards to presidential families.

    The Obamas essentially dumped their Chicago home and made Hawaii their home away from home.

    Bush 43 had a ranch.

    The Clintons likewise dumped their Arkansas digs.

    Bush 41 had his own peninsula. (A smallish one, but still a peninsula.)

    Reagan had a ranch.

    Carter had a farm.

    Ford wasn’t in very long.

    Nixon had a beachfront mansion in a gated community.

    LBJ had a ranch.

    Kennedy had compounds on Cape Cod and in Florida.

    Trump lives in Manhattan, and has a 10-year-old son.

    We’ll handle it.

  16. Gromitt Gunn says:


    You really don’t remember the series of strokes you and your buddies had every time the Obamas went to Hawai’i.

    @everyone else:

    How many lines of sight in neighboring buildings are going to have to be kept secure?

    And let’s start taking bets now on how long it takes for us as taxpayers to end up paying the rent on 95% of the retail and office space within the tower. At market rates, of course.

  17. CSK says:

    @Jenos The Deplorable:

    None of those people you cited lived in a massive building that houses not only several hundred residential condos but a large number of businesses. The first five floors are all shops and restaurants built around an atrium that is open to the public, because it was intended to be a tourist attraction. Thousands of people will be inconvenienced except for the Trumps.

    And it’s not just the building itself. Part of 5th Avenue has to be blocked off for foot and vehicle traffic.

    But hey…fwck the “little people” if it gets in the way of what the Trump family wants, right?

  18. Jen says:

    This is crazy and, frankly, dangerous. Does she think it’s just going to be like the campaign, some secret service around and a bit more security in the building? I really do not see how this is going to work. An easier to secure location, maybe. But a tower in the middle of the city? I feel badly for the secret service, this is not going to be fun detail for them at all.

  19. Just 'nutha ig'rant cracker says:

    @Gustopher: While it may seem strange to you, I have met a fair share of parents who are not close to their kids at all. I have been at teacher conferences where parents have declared “we hired you to take care [whatever].” I live in a county where we still jail kids for truancy and have talked to students at the jail school for whom jail provides a better living environment than home. While I have as many problems with helicopter parents as anyone, I choose not to second guess the new first family’s decisions about the schooling of their fourth grade child. If this is going to be too expensive and difficult for the nation to endure, the voters will have to make a wiser decision next time, but they should do that anyway.

    It’s certainly possible that the Trumps are every bit as creepy as you believe them to be. To start from that assumption put you in the same holler of Ozarkana that the birthers come from. As I said to JKB on another thread, you’re better than this. Or aren’t you?

  20. Jenos The Deplorable says:

    @CSK: You have an interesting sense of proportion if you call the tenants of Trump Tower “little people.” I’d wager that most — if not all — of them are in the top 5% of income/wealth.

    And I’m sure they have their own resources to address the concerns; they probably don’t need you White Knighting on their behalf on a forum that I doubt many have even heard of.

    I’ll wait for the people actually directly affected to speak up before I start getting all wee-wee’d up over it.

  21. Jenos The Deplorable says:

    @Gromitt Gunn: And let’s start taking bets now on how long it takes for us as taxpayers to end up paying the rent on 95% of the retail and office space within the tower. At market rates, of course.

    There’s precedent for that, and pretty recently.

    I thought that story was a big nothing, and the principle’s the same here. Just a few more zeroes on the checks.

    Let’s see this play out a bit more, shall we? Fair trial first, then the hanging?

  22. CSK says:

    @Jenos The Deplorable:

    No, Jenos, I’m talking about the waiters, waitresses, janitors, shop clerks, secretaries, file clerks, housekeepers, receptionists, cooks, delivery people, and messengers who work in the Trump Tower. Plus the tourists and shoppers and restaurant-goers the Tower was designed to attract. Plus the thousands of others who walk 5th Avenue every day.

    THOSE little people. Though I frankly don’t see why the residents need to be stopped and frisked, either.

  23. anjin-san says:


    I think expecting Jenos to grasp the differences between trying to secure, say a ranch in a rural Texas or an isolated estate on an island and a skyscraper in midtown Manhattan is asking a bit too much.

