Campus Crackdowns Escalate

Police have been brought at universities across the country.

Columbia Israel Divestment Protests Turn Ugly

On-campus classes have been suspended and Jewish students told to find safety.

Trump Could Be Indicted Next Week

The Manhattan DA could move as early as next week.

FBI Raids Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Home

The former President and his supporters are crying “weaponization of the justice system.”

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Monday Tab Clearing

Let the browser be cleared!

Violence Inequality

The safety gap between affluent, white and poor, minority communities has grown over the last three decades.

Gun Violence Spiking Across American Cities

A marked rise in shooting deaths is going largely unnoticed.

NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo Finally Fired In Choking Death Of Eric Garner

More than five years after the fact, the NYPD officer who applied an illegal chokehold that resulted in the death of Eric Garner has finally been fired.

Two More Potential Explosive Devices Discovered In Florida, New York

Two more potential explosive devices, addressed to New Jersey Senator Cory Booker and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, have been discovered by law enforcement.

Apparent Explosive Devices Addressed To Robert DeNiro And Joe Biden Intercepted

More explosive devices sent to prominent Trump critics, including Robert DeNiro and Joe Biden, have been located.

Protest Shuts Down Statue of Liberty on July 4th

An idiot climbed the monument, wasting police resources and ruining the day for hundreds of visitors.

Remembering 9/11 Without Obsessing Over It

At some point, it will be time to move on.

Trump Looking To Replace Jeff Sessions With Rudy Giuliani?

Reports are indicating that Donald Trump may be looking to replace Attorney General Jeff Sessions with Rudy Giuliani.

South Carolina Police Officer To Plead Guilty In Walter Scott Shooting

A guilty plea in a particularly shocking case of police brutality.

Trump’s Wife and Child Won’t Live in White House

President-Elect Donald Trump has signaled that his current wife and youngest child will continue to reside in their de-luxe apartment in the sky rather than move to the White House.

Suspect In New York City, New Jersey Bombings Captured By Police

Just about two days after setting off bombs in New Jersey and New York City, a suspect is in custody.

Los Angeles Public Schools Closed In Wake Of ‘Unspecified Threats’

Every public school in Los Angeles, which covers over 600,000 students, plus teachers and staff, has been closed for the day in the wake of unspecified threats.

Donald Trump: I’d Be Okay With Closing Mosques And Requiring Muslims To Carry Special Identification

Donald Trump’s demagoguery and disdain for individual liberty enters a new phase.

Only One Person Has ‘Blood On His Hands’ In The Deaths Of Officers Ramos And Liu, And He’s Already Dead

NYPD Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu were shot dead while sitting in their patrol car In Brooklyn. And those suggesting that anyone other than the killer has “blood on their hands” are being absurd.

Blue Trumps Black and White

A former RNC chair says a black man’s life isn’t worth a ham sandwich.

Staten Island Grand Jury Refuses To Indict NYPD Officer In Chokehold Death

A New York City Grand Jury refuses to indict a cop who appears from all available evidence to choked a guy to death for no good reason.

Regardless Of The Grand Jury Decision, Ferguson Raises Issues Americans Need To Address

Regardless of the outcome of the Michael Brown investigation, there are legitimate problems that need to be addressed.

New York City To Settle Wrongful Conviction Case For $40 Million

Justice delayed, but justice nonetheless.

Federal Judge Finds NYPD’s “Stop And Frisk” Policy Unconstitutional

A Federal Judge has declared the NYPD’s “stop & frisk” policy to be unconstitutional.

Victor Davis Hanson’s Prejudice And Race In America

We’ve still got a long way to go.

New York Marathon Diverts Scarce Resources After Sandy

Mayor Bloomberg has decided to hold the New York Marathon Sunday even though millions are still without power and the city infrastructure is unable to cope with normal activity.

FBI Sting Operation Nabs Another Supposed Terrorist

A Bangladeshi man was arrested yesterday in New York for an apparent plot to bomb Federal Buildings. The entire plot was an FBI sting operation.

One Year Later, The Failure Of Occupy Wall Street Is Apparent

The Occupy movement began one year ago today. It’s no surprise that it ended up being a failure.

Political Conventions In The Era Of The National Security State

Security at the Republican Convention in Tampa looks more like a war zone than a political convention in a democratic republic.

The Empire State Building Shooting And The Appropriate Use Of Force

The fact that yesterday’s shooting at the Empire State Building resulted in nine civilians being injured by police bullets raises several questions.

All 9 Wounded at Empire State Building Shot By Police

New York’s police commissioner admits that his officers recklessly wounded 9 innocent bystanders at the Empire State Building yesterday.

Obama’s Kill List: Does Anyone Care?

You have Martin Luther King’s statue in your office, but you are sending these unmanned drones out, and bombs are dropping on innocent people.

An End To The 33 Year Old Mystery Of Etan Patz?

Etan Patz went missing 34 years ago tomorrow morning. The mystery of his disappearance may have been solved today.

Was Dominique Strauss-Kahn Set Up?

New head-scratching revelations in the Dominique Strauss-Kahn case.

New York City’s Police State

The NYPD is wantonly violating the 1st Amendment.

Occupy Wall Street After Zuccotti Eviction

Now that Occupy Wall Street is unable to occupy Wall Street, its leaders will have to come up with new ways to keep the pressure on. Some crazies are threatening to take the movement over in the meantime.

NYPD Clears Occupy Wall Street Campers From Zucotti Park

New York Police dealt a major blow to Occupy Wall Street overnight.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn And “Innocent Until Proven Guilty”

Further thoughts on Dominique Strauss-Kahn and our justice system.

The Odd French Reaction To The Arrest Of Dominique Strauss-Kahn

Some French politicians and intellectuals seem offended that Dominique Strauss-Kahn is being treated like a common criminal.

Judge Sentences Racist Juror to Indefinite Jury Duty

Another bizarre case from the annals of rogue judges and runaway sentencing.