Christine O’Donnell In 1996: Investigate “Murder” Of Vince Foster

The videotapes of Christine O’Donnell from the 1990s are proving to be a treasure trove of 90s-era conservative conspiracy theories:

During an appearance on C-Span — the same interview previously highlighted by the Huffington Post, in which O’Donnell discussed the need to crack down on lewd pop culture — O’Donnell complained about the ethics investigations of Gingrich.

“I think it’s very interesting that President Clinton has come on a lot more charges and a lot more serious charges than what Newt Gingrich is being charged on, yet we’re not making as big of an issue, we’re not forcing that he go to trial,” said O’Donnell. “We’re not giving people like Paula Jones a fair trial, we’re not giving the case of Vincent Foster a fair trial — when there is a lot more empirical evidence that Clinton is involved in wrongdoing.”

After a further exchange with her sparring partner, Jamal Harrison Bryant of the NAACP, O’Donnell continued to explain the issue.

“Well, I think people are out on a witch hunt for Newt Gingrich,” said O’Donnell. “They’re just seeking anything to bring against him, because if you look at the charges, failing to seek legal advice on his tax exempt status. By no means am I dismissing the charge, but when you look in comparison, the beast of Whitewater that Bill Clinton is involved in and the little attention that that is getting, and the little serious investigation that that is getting.

“Bill Clinton is charged of — for much more serious accounts of fraud than a mistake that Newt Gingrich got in. If you examine almost anybody’s tax records you can find something to charge them on. I hate to admit, but taxes are very complicated, so you can find something to bring almost anybody.

“And then there’s also the issue of murder with Vincent Foster. That’s a much more serious charge than failing to seek legal advice, and yet we’re all just blowing that off, and everybody’s trying to focus on Newt Gingrich like a witch hunt, to bring him to the stake and burn him, because they don’t like the policy that he’s behind. And unfortunately, the policy that he reps works, so if you can’t attack the policy, they’re trying to attack the man behind it.”

In reality, of course, Foster’s tragic death was thoroughly investigated and unanimously ruled to be suicide by official sources.

One is led to believe that we’ll see a steady stream of this between now and Election Day, and unless Delaware turns out to be a previously unknown having of conspiracy theory addicts, I doubt it will go over well.

FILED UNDER: 2010 Election, US Politics, , , , , , , , , , ,
Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.


  1. John Distefano says:

    Nice Doug – so you started working with MoDo for the Coons campaign?

  2. Pointing out that O”Donnell is a gadfly does not mean I support Chris Coons.

  3. Steve Plunk says:

    Doug,  We’re still speculating about the Kennedy assassination.  In the 80’s I believe Congress re-investigated the crime.  One investigation doesn’t always close the book on something.  I’m sure she has let it go.

  4. mantis says:

    Doug,  We’re still speculating about the Kennedy assassination.
    Who, you and the rest of the nutty conspiracy theorists? I’ve got a tip for your.  Oswald did it.

  5. James says:

    Bending the curve down, more like a swerve to the left.
    I’m not sure your opinion is “Net Neutral”.
    The bigger picture is Constitutional authority to Abuse the Commerce Clause.
    Anchor Baby is “Mythological Therapy”.
    James from the flat lands of Texas

  6. Juneau: says:

    @ Mataconis
    Pointing out that O”Donnell is a gadfly does not mean I support Chris Coons.

    Good.  Then why don’t you try pointing out some of the negatives of Coons to show you can be impartial?  This is about the 6th topic you’ve started which highlights your idea of “interesting” aspects about O’Donnell.  Funny how you just can’t seem to find anything “interesting” about democrat opponents of Tea Party candidates.

  7. An Interested Party says:

    “I’m sure she has let it go.”

    The fact that she ever held it to begin with says something about her…

  8. Smooth Jazz says:

    “The videotapes of Christine O’Donnell from the 1990s are proving to be a treasure trove of 90s-era conservative conspiracy theories:

    LOL, Mr Daily KOS II strikes again – huffiing & puffing with glee about a refreshing candidate’s long ago meanderings. Keep on keeping on dredging up this stuff. This candidate will continue to rake in huge $. Btw, How come nothing on this site about Cocoon’s Marxist & Kenyan views<LOL> Rest assured, the world will know soon even if it doesn’t appear on the Huffington Posts of the world.