    Say Jenos, have you ever been to NYC?

  24. wr says:

    @Jenos The Deplorable: The difference is that every other American president in recent history has made the White House his primary residence, while using these other places as their vacation spot. Trump is commuting to the White House from his real home, because he can’t be bothered to commit himself to the job he fought so hard to get.

  25. Jenos The Deplorable says:

    @anjin-san: Dumbass, do you even READ what I write, or do you just assume that I said something that fits your lazy-ass thinking and spout off?

    The VERY FIRST THING I said was “We’ve gotten spoiled in regards to presidential families,” and then listed every president since Kennedy and their (far more easily secured) homes.

    Of all the derogatory things I think of you, “stupider than wr or cliffy could ever aspire to be” was not on the list. I hereby revise it.

  26. anjin-san says:

    @Jenos The Deplorable:

    do you even READ what I write,

    Only when I am very, very bored 🙂

  27. wr says:

    @Jenos The Deplorable: ” You have an interesting sense of proportion if you call the tenants of Trump Tower “little people.” I’d wager that most — if not all — of them are in the top 5% of income/wealth.”

    Hey stupid,

    I’m sure that whatever rat hole you live in has neighborhoods where your kind is allowed, and then nice neighborhoods where no one like you can get in. But New York doesn’t work like that. Yes, it’s true that there are no “little folk” living in Trump Tower. But there are a lot of such people working in the shops in that building, and working for the building itself. And the building is on a street packed with businesses — some high end, but plenty of diners and other places for the working folks. And then there are the tens of thousands of people who have to make their way through there every day. There’s a reason they call this area “midtown” — it’s right in the middle, and if you’re coming from the Bronx or Harlem (and there are plenty of ‘little people” there) or heading to Wall Street, the Village, NYU or Brooklyn or vice versa, you’re screwed.

    So spare us your sanctimony until you actually learn a fact or two.

    I expect to see you back here in a decade.

  28. Jenos The Deplorable says:

    @CSK: None of those people you cited lived in a massive building that houses not only several hundred residential condos but a large number of businesses.

    No, Jenos, I’m talking about the waiters, waitresses, janitors, shop clerks, secretaries, file clerks, housekeepers, receptionists, cooks, delivery people, and messengers who work in the Trump Tower.

    Funny they weren’t your first concern — as in, those you brought up first.

    Trump’s presidency will be, in many ways, unique. We’ll adapt and survive. It’s what we Americans do.

  29. Gustopher says:

    @Just ‘nutha ig’rant cracker:

    It’s certainly possible that the Trumps are every bit as creepy as you believe them to be. To start from that assumption put you in the same holler of Ozarkana that the birthers come from. As I said to JKB on another thread, you’re better than this. Or aren’t you?

    I would have thought that the suggestion that she still breastfeed her ten year old was absurd enough that it was obvious I was simply poking fun at a very weird turn of phrase.

    I suspect that Wee Little Trump is actually getting his little head filled with far worse things than breast milk though — a callous disregard for, and dehumanization of, people who don’t support his father.

  30. Gustopher says:

    @Jenos The Deplorable: Just because we have survived up until now doesn’t mean that we will continue to survive. The Roman Empire had a pretty good track record for not being sacked by barbarians for a while.

    But, securing a large glass tower in the middle of a massive city that voted strongly against Trump, in a country with very loose gun laws, and a large number of unstable individuals… well, even if we cannot manage to secure it well enough, the country will not be brought down by that. We have Vice Presidents for a reason.

    The risk to the President Elect is higher in a large, hard to secure city. The risk to the country is not (unless we believe Pence is more likely to destroy the country or world than Trump).

  31. Gustopher says:

    @Gustopher: Also, usually when the President visits somewhere harder to secure, the details are kept as secret as possible until immediately before the trip, to reduce the chances for someone to plan an attack.

    There are only so many ways to get from the airport to Trump tower. Having a routine will make the future President more vulnerable.

    Ugh. Air Force One is going to mess up he air traffic as well, isn’t it?

