SCOTUS Rejects Appeal of BLM Leader Sued For Attack by Protestor

A longstanding precedent may be in jeopardy.

Alabama Remains Defiant

Legislature poised to approve new districts that appear to violate a federal court order.

DeSantis Pandering to the Deplorables

Out Trumping Trump is possible because of Trump.

Moving Away From Off-Off Year Elections

Localities are consolidating local elections to coincide with national ones. Some don’t like that.

Protesting the New Superintendent

An odd kerfuffle in local education politics.

Are Helmet Laws Racist?

Surprisingly, yes.

Racial Impacts of the Interstate in Montgomery, AL

Another example for the conversation.

An Example of Illegal Voting

An arrest underscores what the problem isn’t.

SCOTUS Strikes Down Disclosure Law

Another 6-3 decision along ideological lines.

Nikole Hannah-Jones Suing for Tenure at Place She Doesn’t Work

A truly bizarre controversy at Chapel Hill.

Chadwick Boseman Dead at 43

The actor best known for his roles as Jackie Robinson and Black Panther has been lost to cancer.

Amy Klobuchar Withdraws from Race She Wasn’t In

The Senator from Minnesota is no longer a candidate for Vice President.

Deval Patrick Enters Presidential Race

Former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick has entered the race for the Democratic Presidential nomination

Congressman Elijah Cummings Dead At 68

An iconic and honorable Member of Congress has passed away.

Alabama Governor Apologizes For College Blackface Incident

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey is the latest politician to apologize for donning blackface while she was in college.

Sanders Calls for Private Charter School Ban

I’m not sure his solution is correct or even legal. But the problem is very real.

Time to Reconsider New York Times v Sullivan?

Justice Clarence Thomas argues that a 55-year-old precedent should be overturned.

Alabama Editor Calls for Ku Klux Klan to Clean out DC

The end of racism may have been prematurely declared.

Northam Refuses To Resign, Denies Racist Photos Are Of Him

Despite overwhelming calls for his resignation, Ralph Northam is refusing to step down as Governor of Virginia.

Virginia Governor Faces Pressure To Resign Over Racist Yearbook Photos

National and Virginia Democratic officials are calling on Virginia Governor Ralph Northam to resign over racist photos in his 1984 medical school yearbook.

Ronald Reagan’s Lesson For Donald Trump On Responding To Hate And Bigotry

Thirty-seven years ago, Ronald Reagan spoke out against hatred and bigotry in a way that the current President refuses to do.

Federal Judge Strikes Down State Law Targeting Boycotts Aimed At Israel

For the second time this year, a Federal Court has struck down a state law designed to punish businesses that engage in a boycott aimed at Israel.

Federal Judge Deals Another Blow To Trump’s DACA Order

Another Federal Judge has dealt a legal blow to President Trump’s effort to shut down the DACA program.

Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Civil Asset Forfeiture Case

We may finally get a ruling applying the Excessive Fine Clause to the states and limiting the ability of police to confiscate property.

Trump’s DACA Order Suffers Another Loss In Court

The Trump Administration has suffered another setback in its efforts to repeal DACA.

[Death penalty - image of a stretcher with shackles] [Death penalty - image of a stretcher with shackles]

Alabama Executes Walter Leroy Moody, Perpetrator of Racist Bombing Spree

If we’re going to have a death penalty, he was its poster boy.

Linda Brown, Plaintiff In Brown v. Board of Education, Dies At 75

A woman who was at the center of one of the most important Supreme Court cases in American history has died at the age of 75.

‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ And ‘Huckleberry Finn’ Banned By Minnesota School District

Two classic pieces of American Literature have been banned from the curriculum in Duluth, Minnesota. This is a mistake.

Federal Court Strikes Down Law Requiring State Contractors To Promise They Won’t Boycott Israel

A Federal Judge In Kansas has blocked enforcement of a state law barring anyone who does business with the state from engaging in a boycott of Israel.

More Lawsuits Filed Over Trump’s Decision To End DACA

The Trump Administration has been hit with two new lawsuits over the President’s decision to end the DACA program.

Federal Judge Strikes Down Texas Voter ID Law

Texas suffers another legal setback in its effort to pass a Voter ID law.

Presidents Reagan And Obama Teach Trump How To Respond To Racism And Hate

Some Presidents knew how to respond to racism and hatred. The current President doesn’t.

Federal Courts Strike Down Voter ID Laws In Wisconsin, North Carolina

Big losses for proponents of Voter ID laws in two swing states.

Ben Carson, Political Ignoramus

While a brilliant and accomplished man, he’s absolutely clueless about politics and world affairs.

A New Era for Conservatives?

The events of the past two weeks could allow the Republican Party to move forward.

Nine Dead In Shooting At African-American Church In Charleston, South Carolina

Nine people died overnight in a shooting at an historic African-American Church in Charleston, South Carolina.

The Strange Case Of Rachel Dolezal

The head of the Spokane NAACP has apparently been lying about her racial background, and that’s led to a whole other argument.

Mississippi 1964? No, Missouri 2014

But, hey, don’t worry, there’s nothing racial going on here. Nothing at all.

Fifth Circuit Allows Texas Voter ID Law To Remain In Effect

After a setback, Texas will be allowed to enforce its Voter ID law. At least for now.

Federal Judge Voids Changes In Ohio Early Voting Law In A Troubling Decision

A Federal Judge in Ohio has issued a very troubling ruling on that state’s early voting law.

Federal Judge Rejects Voting Rights Challenge To North Carolina Ballot Changes

A major voting rights ruling out of North Carolina.

Unanimous SCOTUS Decisions Do Not Mean The Losing Side’s Arguments Were ‘Extreme’

We’ve seen a notable number of 9-0 Supreme Court decisions this term, but that doesn’t mean that the side that lost was making an extreme or meritless argument.

Rand Paul The GOP Frontrunner?

Calling anyone a front-runner in a race where we’re still two years away from anyone casting votes is silly. Nonetheless, Rand Paul is an interesting guy to watch for those wondering if the GOP has actually changed.

Michelle Howard Navy’s First Female 4-Star Admiral

Michelle Howard has become the highest ranking woman in the history of the US Navy–and the US military, period.

Civil Rights Charges Against George Zimmerman Would Be Completely Inappropriate

Evidence that George Zimmerman acted out of racial bias is completely lacking, which means the Federal Government should stay out of this case entirely.

President Obama Urges Respect for Zimmerman Acquittal; Silent on DOJ Action

The president says we should honor Trayvon Martin by preventing similar tragedies in the future.

In Challenge To Senate GOP, Obama Names Three Judges To D.C. Circuit

President Obama threw down a gauntlet today in the form of a trio of Judicial nominations.