Fourth Blogiversary

OTB turned four last Wednesday. I usually remember such things but between the California trip and work on an outside writing project, it slipped my mind.

My first post* at Outside the Beltway was at 9:37 a.m. on Friday, January 31, 2003. This is my 14,368th post. My co-authors and guest bloggers have added another 2,313: Steve Verdon, 627; Rodney Dill, 601; Robert Tagorda, 240; Kate McMillan, 281; Leopold Stotch, 152; Greg Tinti, 136; Richard Gardner, 76; Alex Knapp, 58; Chris Lawrence, 46; Robert Prather, 34; Steven Taylor, 18; Dave Schuler, 18; John Burgess, 15; Steve Bainbridge, 6; and Athena, 5. That’s a total of 16,681 posts, which works out to 4,170 a year and about 11-1/2 posts a day.

The big developments over the past year were the addition of Knapp, Prather, and Lawrence to the permanent staff and the launching of the Gone Hollywood, OTB Sports and OTB News sideblogs. Gone Hollywood is, as anticipated, generating far more traffic these days than the main site and OTB Sports is slowly building up steam with the addition of nearly two dozen beat writers. OTB News was largely stillborn, although I may revive it if I can come up with a more workable vision for the site.

As always, many thanks to all those who’ve visited, commented, and linked over the past four years.



*That post, and the first three months’ worth, were at Blogspot at a URL that has since been hijacked. Thankfully, all the posts were migrated to this domain.

FILED UNDER: Blogosphere, OTB History, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Congrats on four years! I always enjoy reading OTB, and I hope for many, many more years 🙂

  2. Congrats on four great years!

  3. Maggie says:

    Haaaa-py Birthday!

    Haaaa-py Birthday, Bab-yeeeeee.

    We love you soooooo! ! ! ! ! !