  32. Gromitt Gunn says:

    @Jenos The Deplorable: If you lack the capacity to understand the difference between the Secret Service choosing to rent out an available property at market rates and retailers abandoning the five-story shopping mall that is the bottom floors of the Trump Tower en masse, then may I recommend that you not enter into any contracts until you get that looked at?

  33. anjin-san says:

    I am curious Jenos – ever actually been to NYC? Been to Trump Tower?

  34. CSK says:

    @Jenos The Deplorable:

    Jenos, check back up thread. Those were the first people I mentioned.

    Click here:@CSK:

  35. Just 'nutha ig'rant cracker says:

    @Gustopher: And the people who refer to Michelle Obama as an ape are only kidding too. Surely we must realize that they are only engaging in exaggeration. Just ask Jenos.

  36. SJ Reidhead says:

    Has it dawned on anyone that the permanent dwelling of any POTUS, no matter where it is, will be under extreme Secret Service protection even if the POTUS or his family is on the other side of the planet? It isn’t going to make much difference if a family member is residing there or not.

    When did it become perverted for a mother to want to care for her child? There are plenty of parents who live this way, one of them choosing to reside in a different location, for the sake of the kids. Don’t these parents deserve the same consideration. We’re talking about a little kid here. Sure, he’s tall, extremely tall, for his age, but he’s just ten years old. That’s fourth grade. Boys in the fourth grade are terribly sensitive, far more so than girls. The child has a school where he is happy. If he weren’t, I doubt if it would even be a consideration.

    If I were in the position of the Trump family, I would probably be doing the same thing. Something has happened to the fabric of this nation. We now live in a world where educators, especially liberal ones, are forcing their beliefs and opinions on their students. The private schools in DC are inhabited by liberals. I suspect that a President Trump’s child would be treated like dirt, no only by his peers, but the teachers, just to prove a point.

  37. SJ Reidhead says:

    Has it dawned on anyone that the permanent dwelling of any POTUS, no matter where it is, will be under extreme Secret Service protection even if the POTUS or his family is on the other side of the planet? It isn’t going to make much difference if a family member is residing there or not.

    When did it become perverted for a mother to want to care for her child? There are plenty of parents who live this way, one of them choosing to reside in a different location, for the sake of the kids. Don’t these parents deserve the same consideration. We’re talking about a little kid here. Sure, he’s tall, extremely tall, for his age, but he’s just ten years old. That’s fourth grade. Boys in the fourth grade are terribly sensitive, far more so than girls. The child has a school where he is happy. If he weren’t, I doubt if it would even be a consideration.

    If I were in the position of the Trump family, I would probably be doing the same thing. Something has happened to the fabric of this nation. We now live in a world where educators, especially liberal ones, are forcing their beliefs and opinions on their students. The private schools in DC are inhabited by liberals. I suspect that a President Trump’s child would be treated like dirt, no only by his peers, but the teachers, just to prove a point.

  38. Gustopher says:

    @SJ Reidhead: Your impassioned plea has comepletely changed my opinion.

    Wee Little Trump should protected from private schools and their liberal teachers hell bent on twisting the minds of young billionaire spawn. God forbid he should ever have to learn about “safe spaces”, other “points of view”, or “squirrels”. I mean, what’s next, waterboarding ten year olds? Taking field trips to the public schools so they can see (from behind a plexiglass window, and a one way mirror) how other ten year olds fare in life?

    The only responsible thing to do in this day and age is to homeschool him.

    Protect him from any possible slight or discomfort, or he won’t be properly motivated to stay up until 3am tweeting about slights real and imagined — and that’s what Makes America Great Again.

  39. KM says:

    Screw what it does to 5th Ave, what this going to do to the already narrow VFR corridor and airspace? NYC has funky rules as it is and now there’s a (possibly permanent) no-fly zone plunked smack in the middle to complicate it? This could get people killed. I’m not kidding- there was a fatal accident not too long ago because of VFR between a tourist helicopter and small plane. Think of all the aircraft having to dance around a crowded airspace and then take even more away for a selfish asshole and his wife’s convenience. It’s an accident waiting to happen.

