The Background Check Deal: Grandstanding Or Good Idea?

The Manchin/Toomey proposal on background checks isn’t perfect, but it isn’t horrible either.

Secret McConnell Tape Records Politicians Being Politicial

Mother Jones’s recording of a secret McConnell campaign strategy meeting is much less than meets the eye.

The Odd Politics Of The GOP’s Gun Control Filibuster

The GOP’s decision to filibuster the Senate Gun Control Bill doesn’t make a lot of political sense.

Odds Of A Democratic House Takeover Low

The odds for a party switch in the House of Representatives remain quite low.

One Congressman’s Fate Demonstrates What’s Wrong With The GOP

One Virginia Republican Member of Congress recently got a lesson in what going against the GOP’s hyperpartisan atmosphere feels like.

The Filibuster And Judicial Nominations

The Judicial Confirmation process needs to be fixed.

A DOMA Confrontation was Inevitable

DOMA’s trip to SCOTUS was practically baked into the legislation.

Rand Paul’s Fatally Flawed Immigration Reform Plan

Senator Rand Paul has stepped into the immigration debate, but his plan is less than desirable.

Senator Rob Portman Comes Out In Support Of Same-Sex Marriage

Senator Rob Portman changes his position on same-sex marriage. Another sign of the times.

Judicial Confirmation Crisis

The D.C. Circuit now has four vacancies out of eleven seats.

Paul Ryan’s Budget Plan Is Not Serious

The Chairman of the House Budget Committee is proposing a budget that is based largely on fantasy.

Republican Hill Staffers Jumping Ship

Frustrated Republican health care staffers are leaving the Hill for lucrative positions on K Street.

Why Rand Paul’s Filibuster Mattered

Rand Paul’s filibuster is one that all American’s should thank him for that.

Rand Paul Filibustering Brennan Nomination

Mr. Paul Goes To Washington.