  9. Smooth Jazz says:

    <Good.  Then why don’t you try pointing out some of the negatives of Coons to show you can be impartial?  This is about the 6th topic you’ve started which highlights your idea of “interesting” aspects about O’Donnell.> 

    Of course, he won’t pursue the Coocon’s Marxist, Kenyans rule the world comments. He’s too busy salivating with the Kos & Democratic Underground crowd at the irrevelant, youthful shenanigans of Ms O’Donnell. 

  10. JoeInMD says:

    Try checking sources before you cite them.

    “Well sure, but the link to the investigation in Mataconis’ post recites that the official Starr report on the investigation was released in 1997, after the tape of O’Donnell.”

  11. And the Starr report indicates that the Park Police and Fiske Investigations were completed in 1993 and 1994 respectively.

    By the time Ken Starr got to this, the only people who still believed that Vince Foster didn’t commit suicide were the same conspiracy loons who believed in black helicopters and Bill Clinton’s involvement in drug running out of an airport in Mena, Arkansas

  12. mantis says:

    By the time Ken Starr got to this, the only people who still believed that Vince Foster didn’t commit suicide were the same conspiracy loons who believed in black helicopters and Bill Clinton’s involvement in drug running out of an airport in Mena, Arkansas
    They still do.

  13. Zelsdorf Ragshaft III says:

    FOAD Mantis.  What was it in Foster’s life that caused him to kill himself?  Motive?  He certainly had not tendencies and he left no note.  The gun was not still in his hand and if you think Park police can do an adequate job of investigating a death you are very easily satisfied.  Bill Clinton had a very checkered past.  I know Juanita Broaddrick lied about being raped and all the women who accused him were liars, but it turns out he was the liar.  After all, he did not have sex with that Lewenski woman.  Mantis if you think Oswald did it, if Kennedy was shot from behind, how did the bullet blow his brains out the back of his head?  You probably never shot anyone.  The pictures I have seen of the killing would defy the laws of physics for the bullet to have struck from the rear and bullets from the gun Oswald supposedly used drill clean holes.  Go shoot something Mantis, like yourself, and see which side the stuff comes out of.  The side the bullet hits or the side it exits.

  14. anjin-san says:

    Ken Starr has a Kenyan worldview. It’s a well known fact.

  15. Zelsdorf Ragshaft III says:

    Doug it would be nice if you did some investigating as to what Chris Coons meant when he wrote “The making of a Bearded Marxist”  I know, he was only 21, but when did he renounce his belief in Marxism?  He went to Kenya a conservative and came back a Marxist.  Where is Obama’s father from?  They got communists in Kenya?  There may be a pattern here.  You will not even look at it will you?

  16. Sirkowski says:

    You don’t believe in <a href=””>Black Helicopters</a>? COMMUNIST DETECTED! DERP DERP

  17. Smooth Jazz says:

    <Doug it would be nice if you did some investigating as to what Chris Coons meant when he wrote “The making of a Bearded Marxist”>

    I think hell freezes over before that happens. It is obvious Coons is off limits is on this blog. You can tell from the snarky “unless Delaware turns out to be a previously unknown having of conspiracy theory addicts” comments suggesting Ms O’Donnell is a kook where this blog is coming from. This blog in on par with Think Progress, Crooks & Liars, TPMC, KOS, et al in whacking the Repubs while Ds like Coons avoid scrutiny. Why else would he avoid even mentioning Coons sojourn to Kenyan while in his 20s, while playing up O’Donnell’s comments while she was in her 20s.

  18. If you provide me with a link showing where Coons made that statement and the context in which is was made, rather than just repeating the nonsense that Glenn, Rush, Sean, and Mark spew every day, I’ll take a look at it

  19. narciso says:

    Maybe if you actually did the tiniest bit of research on your own Doug;

  20. And, as I suspected, reading the Politico articles confirms that this appears to be what I thought it was. Much ado about nothing.

    Is Chris Coons a Democrat ? Yes

    Would I vote for him ? No

    Does that mean I want to see Christine O’Donnell win ? No

  21. Pug says:

    You probably never shot anyone.

    And you have?

  22. G.A.Phillips says:

    rather than just repeating the nonsense that Glenn, Rush, Sean, and Mark spew every day, I’ll take a look at it

    lol 🙂 This blog in on par with Think Progress, Crooks & Liars, TPMC, KOS, et al in whacking the Repubs while Ds like Coons avoid scrutiny.

    Well the new guy, for sure.