    If the Trumps decide to do this, I would heavily advise NYC to start drafting ordinances to *ahem* discourage this behavior. There’s some creative sorts there – they must be able to come up with enough legal irritants for him to get the message. He’s painting a target on them in terms of security, ruining their ability to function in a reasonable manner and could very well be the reason an air disaster takes place. NYC doesn’t have to take that crap; he may be President but as far as the city is concerned, he’s just another landlord.

    Remember, this isn’t just for four years. Trump’s entitled to SS protection for the rest of his life. Better to straighten this crap out now.

  40. Stonetools says:

    Trump didn’t expect to win, and now that he has won, doesn’t want to change his lifestyle. He should understand that there’s a lot more where that came from.
    What the heck has the country done? Ten days later and I’m still in a state of disbelief.

  41. Gustopher says:

    @Just ‘nutha ig’rant cracker: We live in a post-truth era, as evidenced by the majority of the President-elect’s statements on the campaign trail. Far be it from me to discourage anyone from taking what was intended as poking fun of a deeply weird turn of phrase as if it were the gospel truth.

    Melania may have resumed breastfeeding the youngest member of The Gilded Hedgehog’s Filthy Brood, despite him being ten years old — it’s probably why he is so tall for his age. She may also groom him for eight hours a day, brushing his hair while gently singing Slovenian folk ballads.

    She hasn’t denied it, and reasonable people are going to question what “Melania is extremely close to Barron, and they have become closer during the campaign” means. It was said by a source close to Trump’s transition team, who wanted to remain anonymous, so obviously it must be something scandalous that the source doesn’t want his or her name attached to.

  42. Bob@Youngstown says:

    How many lines of sight in neighboring buildings are going to have to be kept secure?

    And I assume that the exterior windows of the residence are being replaced with bullet-proof glass, or perhaps they all ready are.

  43. bk says:

    @SJ Reidhead: Since you posted that crap twice, I feel justified in saying that it is full of crap. Twice.

  44. wr says:

    @SJ Reidhead: “The private schools in DC are inhabited by liberals. I suspect that a President Trump’s child would be treated like dirt, no only by his peers, but the teachers, just to prove a point.”

    Yes, because the elite private schools in DC are all about putting down the children of the most powerful people in the world. Despite charging 50K a year, they allow their poorly paid teachers to belittle the children of presidents and senators and diplomats, and the parents just take it, because no one in DC cares about power or privelege and no one there would ever use his or her power to influence the private schools — not when there are terrifying liberal teachers out there making at least $25K a year who can stand up to them.

    You’ve really never left Arkansas, have you?

  45. Jenos The Deplorable says:

    @Gustopher: Wee Little Trump should protected from private schools and their liberal teachers hell bent on twisting the minds of young billionaire spawn.

    Melania may have resumed breastfeeding the youngest member of The Gilded Hedgehog’s Filthy Brood, despite him being ten years old — it’s probably why he is so tall for his age. She may also groom him for eight hours a day, brushing his hair while gently singing Slovenian folk ballads.

    When Bill Clinton was president, anyone who said anything about Chelsea Clinton was attacked and denounced.

    When George W. Bush was president, it was open season on his twin daughters.

    When Barack Obama became president, his daughters became sacrosanct — even when one was filmed twerking and toking at Lollapalooza.

    Now Trump’s 10-year-old son is fair game.

    Is this just a natural 8-year cycle, or is it only the children of Democrats who merit protection, while the children of Republicans are legitimate targets?

    And isn’t there just a whiff of anti-immigrant hatred in the way Melania is being treated? Her accent being mocked at the VMAs, Gustopher’s way-too-creepy comments…

    Her biggest mistake was coming here legally. Progressives only have sympathies for illegal immigrants.

  46. wr says:

    @Jenos The Deplorable: Shorter Jenos: “Waaaaaaahh!!!”

    It’s astonishing what you can turn into fuel for your self-pity. “Mommy, mommy, wiberals are mean to conservatives. Waaaaahhh!!!”

    Thank God you never talk about your own pathetic life here. We’d all be drowning in the bathos.

  47. KM says:


    Her biggest mistake was coming here legally. Progressives only have sympathies for illegal immigrants.

    Um, Jenos? You might not wanna stake out that particular hill….

