Republicans Splitting On 14th Amendment “Reform”

There isn’t as much GOP unity over the idea of changing America’s citizenship rules as you might think.

Radioactive Boar Incidents on the Rise

German government payments compensating hunters for lost income due to radioactive boar have quadrupled since 2007.

Afghanistan: NATO’s Time Running Out

Holland became the first NATO member to pull out of Afghanistan. How long before the rest follow?

Birthright Citizenship Review

Senate Republicans want to rethink the 14th Amendment’s automatic citizenship for people born in the U.S.

Is The Right Losing Its Mind ?

American Conservatism has changed significantly since the days of William F. Buckley Jr. One former National Review editor says that it’s changed for the worse.

Three Different Takes on the Leaked “War Logs”

Three different ways they’re viewing the leaked “war logs” across the Pond.

Not Every Soldier Is A “Hero”

Contrary to what you read on bumper stickers, retired Lt. Col William Astore argues that not every soldier is a hero. He’s right.

Daniel Schorr Dead at 93

Daniel Schorr’s journalism career ended far too early, lasting a mere eighty-one years.

Support Our (German) Troops

Feldpost für unsere Soldaten is a campaign recognizing the sacrifices of German soldiers fighting in Afghanistan.

Europe ‘Crisis’ Overblown

My latest for The National Interest, arguing that the talk of crisis in Europe is overblown, is up. Naturally, they’ve titled it “Crisis in the EU.”

Obama Loses Deficit Spending Argument At G-20 Summit

President Obama’s powers of persuasion were severely lacking at the G-20 Summit this weekend.

Hitler Comparisons and Bad History

Contrary to popular belief, Adolf Hitler didn’t come to power by democratic means or because of his ability to whip the public into a frenzy.

G-20 Shows US-Europe Divide

The European drive — led by Germany, naturally — to tighten spending to get their fiscal house in order and the Obama administration’s insistence on Keynesian stimulus will make for tense negotiations at the G20 Summit.

Our Greek Cousin

Taxes Per Person

Old Photos

Scorpions Break Up

Polling in Afghanistan

A Few Euros Short