Chris Matthews for Senate?

At least two statewide Pennsylvania polls have shown that “Hardball” host Chris Matthews would be a serious contender if he chose to challenge Arlen Specter for the Senate in 2010 and Matthews has indicated that he has at least some interest in running, WaPo’s Chris Cillizza reports.

Matthews would be an interesting candidate.  His “Hardball” personality is annoying and frenetic for my tastes but he’s a much more likable fellow in his eponymous Sunday morning show.   Clearly, the media is a viable route to higher office, with comedian and minor talk show host Al Franken still in a recount battle with incumbent Norm Coleman for that seat representing Minnesota in the Senate.

There’s a real question, too, as to whether Specter will be up for yet another term.  In addition to having some serious health problems, being in the minority for the foreseeable future — after having held important committee chairmanships — can’t be all that much fun.

FILED UNDER: 2010 Election, US Politics, , , , , , , , ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Triumph says:

    Don’t forget that he ran before for the House and got spanked.

    Also, he is different from Stuart Smalley in that he actually worked in Congress and the Executive branch for several years.

  2. Floyd says:

    I guess the clowns always want to be Ringmasters!
    For some years now the average “journalist ego” would dwarf a Macy’s Balloon.
    Of course the balloon has more of substance to offer the discourse,even if it IS only the helium voice!

  3. LFC says:

    I think that YouTube and archival footage makes it awfully hard for a TV personality to run for office. A person like that says lots of unaccountable and intentionally controversial things for entertainment purposes, so some are bound to make great ad fodder.

    Recall what happened to Pat Buchannan when he ran for President. Remember the supposed questioning of the Holocaust? Now I think Pat is a flaming a**hole, but I certainly don’t believe that he ever seriously questioned whether or not the Holocaust occurred. He was just trying to be controversial for his TV audience, as his job dictated, but that doesn’t matter. He was crushed by the weight of that one comment.

  4. Let’s say Specter doesn’t run, is there any Republican who could win statewide in Pennsylvania right now ?

    Lynn Swann ran against Ed Rendell and got swamped.

    Rick Santorum wouldn’t have a chance in the present climate.

    So, if the Dems have a chance at a real pickup in PA, would they really want to risk running a blowhard like Matthews with no real ties to the state ?

  5. G.A.Phillips says:

    Chris Matthews for Senate? hell I get a tingle running down my leg every time I see his fat face. It reminds me of the time when I was a small boy on the school pumpkin farm field trip, I sneaked off to to get a Better look at a 600 pound pumpkin, had to wee and peed on the electric fence.

  6. Zelsdorf Ragshaft III says:

    Mathews is perfect for the Dems in the Senate. He lacks honesty, has no honor and a complete partisan. Intellectually challenged, he should be well placed in a Demcratically controlled Senate.

  7. Drew says:

    I’m concerned about the implications for public health and janitorial requirements (not to mention his dry cleaning bills) at Obama’s State of the Union messages…………

  8. tom p says:

    Mathews is perfect for the Dems in the Senate. He lacks honesty, has no honor and a complete partisan. Intellectually challenged, he should be well placed in a Demcratically controlled Senate.

    Zelsdorf. I had to back and read James’ post 2 or 3 times… I mean you just described the perfect Bush era Republican. (read, my own Kit “Backstroke” Bond)

  9. Floyd says:

    tom p;
    What are ya? A Democrat?….Think up your own insults![lol]

  10. Dantheman says:

    “would they really want to risk running a blowhard like Matthews with no real ties to the state ?”

    I’ll agree he’s a blowhard, and I’d shudder to think of him as a senator. Much as I dislike Darlin’ Arlen, I’d vote for him over Matthews.

    However, Matthews was raised less than 1 mile from me in NE Philly. His brother Jim is a Montgomery County Commissioner (and a Republican). I’ve heard this one rumored for at least 2 years.

    As to who could win, assuming Specter (currently 78 and twice afflicted with cancer) and Rendell (65 in January) don’t run, I suspect one or more Congressmen will run (Gerlach for the Republicans and Patrick Murphy for the Democrats would be readonable guesses), as well as the persons reelected to statewide offices last week, Attorney General Corbett (R) and Auditor General Wagner (D).

  11. Andre Kenji says:

    Stuart Smalley almost ruined what would be an easy ellection for the Dems. It would be stupid to repeat the same error.

  12. Floyd says:

    Heck, he could easily win, just like Alaska And Minnesota!