    Although, I must say, I do agree. Under-aged kids are off limits. Everybody’s kids. SHE’s fair game as well as Ivanka et al but leave the young ones alone.

  48. Jenos The Deplorable says:

    @wr: A new record in stupidity, even for you: you contradict yourself in one single comment.

    It’s astonishing what you can turn into fuel for your self-pity.

    Thank God you never talk about your own pathetic life here.

    I see why “pathetic” is such a familiar word to you…

  49. Jenos The Deplorable says:

    @KM: OK, that might have been a little too overgeneralized. How about “progressives demonstrate a tremendous sympathy for illegal immigrants, but never seem to have any thoughts at all for legal immigrants.”

    And as far as Melania Trump, note that the attacks on her here (and at the VMAs) were based on her national origin and accent. Yes she speaks with a strong accent, but she speaks clearly.

    She also speaks five languages (Slovenian, English, French, Serbian and German). I am willing to give someone who can do that a considerable amount of grace when it comes to speaking with an accent.

    Contrast her with morons like wr. That’s five more languages than he is fluent in.

  50. KM says:

    What I meant was there’s compelling evidence that she worked here illegally and thus was in violation of her visa. While she did bother to go through proper channels, she didn’t obtain the correct one (on purpose perhaps because they’re more difficult) and intentionally broke US immigration law. This makes her a criminal and an illegal immigrant the same as all other visa violators. I do not care that she’s fluent in multiple languages as I’m very sure we’ve deported others with that skill instead of rewarding them with the White House. Melania kept her mouth shut and let her husband rail against others who did as she did – I find hypocrisy to be an ugly trait that overrides social graces or skills.

    This is a fairly touchy subject for me as one of my fencing teachers couldn’t be paid for this exact reason. I felt terrible taking lessons from a fairly well-known champion without remuneration but he made it clear he wanted no legal trouble – didn’t want to risk be paid under the table! He was just doing us a “favor” I normally pay good money for. The club ended up buying him some super high-end gear and had it shipped back to his home country; a nice surprise after a long flight! He couldn’t take $20 without fear of deportation but she gets a pass on $20K?

    It’s not right. She shouldn’t be attacked for her accent but her arrogance She’s not the shining example of legal immigration they hold her up to be. Plus, if she’s willing to inflict massive extended inconvenience on NYC (mothers and children included!!) solely to not disrupt her and her son’s personal life, my tolerance for her goes down even further. Military children get no choice in having their school year disrupted due to their parents’ mobile job – why should the young prince be any different?

  51. Dazedandconfused says:

    She took one look at the dump they were expected to live in for four years and balked. The fixtures aren’t even gold plated, let alone the toilets.

    Seriously though, I wonder how many more of the Trumps are going to start feeling put upon by the situation. To most of them “public service” is very likely a punch line. Hell, Trump couldn’t even let go of his ‘do to run for the office. He futzed around with hair pins for a bit and then went for baseball caps for outdoor speaking. He will not let go of his assets either.

    Cashing in on this new sort of celebrity is difficult, legally risky, even dangerous to the entire tribe. They may begin to feel it’s not worth it. Melonia may be only the first to abandon him. She has to know he will not be visiting a heck of a lot, he will be very busy. The story about the school? Grain of truth, quite likely, but by staying in NY she sheds many of the obligations which fall upon a FLOTUS in Washington. She is missing a chance to broaden her son’s experiences, IMO. She can be just as close to him in the WH.

  52. wr says:

    @Jenos The Deplorable: Where’s the contradiction. You wallow in self-pity over every perceived slight to every right wing creep out there, playing your tiny violin for all it’s worth. I used to imagine you an obese teenager with crappy skin, but now it’s hard not to picture you as Doctor Smith from Lost in Space — “Oh, the pain, the pain.”

  53. wr says:

    @Jenos The Deplorable: “Contrast her with morons like wr. That’s five more languages than he is fluent in.”

    And you know this how, Baby Jenos?

  54. the Q says:

    So predictable, the wingnuts who railed against Obama’s vacation costs, completely giving a pass to this idiot’s living arrangement costs which will dwarf Obama’s.