Caption Contest Winners

The Chick of the Sea Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.


(AFP/SNM/HO/Birgitte Rubaek)


First: FormerHostage – First leaked photo of Tim Burton’s remake of “The Little Mermaid.”

Second: MikeM – America’s Next Top Model: Amazon River Edition.

Third: Maggie Mama – There’s a great new diet drug on the market but unfortunately it comes with unexpected side effects.


markm – OBAMACARE…nuthin’ fishy about it.

Doug MataconisThere’s something not quite right with Kate Moss this morning.

elliot- I think Tatiana over-did the Bulemia thing a little too much…..

Wyatt EarpMary Kate Olsen makes the cover of the SI Swimsuit issue.

Scotty – We discovered mermaids are real but the Bush administration killed them all

Roger McGaugh – Look what Obamacare did to me.


“Toldya not to release the Kraken.”

“Detroit’s stripping of scrap metal has gone to far.”

“…scaled my fins and wrecked ’em”

Argonaut Flapper

“Just for the halibut.”

“Not tonight, I have a haddock.”

Obama: “Now that authorizing offshore drilling will benefit my political career, I don’t think it will harm anyone.”

The gardengnomeMonday Contest has already started a beer summit.

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Rodney Dill
About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.


  1. elliot says:

    Thanks for the HM – Elliot

  2. Maggie Mama says:

    Thanks for #3.

    Re-reading some of the bottom of the barrel brought a few giggles this morning. I do quite a bit of fishing and especially appreciated these two:

    “Just for the halibut.”

    “Not tonight, I have a haddock.”

    I won’t make the obligatory comment about shooting fish in a barrel. Perhaps you need to do a little more fishing, Dill!

  3. FormerHostage says:

    Perhaps you need to do a little more fishing, Dill!

    He can’t afford to, he only works for scale.

  4. rodney dill says:

    Nineveh Covergirl

    There were a lot of fish puns left on the table…
    I cod go on forever.